People are Going Insane

(Warning: If you don't like seeing someone getting raped and tortured, you better skip this one out, and note rapists are real. If in any case, the world had an apocalypse, they will come out and start doing their thing. And oh I forgot, the place doesn't get simultaneously infected, as Mark and his group are on the outskirts of the country, you better know that the infection started earlier here than it was in the central area, maybe 4-5 days before it reached the central area of the country.)

Many women were locked inside the basement of the store. Various chains were wrapped around them. They were fully naked with various wounds, scratches and they had liquid gushing out of their crotch. They were tortured and raped.

Inside the basement, there was a man, maybe 6 ft tall with a huge belly. He had curly hair and was smiling with a disgusting twisted face. "Come! Let's have fun!"

"NO! PLEASE NO!!", the one who screamed for help was a dark-skin lady with long white hair, her hand were wrapped in chains and could only move her legs a little bit since her feet were also shackled. She was afraid of the man in front of her.

The man's face then twitched in rage, he slapped the dark-skinned woman on the face and said, " Shut the fuck up, bitch, you'll fucking attract the fucking zombies."

Taking off his pants, he showed his dick to the woman. The woman who saw this tried to resist and stuck her thighs. Seeing this the man smiled, he liked girls who resist.

He then grabbed her thighs and spread them. She was already naked so it exposed her pussy to him. The man laughed like a crazy person and licked her pussy.

"NO! PLEASE STOP! PLEASE!", tears piled on her eyes and she shouted. Her tears slowly fell down as she peed herself from fear.

"HEHEHEHE!", the man laughed intently as he was about to put his cock inside her pussy. But before he could do that, a shot fired out.

The man couldn't help but freeze, he looked shocked and looked at the side. He saw a man with grey hair looking at him intently with a gun in his hand. He felt a surge of pain in his lower body and looked at it. His dick was shot off.

Screaming as he touched his lower part. Feeling pain, tears fell from his eyes, " IT HURTS! IT HURTS!", he then looked at Mark with pure bloodlust and grabbed one of his torture tools in the room. He then barely stood up and ran to Mark but he was running as if he had broken a leg. (A/N: He did break a leg, the third leg, lmao)

With pure disgust in his eyes, Mark kicked him in the groin causing him more pain as Mark said, "You fucking rapist", the man then, felt more pain was on his knees.

Mark then kicked him in the face making him fall down on the ground in pain. Mark then stepped on his face repeatedly, "You fucking bastard, you don't even deserve to be killed, that's too much mercy."

Mark then repeatedly shot his groin making him screech pain. Unable to stand the pain, the man fell unconscious. Seeing this, Isabelle was shocked, he didn't think that this kind-hearted man was this ruthless.

She then glanced at the man lying on the ground and was filled with disgust. Even Elaine, Jeanne, and Ariel were disgusted by him. Of course, Mark and Jeanne were the most disgusted since they saw their mother getting raped to death.

Mark then looked at the dark-skinned woman with kindness and pure pity. He then shot the chains off of her hands and feet. He then grabbed her and saw that she fainted with fear. Smiling bitterly, Mark removed all the tools and sex toys on the single table inside the basement room and laid her down.

He then looked at the other girls with pure pity and checked their pulses. Out of the ten women inside of the basement room, four were already dead, one was on the verge of dying and couldn't be saved anymore and the two were unconscious after getting too much abuse, two was still untouched but fainted due to fear. Mark was filled with rage. He wanted to kill the man who raped them so badly, but that would be mercy for him.

Deciding to remove all the shackles on the women and even the dead ones, he laid the unconscious women on the table. The table was enough to fit seven people. He then placed the dead women on the corner and decided that he wanted to give them a proper burial.


After a while the man then woke up, he looked at Mark with rage, "YOU FUCKING BASTARD, I'LL KILL YOU", he wanted to attack Mark so bad but he couldn't stand up due to the pain.

Ariel then looked at the man and kicked him in the face, " SHUT UP YOU FUCKING RAPIST". The force of Ariel's kick sent some of the man's teeth flying. His nose was bleeding and got knocked out again.

Mark was fuming, but he held himself back, 'I'll fucking torture the hell outta him', he then thought as he looked at the dying woman. She was bleeding both internally and outside. She had damages to her head maybe due to being hit too many times. Mark then saw a brick on the ground filled with blood, he then knew that this was used to hit the woman on the head.

Similar to the dark-skinned woman earlier, she was also dark-skinned but her hair had traces of both white and black. She was maybe in her 30s.

The previous dark-skinned woman with white hair grunted a little bit as she slowly woke up. Mark then got closer and looked at her waking up and smiled kindly. Seeing Mark, the dark-skinned woman who looked like she was at her 20s backed up in fear.

Mark then smiled bitterly and looked at her whilst smiling kindly, "Don't worry, that man won't hurt you anymore."

