Gathering Supplies 2

Mark then went out of the fleet truck and looked at the four girls, Elaine, Jeanne, Ariel, and Isabelle. "Let's go, we need to get them clothes, we can't leave them naked. Also, we still need rice, bread, and other food, we have a lot of people there after all."

The four then nodded after they heard Mark. "Also it takes to much time to just leave the truck here and get the items. Let's place it closer so we didn't have to get tired of going back and forth far away."

Isabelle then smirked lightly as she said, "I wonder how long you would've realized", as Mark heard that, he couldn't help but laugh and scratched his head awkwardly.

They then walked back to the truck and the girls whom the saved was confused. "Umm, why did you go back?", asked Layla.

Mark then laughed awkwardly as he smiled, "We decided to park this near where we'll go. Sit and Isabelle will drive this thing", the girls just nodded as the saw a red-headed lady walk past them whilst they were inside the fleet truck.

Jane then after seeing her looked and Mark and asked, " Is the red-head the Isabelle you're talking about?", she then sat inside as Mark smiled and nodded.

Mark, followed by Elaine, Jeanne, and Ariel went at the front and went inside the truck and sat on the seats. After seeing the four sit down, Isabelle then started the truck causing some noise that attracted zombies.

Isabelle paid no heed to the zombies as she just drove and crushed them with the wheels. A pretty brutal death for the dead, I suppose. As they drove off the find a clothes store, some figures with submachine guns and light machine guns walked out as one of the figures grabbed a two-way handheld radio transceiver or just a walkie-talkie from his belt.

He then observed Mark and his group as he activated the walkie-talkie, "The boss of the people in the cathedral is here with a couple of people. They're armed, the total of armed men are five, one man and four women including the boss. There are also four girls inside their truck, what should we do?" (A/N: The four is intended, you'll know soon, no spoilers)

A voice then sounded from the walkie-talkie, "Observe them for now. Our main goal is to take over the cathedral. We must not lose the chance to kill the boss. Once their guard is down, kill them at once."

"Yes, sir."


As they arrived at a clothes store, Mark got out of the truck and signaled Jane, Layla, Liza, Ryle, and Feina to get out of the fleet truck.

The five girls followed confused. Seeing their confused expression couldn't help but curse his stupidity, "I actually don't know your sizes."

Hearing what he needed them for, they just giggled lightly and followed Mark inside. Inside there was a mess, but there were still various clothes inside.

The other four girls then also went inside and Mark locked the shop's door to avoid zombies from coming in. He then looked at them and smiled saying, "Pick any clothes you want!", he then looked at Isabelle and the others and continued, "All of you too."

He does know how to spoil girls. Isabelle and the others were shocked, but they happily and excitedly picked their own clothes. Mark stood on guard beside the door as the girls picked clothing.

After a while, Isabelle, Elaine, Jeanne, and Ariel picked up clothes whilst Jane and the other girls wore the clothes they picked. Encouraged by Mark to pick some more so they can change into other clothes, they then happily picked one more set of clothes.

Mark then observed the clothes they're wearing and saw Liza wearing cute sleeveless white clothes with a ribbon on the chest part and a cute pink jacket. She also wore a violet skirt and was wearing knee-length socks. She was also wearing cute school-girl style shoes.

Layla, on the other hand, was wearing a black school-girl style top and skirt which looked absolutely perfect for her. She was cute looking in those clothes and it expressed her B-cup breasts. She then held the extra clothes in her hand near her crotch and looked down whilst blushing.

Jane, the exotic dark-skin beauty wore a dirty white-colored pullover sweater and she also wore black short jean shorts, but it was at folded style, not the ripped style. She looked really hot in the outfit, the long sleeves of the pullover sweater almost covered her hands and the contrast of the short jean shorts made it even more alluring.

Ryle, on the other hand, took a simple approach. She wore a white t-shirt and a jacket with skinny jeans. A simple approach does for her very well indeed.

Feina, just like Jane, wore a blue pullover sweater but with skinny jeans this time. Her brown hair seems to fit with the faded blue hue of the pullover sweater.

They then handed Mark the extra clothes that they picked up embarrassingly. Mark just smiled as he picked the clothes up and lead them out of the clothes store.

Once again starting the truck after the others came in, Isabelle then drove to find another department store. They needed more food and the food in the small department store was very little.

The figures earlier then followed them as one activated his walkie-talkie, "Sir, 5 is following closely. She signaled us earlier that they were going to the biggest department store, should we attack them there?"

The deep sounding voice then spoke out from the walkie-talkie and said, "No, that place has a lot of zombies and you might not be able to make ot out, make a trap outside of the town and attack them immediately. I'm sending in some more guys troops."

"Yes, sir, we'll get ready."


They then arrived at the biggest department store in the town. It was pretty big, to be honest, it was much larger than towns and it was much better for it to be a small city, but the population was smaller than you expected.

Zombies were everywhere since this store was located in literally the dead center of the town. Mark then suggested Isabelle park the back of the truck near the door so the zombies will have a hard time getting in.

They then all got out of the truck and went inside and struggled a bit. Jane and the girls inside the truck also got out and decided to help Mark and the others to get some supplies and items.

The girls then grabbed water bottles and some 8 liters water and placed it inside the truck. They also picked up some canned foods like sardines, tuna, and other canned foods. Mark carried sacks of rice to the truck, maybe about the remaining four sacks of rice.

Isabelle kept on guard and killed the zombies that were only a step away from getting in. Mark then looked around and picked up some other snacks they can eat and placed it inside. He then looked at the girls and figured that they must be hungry.

Mark then handed Liza a chocolate bar and her face lit up, she then said, "Thank you, big brother!", and hugged him while kissing his cheek intently. Mark just chuckled of the cuteness and patted her head.

He then gave each of the girls chocolate bars and went out to look for more supplies or maybe tools. Time was passing by and before they knew it, it was already dusk. Mark saw various battery packs and picked it up deciding it to be useful, he also saw some flashlights and picked it up.

It was getting pretty late and Mark looked at Isabelle. Nodding, Isabelle started to go out and Mark aimed his AKM to prevent the zombies from hurting her.

Successfully getting out, Isabelle then started to truck up and slightly moved it forward. He then signaled the five girls, Jane, Layla, Liza, Ryle, and Feina to go inside the truck. Elaine, Jeanne, and Ariel got ahead of Mark and went inside and sat on the seat up front. (A/N: I know this might be confusing, lol. I decided to just call it the front since the inside is inside the fleet truck)

Mark then gave the girls flashlights and the girls turned them on. Mark then immediately closed the roll-up and went to the front and entered.

Isabelle then stepped on the gas pedal not caring about the zombies since they would be run over and be killed by the wheels via crushing. They then speeded out of the zombie town and finally got out.

After getting out of the town, Isabelle slowed town the driving since she knew that the zombies won't be able to catch up. True, her speculations were true, but what she didn't expect that there were people trying to attack them.

Suddenly hearing a crashing sound in front of them, Isabelle pressed on the breaks. Suddenly they heard a shout, " Leave all your possessions or we'll shoot!"