Chapter 12

(Part One: Allen vs. Dan)

Allen barely dodges a swing from Dan sword, only getting a small cut off the top. "Damn I needed a hair cut, thank you" Allen said jokingly, trying to distract his attention away from the smell of death. "Hey buddy can't we just talk this out?" He says right before Dan try to take his head, but he barely ducks. "Phew, you can take an eye out with that dude" He says with a chuckle, and jumps back. "You think this is a game?" Dan said sounding frustrated, while his aura spiked. "You will die now!!!!!!" He shouted as he throws a max punch at Allen. Right when Dan fist connected he was blasted back into a wall. "You shouldn't underestimate me" Allen says with a smug smile as his eyes go dark red, while his fox ears and tails go black. "Your gonna fight the real me" He says sounding confident while he glares at Dan as he slowly gets into his fighting stance "You really ain't no normal human, are you?" Dan says as he gets out the wall and shook off the dust as if it was nothing. "What happen to the chocolate milk loving dude I was fighting" He says as he growls from the excitement. "Bring it this time" Allen says with a smug look as he points at Dan "You really trying to die aren't you" Dan says sounding abit annoyed while he dashes at Allen, with his fist up in a blocking position. As he made it within four feet of Allen, Allen gave Dan a kick right in the chin. "GAaaagghh!!!!" Dan held his chin as he groan in pain. Allen took this chance, he did a high kick towards Dan's left ear then took a shot at his right ear. Allen jumped back before Dan could counter "your willing to die for these humans" Dan says sounding hella pissed as he puts his jaw back into place "Bitch you know what humans do to this planet and all it's creatures" he grunted as his aura spiked more then before "Damn I might lose an arm after this" Allen said abit nervous about the thought "Bring it furball" Dan dashes at Allen faster then before, sending everything flying, from the force of his dash. "Shiiii-" Allen said as if he had no time to say anything else, he hurried and kicked towards Dan's fist hoping to counter it. All you felt was a big gust of wind flying in all directions "That kinda sting but" Dan said as he let his guard down and put his knuckles back into place. "Y-yeah th-thank you" Allen says in agony as he holds his broken leg. Until he noticed a chopper coming their way. "So how lucky are you" Allen says with a chuckle and stands up, as Dan takes a swing at Allen head.

(Passing point: Before the Calvary)

"So what is Dan" Jack question while he glares at Rex and Ethan "Someone way stronger then us fighting by our selves" Ethan trying to help them see the obvious. "I don't understand, long as I get to shoot something" Rex pointed out. "Well anyway I'll ju-" Right before Jack could finish his sentence he noticed Dan was about to take his final swing at Allen, making Ethan, Rex and Jack jump out the chopper.

(Part Two: The Calvary Is Here)

Jack stands in front of Allen, blocking Dan's attacks "Were here to put you down roki" Jack said while he took a swing at Dan, making Dan jump back to dodge. But right when he jumped back Ethan kicked him in the ribs cracking a few of them, as Rex shot both of Dan knee caps. "FUCK!!!! Fighting three guys who know what their doing, is gonna be kinda hard" Dan said as he try to hold back the pain to scream in agony. "Don't pretend you can't feel the pain" Ethan says with a dark expression as he punches Dan in the throat sending him flying up a building. "Ugh!!?!?" Dan spits blood when the punch landed, as he was thrown to the top of the building. Jack was waiting there and punched Dan in his spine, as he holds Dan arms behind his back while Rex puts a few bullets in Dan chest. "Combo Drive!!!" Ethan and Jack screamed as they both grabbed Dan arms and swang towards the ground. Right when they reached the ground, they slammed Dan body deep into it. They stared down at him, waiting to see if he makes a move "I'll say I really been beaten" Dan says as he lays in the hole groaning in pain "Hurry and get up, we know that's not all you got" Ethan said with no hesitation to what he might regret "yOu GoT iT tHeN" Dan says in a demonic tone as his aura spiked, causing them to jump back at the increased in power. "Shit!!! Get ready!!!!" He says right before he gets sucker punch in the gut, he still try to fight the pain while he holds onto Dan arm. Ethan try to kick Dan in the face, but Dan headbutt Ethan knee while Rex jumps behind Dan and aims at his back, right before he gets kicked in the ribs. Allen caught Jack, helping him "Four on one go!!!" Jack shouted while in pain as they took off, while Rex provided cover fire. Ethan took a punch from Dan so he could put Dan's arm into a arm lock, as Allen puts Dan's other arm into a arm lock as well. Jack took this opportunity to repeatedly punch Dan in the gut aggressively not letting up, as Rex took shots at Dan's joints, not missing a single shot. Jack hurried and put Roki in a head lock as he looks at Broken. "Take the shot now!!!!" Ethan, Allen and Jack screamed as they struggled to hold Dan, until an explosion send them all flying in different directions.