Patting her head, the dark-skinned woman then lightly let her guard down but was still on guard so that when he attacked her, she'll be able to resist.

Seeing this Mark lightly chuckled, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you", Mark then stopped patting her head and looked at the others. The dark-skinned woman though was trying to look for someone, and then the slowly got out of the table and ran to the dark-skinned woman on the verge of death.

Her figure was actually quite voluptuous, that must've been why the man tried to rape her. She had I-cup breasts with faded pink nipples. She had various red tattoos on her body that made her even look more beautiful.

She then looked at the dying woman with teary eyes and said, "Sister! sister!", her tears then started to fall down, she then looked a Mark with teary eyes, and even though they were strangers to each other she ten exclaimed, " Can you do anything to save her, please! I will do anything! I can even give you my body!"

Mark then shook his head, "We can't save her anymore, she is beyond help", he then went beside the woman and slightly patted her shoulder, " And don't just sell your body, respect your body and yourself."

The woman's head then drooped with tears going out of her eyes. The dark-skinned woman on the verge of dying then slightly moved, her eyes slightly opened and looked at the white-haired dark-skinned woman, ", I'm so..rry, I dra.....*cough*..gged you all to this m...ess."

Jane, the dark-skinned woman, looked at her with love and care, "Sis, it wasn't your fault don't blame yourself! sis, sis! I love you! please....*sob*....please!"

The woman then looked at Jane and said, "Thank you,, for, *cough*, Io...ving a sister li...k..e me.., I'm gra.....teful", the woman's eyes then turned lifeless, her hands turned weak and fell. "Sis, sis! sis! answer me! please! *sob* *sob* please!"

Mark then closed the open eyes of her dead sister and grabbed Jane on her shoulder to comfort her. The woman then moved away from her sister and sat on her spot on the table with tears rolling out of her eyes.

Mark picked up the body and placed it with the other dead bodies, there were only five of them left. Mark then sat down beside Jane and said, "I want to hear your story." (A/N: note that all of them are naked)

Sighing, she wiped her tears and recalled what happened to them.

"It was five days ago. Since this was the outskirts of the country, the outbreak started here first. My sister said she had an acquaintance at this shop, so we went in."

"We thought she was here, but wasn't. So we asked that guy", Jane pointed at the man who raped and abused the other girls, "He only said that she was his wife and she died due to a disease a couple of months back."


Jane and her sister decided to trust him, well, they didn't think that that was the biggest mistake they had ever done. They trusted him so easily, but they didn't think he was planning something.

All of them including the man locked the door so that no zombies can get in. There was enough food for a month of staying there. All of the ten women sat down on the ground so they can rest, they were exhausted after all.

The man then walked up to them and gave them each a glass and said, "Alright, wait here, I'll go get some water."

As he was getting water he added some clear liquid in the container and went back to the girls. "Here you go", he then poured water in each of the ladies' glass.

After drinking it they felt refreshed, with an "Ahh!", they were completely hydrated, well not for long. They then started to feel sleepy, they're eyes were hazy and they just fell asleep while sitting.

The man then was laughing maniacally, as if his plan had been a success. He then carried each of the girls in the basement and put shackles on each of them.

The next morning all of them simultaneously woke up, but they couldn't mover their hands and feet. They only saw one figure smiling devilishly, and it was the ma whom they trusted so easily.

(A/N: The worst part is about to start)

The man then started chuckling, " You guys are so stupid, hahaha, you easily fell for it", facepalming he laughed. His fat belly bounced as he laughed crazily.

He then removed his pants exposing his horny little worm and started to stroke it. "Now you'll become my tools of pleasure", he then laid down a lot of toys and torture tools and picked up his whip and whipped a girl about 17 or so years old and said, "You're first, hehehe."

"Please NO!!", shouted the girl, then Jane's sister then shouted, " PLEASE STOP, SHE'S STILL YOUNG!"

The man clearly annoyed picked up a brick and slammed it on Jane's sister's head, "Shut up you fucking ignorant bitch, I'm your master now and you're my slave, shut the fuck up or I'll kill you!"

He then proceeded to pick up a knife and made a cut in the girl's arm, the cut was deep and caused the girl to screech in pain, laughing like. a maniac he whipped the girl hard enough to actually wound her. He then ripped off her clothes and forcefully invaded her cave.

"NOO!! PLEASE!!! *SOB* PLE...ASE! PLEASE *SOB* PLEASE!", the girl shouted in pain. The man just laughed like a maniac and slapped her in the face and continued.

He continued to cut her body one by one and picked up a nail clipper and clipped her skin. "ARHHHH", the pain was intolerable, she then fainted and before they knew it she was dead.

Her eyes were full of tears and her mouth bubbled with saliva and pain. Jane couldn't help but shout out, " NO!!!!", doing so the man was annoyed and punched Jane on the face causing her to get knocked out.

This cycle continued until the last of them, good thing the 13-year-old girl, the daughter of a good friend of Jane's Sister and Jane herself, didn't get raped.


