Finding Sisters (2/2)

Mark ran as fast as he could. He knew that he couldn't leave Elaine alone since he saw Elaine trembling with fear after seeing the zombies.

Though his fastest could cause problems like leaving Jeanne behind. Jeanne then said quietly while panting since she knew that those creatures we're attracted to sound, "Brother, hu hu... slow do...wn, I can't ke...ep up."

Mark then realized that he was running too fast and he slowed down to match Jeanne, "Sorry, I was worried about Elaine since I know that she can't fight. She was trembling in fear when she saw the zombies earlier."

Jeanne then smiled bitterly clearly feeling jealous, "It's alright, you have a particular reason after all."

Noticing this Mark then overtook Jeanne and kneeled down while his back was acing her, "Come on, I'll carry you, I know you're tired."

Seeing this Jeanne beamed, she then quietly nodded and let her brother carry her. Her J-cup breasts then came in contact with Mark and her face became flushed.

Feeling this Mark couldn't help but feel good. He felt as if he was in heaven. He then slowly stood up while holding Jeanne's thighs. It was springy and smooth and could entice any men.

Feeling her brother squishing her thighs, she couldn't help but moan quietly and with that, Mark started to get embarrassed. Jeanne's face was also very red as if she had a fever.

Due to this Mark started to run quickly, but his previous speculations of not feeling embarrassment while running were wrong. Her breasts slightly jiggled and bounced to Mark's back making Mark feel heaven and his face became quite red as he heard Jeanne's moans.

'This is bad', Mark thought, 'If she ends up moaning loudly then we're dead!'.

Mark wasn't actually worried about the embarrassment he's feeling. In fact, he wanted to feel more, but if he does more then zombies will come.

Mark just sped up to arrive at his car as quickly as possible, they still need to find Elaine's younger sister after all.


At the place where Mark parked his car, Elaine was inside her eyes were welling of tears. She was afraid, she was terrified, she didn't know what to do. It was only because of Mark that she calmed down.

'I need to calm down!', Elaine thought as she picked her phone from her pocket. Her trembling hands held the phone tightly.

She held the phone and tried to open it, but the least to be expected was it slipped from her hand. She tried hard to catch it and successfully caught it, but the problem was she accidentally pressed the horn.

Because of that, the zombies were attracted. At that moment she knew she fucked something up. Her tears fell and flowed through her cheeks as fear completely enveloped her mind and heart.

Her heartbeat was quickening in nervousness and fear. The zombies also quickened their phase to reach the car. Elaine then only thought of one thing, 'Mark!'

She then heard a gunshot. She looked up and saw a grey-haired man carrying a black-haired woman. She knew who that grey-haired man was. It was Mark.

Her fear was just suddenly abolished and it was filled with warmth. The zombies though didn't feel warmth. They looked at Mark with crazed madness in their lifeless eyes.

The zombies then ran as fast as they can to Mark. Since he shot one bullet, he still had seven bullets left. He then looked at Jeanne and said lightly, "Help me."

After saying that, he then aimed his Smith & Wesson MP9 to the zombies and shot seven more times killing five zombies.

All in all, there were twenty zombies in the area. He killed six so there were still 14 left. Jeanne then also started to aim while at Mark's back. Mark was reloading his gun while Jeanne shot.

She had a total of twelve rounds and had two extra magazines in her jeans. Although she wasn't a soldier but a tech expert, she still had an aim similar to Mark. She always loved to play gunfighting games with her brother.

After Jeanne shot three rounds, Mark successfully reloaded his gun. Soon Jeanne got off of her brother and started shooting with both her hands on her handgun.

Mark then ran while twisting his body while shooting three rounds killing three zombies. He then jumped and kicked the other zombie on the abdomen and shot it's head after it fell down. Four rounds of bullets were taken, four zombies were killed. Only seven zombies were left.

Instead of focusing on the zombies, Mark focused on getting to the car letting his younger sister finish them off.

Mark arrived at the car and asked Elaine, "Why were the zombies attracted here?"

With a guilty look, Elaine then said, "It was my fault. I let my fear get over my head", then she looked down in shame.

Seeing this, Mark then patted her head, "You must've had bad experiences huh, don't worry it isn't your fault."

Feeling Mark's warm but stinky hands, Elaine felt relieved and smiled, "Why is your hand so stinky! it smells like poo!"

Elaine giggled and with an awkward face, Mark awkwardly laughed. They then heard a series of seven gunshots and a figure ran up to them.

"Brother!", Jeanne said as she looked at the beautiful lady, "Ooh! are you the girl that brother talked about?! Hehe, you're so beautiful!"

