Chapter 11

(Part one: A Way Out)

Tokyo barely woke up as she noticed where she was, her face turn to a dark red while looks at John's face "He seems so peaceful" She got then jumped on him "WAKE UP stupid" She yelled, as she landed her knees straight in his stomach "Ugh!!" John screamed as he hold his stomach "goo- goodmorning" he says with a groan and holds his stomach lightly "You sleep too much" Tokyo said as she stretch and keep her face turn away from him not revealing that she was blushing. John got up as he patted her head, while he looked around for away out "Hmm I could try punching a hole in but i don't know, if it will work" he said, as he sat on a rock "Hey we just gotta keep looking, even tho it's getting hot in here" Tokyo said as she slowly started sweating "Yeah I agree" John says as he sighed from the heat "This heat is nasty" John said as he took off his shirt then lay it on a rock, as he faces the other way "What are you doing?!" Tokyo said as he took off his shirt "The heat is killing me so I'm gonna chill" John said as he relaxed. As he said this Tokyo did the same with her shirt then faced the other way and relaxed abit

(Pasding Point: The Target)

Dan was on his roof looking down on the city "I need to find where John is at" Dan was getting annoyed waiting for some clue until he heard Allen talking about john "There you are" Dan said as he took one leap, flying towards Allen

(Part Two: The End Of the Fox?!?!)

Allen was busy walking through town as he was on the phone with someone "Hey Ben yeah we need back up, don't worry brother I'm staying safe. I did meet John he's good" He said with a smile on his face having at everyone "Yeah, make sure the people John saved are safe" He said abit worried "No worries I'm taking them somewhere safe, goodbye brother stay safe" Ben said as Allen hanged up "So I need to call John in abit and tell him where were at-" as he said this, his phone was shot out of his hand. As he looked up to see who fired, he saw it was Dan who shot the phone out of his hand "So you know where John is" Dan said with bloodlust pouring out his body without any control "Sup you must be Dan" Allen said as his fox tail and ears appeared as his eyes turn gold "So YoU wAnT tO tRy AnD fIgHt Me" Dan said with demonic voice and grin across his face. Allen gulped as a single sweat goes down his face, because he knows a powerful foe stands in front of him. But he saw more of a demon then a foe "Let's go" He put up his fist in a counter position, because he only train in medic skills, sniping skills, and counter fighting style "Ooooo interesting, but I don't want to this fight to last so long" Dan said sounding abit annoyed, as he pulls out a black katana with dark red aggresive aura around the blade "So DiE fOr Me" Dan said while he swang his blade towards Allen "shiii-" Allen yelped as he barely dodged, but the building behind him wasn't so lucky it was cut in half. "I guess I gotta hold him off, until I get some back up" he mumbled to himself as Dan walks towards him

(Passing Point: The New Boss)

Ethan was sitting rewatching the clip of Dan killing the boss "Is this the new you?" He whispered to himself until he was told the boss has ordered him to check on some plans "alright I'll get to it" he said as he got up and headed towards a table of plans

(Part Three: Calling It In)

Ethan was studying plans he had set out, ever since Dan became the boss "Hmmmm how should we handle these problems" He mumbled to himself as he stroke his chin "Sir Sir Sir!!!??!?! DAN RIPPING THE CITY APART!!!!!!" A man came running in screaming as he seemed out of breathe "Get the chopper ready were going to stop him" Ethan demanded as he throws the plans on the floor and walks out the room "Rex meet us in the middle of town we need to stop the boss" Ethan instructed on his coms "Alright let's go" Rex replied. As Ethan and Rex got to there chopper, they see Jack was waiting for them "So ready to end this?" Jack said as he pointed a gun at them "Not the time" Ethan replied sounding very annoyed "We have to go stop our boss before he rips the whole city apart" he said as he gets in the chopper. Jack knows he has a shot to end Ethan and Rex, but he can feel Dan's energy from there "Fine a truce until we stop him" he says as he gets in with them

(The next chapter will be a climax for what's to come, don't miss it. Or you gonna be confused when everything comes crashing down)