Hearing the story, Mark was fuming, he was really mad, he wanted to kill that man. Seeing his raging face, Jane couldn't help but feel happy when she knew there was actually someone who would care to get revenge for them.

Mark then stood up and kicked the man in the head waking him up, the man woke up and shouted in a high pitched voice, "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!"

Mark then looked at him coldly, "Shut the fuck up, you deserve to die but that would be mercy, instead, I'm gonna beat you up until you reach hell."

Mark then picked up a nail clipper and clipped the man's nose. Screaming in pain, the man placed his hand with dick blood on his nose. Mark then stepped on his groin causing him to scream again.

Mark then picked him up and punched him, left, right, left, right, left, and right. He then slapped him on the face and punched him hard enough to knock off five teeth. He's nose was already bleeding after Ariel's kick and the nail clipper, but this made it worse.

The man fainted again and Mark woke him up with a bang by slamming his head on the table. "ARGHHH!", the man exclaimed in pain. The man could barely talk anymore.

Mark then got a piece of sex toy on the ground which was a dildo. He stuck it up on the motherfucker's mouth and Mark grabbed a knife and cut both of his arms off so he couldn't remove it. The man was choking but Mark did not stop. "You rapists are the scummiest among all scum, go to hell!"

Mark then shot his two legs and his stomach repeatedly and finally ended it with a shot on the head. "Let's go, bring the woman to the fleet truck, and let's get some clothes for them."

All of them were shocked by Mark's ruthlessness of how he killed the man. With that, Jane couldn't help but shudder. The other women then woke up.

Jane, then looked at them and smiled, "Let's get outta here". Confused they saw that there were no longer shackles and were happy until they saw the rapist's dead body. They certainly puked and Jane pointed at Mark, "He saved us", she lightly said.

They then slowly got out of the store and all of them picked their bags up and carried them to the fleet truck. A lot has already happened, but they still didn't get all that they needed.

All of the girls went inside the fleet truck and Mark smiled at them. There wasn't enough room at the seats, so they went inside the place where they put items and products. "Stay here okay, we'll get some clothes for you."

Mark was about to leave but then asked, "Before anything else, I am Mark Creed, can you tell me your names? It's a bit of an inconvenience to not know."

Smiling Jane then went first, "I am Jane Deston". Then the other girls then introduced themselves one by one.

"I am Liza Lane, nice to meet you, mister! thank you for saving us!", a child about 13 years of age said happily, she had blonde hair and purple eyes, she was very cute, and good thing she wasn't raped by that fucking ugly horrible bastard.

"I am Layla Lane, nice to meet you Mr. Creed, and thank you so much for saving us especially my little sister! I know I can't repay you enough, so please if you have any request, even if it's my body, I will do it for you!" A girl who was about 18 years old said, she had blonde hair, resembling Liza and the only difference is that she had red eyes. Her hair to the right slightly covered up her right eye and the hair on her left eye was tied to the rest of her hair which made her look really cute. Also a good thing she wasn't raped.

Mark went inside, patted her head, and said, "Don't just give your body like that, respect your body, protect it, and you can just call me Mark", Layla was shocked but then she smiled as she blushed at Mark's patting.

Liza then looked at Mark and said, " Me too! Me too!!", Mark then also patted her head and chuckled slightly. Liza then jumped to Mark and hugged him, "Thank you, big brother!"

Mark's face then turned red as he said, "Too cute, I could die", Liza continued hugging him as he looked at the two girls.

The two girls then said simultaneously, " I am Feina Smith and I am Ryle Cole, Thanks for saving us, Mr. Creed!", the both of them bowed. Feina had white skin and brown hair. Her face looked regular, but she had peculiar grey eyes and was covered with wounds.

Ryle, on the other hand, had dark-skin, she had black tied hair and had violet eyes with a fierce-looking face. Mark felt pity for them since they were really abused, their bodies were filled with scars and wounds.

"As I said, you guys can call me Mark, no need for that mister thingy, just Mark okay", Mark said at them they both bowed and said yes.

Mark was happy that he was at least able to save them from abuse and rape, of they would've been tortured to death. Mark smiled at all of them. Ryle and Feina both bowed and smiled back, Layla and Jane smiled with a tinge of red on their faces and Liza just giggled with a shade of pink on her face.

"Big Brother", Liza said whilst hugging Mark. Mark then looked at her and asked, " What is it, Liza?"

Liza then let go of Mark and said gestured him to lower his head to her face. Liza then kissed Mark on his face that shocked everyone. "That's my thank you, big brother!"

Mark then touched his face with a slight shade of red due to the cuteness of Liza that was smiling with a piece sign near her face.

"Alright, alright", Mark then patted her head. " Stay here okay, We'll be back and give you clothes."

All of them nodded as they looked at Mark's figure going out of the fleet truck to the four girls.