Elaine then smiled, "You're much more beautiful...", seeing her pause Mark chuckled lightly as he said, "Elaine, this is Jeanne, my younger sister. Jeanne this is Elaine."

"Nice to meet you!", Elaine and Jeanne said simultaneously as they shook both their hands.

After finishing their introduction, Mark then said, "Elaine, you said you had a younger sister, where is she now?"

After saying that, Elaine gave a worried face, "She's a soldier on vacation, and she likes firearms the most so she must at a gun shop"

"Wait, a soldier? what's her name again?", Mark asked immediately. He knew a lot of soldiers, both juniors and seniors.

Mark was a lieutenant colonel, which is a pretty high rank. He knew almost everyone.

"Her name is Ariel Martinez, why do you ask?", Elaine then said. She was curious about why Mark asked for her sister's name.

"So it was her, haha! That brat was really your sister", Mark smiled as he heard the name. Ariel was a Major and was a headstrong woman. She was the most beautiful, cutest, and the strongest woman in the camp.

She always talks about this and that, and oh, she's a very gluttonous person. She can eat a ton without stopping.

"Do you know her?", both Elaine and Jeanne asked Mark. "Yeah, Ariel Martinez, a Major, the most energetic, talkative glutton in the camp. Haha, she also beats most of the other majors easily, even my eyes couldn't believe that", Mark said with a smile and while laughing a little bit, but not too much to not attract the zombies.

"Alright, let's go, we've wasted enough time! A gun shop right? The only gun shop in the central plaza is 20 blocks away from here, it is the most trusted shop though, let's go!"

Mark then turned the engine of the car on and drove very quickly to get go the gun shop.


At the Gunshop, stood a woman with tied silver hair. Her irises had a deep hue of hazel and she had tender-white skin with a curvaceous body. She had a pair of G-cup busts and her whole figure would make you question, how can this beautiful lady be a soldier!?

The woman looked at the shop owner with serious eyes, "Boss, do you have an ARs left in there?". After he heard the woman, the shop owner immediately looked at the AR section and said, "We only have three ARs left. We have an AKM, a Scar-L, and an M762."

"Can you let me borrow the M762 AR and 4 magazines of 7.62mm bullets? I'll pay you back later", the woman kindly asked the shop owner.

The shop owner, of course, didn't refuse, he knew that she was planning to kill the creatures outside. He gave her the gun and the magazines and stood back.

Before the woman could go out, she heard the shop owner scream, "HELP!!". This attracted more zombies and the woman ran to take a look and he saw the man that they let inside earlier was eating the shop owner.

Because of this, the woman shot both of them, killing them both. She knew there was no chance they could survive.

She then rummaged around the counter to find a Compensator for ARs. After attaching it, she attached the single scope she could find, the 4x scope, she then went out slowly. Turning the mode of the gun to a single bullet at a time, she aimed at the zombies and killed it.

The recoil became much lesser and she easily handled the knockback force. She didn't have a suppressor though, so the sound was still clearly heard.

There was a total of 30 zombies outside of the shop, she then switched the mode of the gun to auto and pulled the trigger successfully killing half of them using one magazine.

Then killing the others, she didn't notice a zombie sneaking up to her. It was on her left side. She started to aim but before she could shoot it, a car suddenly hit it and knocked it out of the way was thrown off for 10 meters.

Mark, Jeanne, and Elaine got out of the car, and Mark and Elaine waved at the woman. They ran towards the woman and Mark lightly said, "Yo, Ariel, long time no see!"

"Lieutenant Colonel! Sister! and she is?", the woman, Ariel asked while pointing at Jeanne. "She's my sister, Jeanne", Mark said as he touched Jeanne's shoulder and smiled.

"So you're Lieutenant Colonel Mark's sister huh, nice to meet you!", Ariel held out her hand to Jeanne. Jeanne gladly accepted it while responding, "Nice to meet you, Ariel!"

"Before everything, let's kill off the rest of the zombies, shall we?", Mark politely asked as he took out his handgun and shot his last thirteen bullets.

He killed twelve of them then Ariel killed off the last three. "You're still as good as always!", Mark patted Ariel's head lightly. Ariel's face turned red as a tomato. She always admired Mark not just because of his prowess, but also because of his courage.

Jeanne looked at the two of them and smiled mischievously and thought, 'Brother, you sly bastard!', she then covered her mouth with her hand and said, "Guys, how about we go in the shop, for now, other zombies might be been attracted to the noise."

They then walked inside of the Gunshop following what Jeanne said. Ariel lead the group to go inside of the Gunshop and they all sat down inside feeling exhausted.