(Passing Point: Human Revolution)

"So its been decided" A man in a suit says as he looks at the map curiously "Yes its time for the humans to fight back" Another man said in a forceful tone "Alright alright, send in the military and take them all out" Another made said without hesitation "You heard him get to it that's an order" A man demanded while shouting on coms.

(Part Three: The Military fighting for the human race)

"We missed, load that cannon with another missile, NOW!!!!!" A man ordered as he looks through his binoculars. "Their not so tuff their a bunch of-" He didn't get finish his sentence due to a car taking off the top part of his body. "Shit!!!" Jack got up and speed off to Dan, with blood lost pouring from his eyes. When he arrived next to Dan, he gave him an upper cut hitting Dan in the neck. But, Jack didn't realize his arm was missing. "The Fuck-" He said sounding shocked, not being able to do anything. "You never had a shot" Dan said with a dark expression and frown across his face, as he kicks Jack away from him and goes back to slaughtering the military. Allen gets pissed by the sight of this and runs in front of Dan without thinking ahead. Because the second Dan punched him in the side, Allen regretted his decision as he went flying. Broken loaded his sniper "Shit just me and Ethan left..." He sounded abit defeated as he looks down. "We got this" Ethan says nervously as he gets up and runs at Dan "Ugh...again" Dan said sounding very annoyed as he swings at Ethan face, but Ethan counters and chops Dan in the neck while Rex shoots Dan's hands. He then Stomps in Dan knee while dodging another punch, he then slipped behind Dan and landed a few punches into his back. Ethan try going for Dan's neck until Dan counters and suckers punches Ethan's stomach deeply. Dan then rapidly punch Ethan over and over, breaking a few of his bones. "Thank you for your service" Dan says as he punches through Ethan's chest. "ugh....." Ethan coughed up blood covering the ground with it, he could barely keep his eyes open as he falls to the ground with a hole in his chest. Allen eyes widened as he runs towards Ethan, while dodging a few bullets here and there. "Hey come on wake up, Hey!!!" Allen clenched his fist as he looks at the sky. "God give us a fighting chance!!!!!!!"

(Passing Point: The Feeling Of Death)

John woke up and rubbed his eyes as he pat Tokyo head. "What time is it?" He said to himself as he gets up and look at his phone. "it's dead, damn" He tossed his phone on the ground while he lays back down. "hmmm goodmorning stupid" Tokyo said yawning as she rubbed her eyes. "goodmorning" John replied. "were still stuck here aren't we" Tokyo question. "Yeah I guess so-" Right before John could finish his sentence he felt a dark energy coming from miles in a certain direction. "We need to get back to town and quick" He said getting up and looks at the rocks. "hmmm? what's going on" Tokyo looked confused until she could smell the energy and looked at John. "you planned to fight this energy?..." She looked at him, with a curious look. John replied by sending all the rocks flying opening a entrance. "who knows" John said as he sounded nervous.

(roll roll to the next chapter if you wanna see what's gonna happen, and thank you for all your support it's nice writing this book. see y'all there)