Finding Sisters (1/2) (Finding Dory/Nemo Reference, lol)

After the broadcast ended, the figures gone to a frenzy, they attacked the closest human. Screams could be heard everywhere but those screams caused the zombies to be much fiercer.

'So they're attracted to sound huh', Mark thought as he looked at the zombies. After observing for a while, Mark said, "Let's go!", to Elaine and ran towards the parking lot in which he parked his car.

'So these guys are basically zombies. The living dead, attracted to sound, and can only be killed if shot in the head', Mark quickly went to a conclusion. Everything matched up, it was a zombie apocalypse happening.

'But how can zombies appear, is this another experiment thing, this is so cliché goddamnit', Mark thought as he arrived at the parking lot.

In the parking lot, there are several of the figures, no, the zombies, which stood there motionlessly. Elaine on his back couldn't help but feel fear again and was about to scream, but Mark held his finger up to his mouth signaling Elaine to be quiet.

He then walked slowly to his car and went inside. He laid Elaine on the front seat and he started the engine of the car. Of course, the zombies were immediately attracted.

Mark didn't pay any attention to the zombies and immediately stepped on the gas pedal leaving the zombies behind.

"Where are we going?", Elaine asked gloomily with traces of fear in her eyes. Mark just smiled and rubbed Elaine's head which slightly moved her long silver hair and said, "We're going to the central plaza, I've got to get my sister."

"Sister?", Elaine asked but then as if she was out of her trance she immediately said, " My younger sister is in the plaza too! I've also got to get her!"

"Both of them are at the central plaza huh", Mark speculated, "Good, if that's so then we can get both of them outta there quickly."

Mark didn't stop patting her head and Elaine quickly realized the warmth of Mark's hand and blushed, "How long are you gonna pat me?"

Mark quickly realized but didn't retract his hand and said, "As long as you've not calmed down, I won't stop", and he smiled lightly.

Elaine blushed more and mumbled quietly, "Thank you", and then looked at Mark and smiled.

Mark sped up more to quickly arrive at the central plaza, he thought that maybe his little sister was in the mall, well because she loved to buy stuff, not clothes but technologies, gadgets, etc, she likes technology and she even likes to get a course related to technology, well Mark encourages her to do what she likes and she loves him for that.

Although not blood-related, Mark still treats her as his younger sister, much closer than a younger sister in fact. She liked to be pampered by him and because of that, they grew closer by the minute.


At the Central Plaza.

Screams were heard everywhere as zombies ran as fast Usain Bolt and bit each and everyone that they could catch. They have exceeded their past capacity and exceeded human limits in physical strength.

The count of zombies is increasing every second and it still is increasing even now and some other countries have fallen due to being killed.

Inside the tech store there stood a beautiful lady with medium-length black hair with quite rare purple eyes. She had smooth tender-white skin and she wore a white turtleneck long sleeve and a black coat which made her beauty stand out. She also wore black skinny jeans and a pair of glasses.

She looked outside to see what was the commotion all about but only saw figures running towards the shops. The figures were of a bloody mess, with ripped jaws and broken arms. Bite marks all over their body, ripped skin, no nose, and blood-red eyes. Their skin was turning paler and paler by the moment. Some other zombies have completely bluish greyish skin that looked disgusting with yellow and brown liquid spurting out of their wounds.

It was a complete mess. It ran up to the glass door and tried to push the pull door. Well, zombies are actually stupid so this is to be expected. The people inside started to block the doors so that the cannibalistic creatures, or should I say the zombies won't be able to get in.

All of the people inside the tech shop was terrified of the creatures and was afraid for their lives, they new the glass wall won't give them much time and tried to find a way out.

The girl mentioned earlier picked up her phone from her pocket and called someone. On the phone, there was only one contact name seen and the name was Brother Mark.

*Trititititit* (just imagine it that a phone is ringing)


"Hello? Brother! where are you? There are strange creatures outside that are extremely cannibalistic! Be careful!", a cute worried voice sounded through the phone.

Mark was relieved hearing the voice and said, "Jeanne! your alright thank God. They're basically zombies, but where are you? I'll go to you now, you don't have firearms right?"

"Actually I brought a Walther PPQ M2 handgun from your gun case at home, hehe sorry", with a slight cheerful laugh the girl, no Jeanne Creed, Mark's sister confessed.

"It's alright, now if any zombies break into where you are right now, shoot them in the head and they will die", Mark's voice then started to become serious. He was both worried and relieved to his sister.

"Alright, I'm at the tech shop in the central plaza, how about you, brother, where are you?", Jeanne also started to grow serious.

"Tech shop right, I'm right here", Mark started to open the door but before he could leave Elaine pulled his sleeve and said, "Be careful."

Her legs were still weak due to fear and could not stand, her body was trembling due to the terrifying zombies.

"Don't worry, I'll come back quick", Mark smiled and pulled his arm out of Elaine's grasp and went out.

In the first magazine he had, he still had ten rounds, due to him wasting six rounds to find the zombie's weakness and one more round to kill the zombie completely.

He took out his Smith & Wesson MP9 and rushed to the tech store. Hearing his loud footsteps, the zombies turned to look at him and with a growl charged at him.

Mark was a trained sharp-shooter, even though his eyesight was halved, well almost since his vision is almost restored, though he still has a slight impairment at his left eye.

He aimed his handgun to one of the zombies and with a pull of a trigger, the bullet lodged inside the skull of the targeted zombies and it fell down lifelessly.

Though he didn't stop there, he rushed in and quickly shot four bullets in succession. He killed three zombies and one bullet missed. He then cursed inside his head, 'Fuck, it's really hard to shoot with this left eye'.

Squatting down, he positioned his legs and sprinted like Usain Bolt, and with his trained body, he jumped in midair and twisted his body while he pulled the trigger six more times and killed six more zombies in succession.

Although he killed already killed nine zombies, there were still a few more left blocking the road to the tech shop. With his fast hand, he picked his magazine from his bag and cocked the handgun with ease.

He ran then sideways to the right and shot four more times and killed four more zombies.

Although he killed all the zombies blocking the road, the other zombies were attracted to the gunshots so he had to quickly go to the tech shop.

Sprinting as fast as he could, the zombies found nothing after they arrived.


Arriving at the tech shop, Mark saw the black-haired girl, no, Jeanne, and waved. Jeanne saw this and was really happy and worried at the same time. There were 10 zombies trying to break in after all.

Mark knew that he still had about thirteen rounds of bullets and took aim. In quick succession, Mark shot four rounds of bullets and killed three zombies, and then the problem arose, the handgun suddenly jammed.

Seeing this problem, Mark was agitated, 'Really, right now, fuck this gun', he then tried to cock the gun as hard as he could to remove the jammed bullet.

He, although, failed. The zombies were sprinting up to him like crazed monkeys and tried to attack him like a monkey seeing a banana.

They were only four meters apart now.... three.... two..... one, Mark then gave up n the gun and picked another magazine in his bag and stabbed one zombie.

He jumped while his hand holding the magazine is on the head of the stabbed zombie and kicked the upcoming zombie while removing the magazine in the other zombie's head.

The stabbed zombie fell down, and the other six zombies attacked like a group. One swung its arm towards Mark, but before the zombie could do that, Mark dodged and stabbed it at the head.

The other zombie swung its arm to Mark, but he grabbed it, twisted it, and threw the zombie to the ground, and stabbed it again.

The magazine that Mark used as a dagger was filled with yellowish and brownish liquid, that looked like the blood of the zombies and smelled like shit.

Mark was really agitated now, 'FUCK! this fucking smells like shit! these motherfucking creatures!'.

Four zombies left. Mark did a sweep kick which made the zombies in a meter radius fall. He then stood up and quickly stabbed the two zombies that fell after he did the sweep kick.

Two left, the battle is coming to an end. These two were slightly more intelligent than the others. They circled around Mark and tried to taunt him to kill him. If one could taunt him, the other could kill him.

Although that plan sounded good, Mark was extremely fast and agile. A simple trick can never beat him. He threw his magazine at the other zombie which hit it at the head and Mark removed the magazine in his handgun and stabbed the other.

All of the zombies have fallen. They've died, finally. Mark then picked up both of the magazines and ripped the zombie's cloth that was clean and wiped off the shit-smelling liquid from his magazines and hands.

He then tried to cock his gun again and the jamming was removed. Mark was enraged, he wanted to scream, but he can't, cause that would attract more zombies. He cursed in his breath lightly saying, "Fuck this gun, I'm want to shove this inside a zombie's ass right now."

After cursing he looked at the tech shop and saw Jeanne waving at him. He rushed to the shop and opened the door. He then said to the other people inside, "You better find a better place to hide, do not make any noise."

The men and women nodded as they headed out of the tech shop. All who's left now are Mark and Jeanne. "I'm glad you're alright", Mark said to Jeanne as he patted her head.

"No, silly, I didn't fight, I'M glad you're alright", Jeanne grinned slightly as he hugged Mark with a slightly worried face.

Mark smiled as he hugged Jeanne back, smelling his sister's scent. They're not actually blood-related and they were pretty, pretty close. This closeness shows that even if Mark fucks her, she will not be angry but happy instead. She loved him very much.

"Let's go, I have a friend waiting and she's also looking for her sister", Mark let go of Jeanne and said lightly.

"Sure! wait, a girl!? hmmm, hehehehe", Jeanne laughed mischievously as she looked at Mark with a slightly flushed face.

Mark pinched Jeanne's face and kissed her at the cheek, "You little brat, you're too cute", and Jeanne blushed fiercely and she said while stuttering, "W-well l-lets go!"

They went out of the shop and went to go back to Mark's car.