They're not even Bandits

After hearing the shout, Mark grimaced. 'Bandits? again?', Mark then armed his AKM and peered outside. He was shocked by the faces he saw. They weren't ordinary bandits, but terrorists who tortured and killed innocent people.

Mark then with a furious face tried to talk calmly and said to Isabelle, "They're not bandits, they're terrorists that we fought in the previous wars."

Mark then curiously asked Isabelle, "Have some people tried to take the cathedral?", then he looked at Isabelle and he saw her nod. "Yeah, good thing there were only a few people that attacked us."

Mark then nodded, "The group that these people are in", he then looked at the people below, "Are territory thieves, they are probably planning to kill you to get the cathedral. We have no choice but to kill them."

Isabelle then nodded and took her DP-28, Elaine and the girls also armed their assault rifles and Mark jumped out and instantly headshot one of the so-called bandits.

The other so-called bandits froze as they saw their leader die so quickly. Mark then stomped the head of the guy he killed as he said, "Andre Colt, crimes are human-trafficking, 30 murders, bombing, selling internal organs in the black market, and 10 rape cases, escaped prison two times. I don't get why you were just sentenced for a life-long time in prison, but for me, you deserve to die and rot in hell."

Isabelle, Elaine, Jeanne, and Ariel then followed Mark and started to shoot. Elaine, who was very fearful still had a hard time shooting, but as soon as she started she actually shot like a crazy person and killed lots of the terrorists.

Isabelle shot like she had aimbot always killing enemies by the head, she had a calm demeanor as she killed them one by one all through the head.

Jeanne, on the other hand, shot like a turret, she stood in place but quickly shoots and always hit the target. She moved a little bit to avoid close-combatants but her long-range prowess is amazing.

Ariel, as a soldier, shot and punched. She shoots those from far away and she beats up the close-combatants, huu, scary indeed. She either kicks them in the head or in the groin and shoots them, you better hide your ballsacks if you make an enemy of this girl.

Mark, attacked tactfully, quickly, and efficiently. Removing the pipe wrench out of his back, he hits those who tried to attack him closely heavily causing them to have a heavy concussion but the others were instantly killed due to the weight of the pipe wrench.

One of the terrorists then pulled out his walkie-talkie and activated it as he shouted, "Sir! the enemies are too strong! we are getting wiped out! we need the rein—GAH!" before he could finish, Mark shot him in the neck and made him spit out blood as he died.

A deep voice then sounded from the walkie-talkie shouting, "Rein! Rein! Report! Tell 5 to attac—", but before it could say anything else, Mark crushed the walkie-talkie.

'5?', Mark then thought. Who was this 5? Inside the fleet truck, One of the girls then cussed so quietly that no one could hear, "They're not ordering me. If it weren't for my only family left, my sister, I wouldn't have had to obey their orders."


Inside of a base of some sort, a fat man then stomped his foot in rage. 'How could they have died to five people?!'.

"GAHHH!!!!!", shouting, he then tried to calm himself as he sat down on his throne-like chair. The man had various jewelry and wore various rings on his hand. He had a pinkish-green coat and pants. He then gritted his teeth, 'We need 5 to act, but we also need to infiltrate their base'

He then looked at a man wearing a butler's clothes. He then said to him, "Order one of the men there to leave a sign for her to read via our secret code."

The butler-looking man the bowed as he walked out of the room and ordered one of the men to contact even one of the men out there. The man inside, or should I say the boss, then spat on the ground in rage. "Isabelle was it? If it were not for your father's background, I would've fucked you back in Japan, I asked you that I'll take your hand, but you refused me like I'm a pig! don't worry, I will not let you die so easily, I'll rape you to death!"


One of the terrorists then got the other from their boss via Handheld two-way radio transceiver, and silently went near the truck and scratched it using a knife carving some confusing characters of some sort.

He finished everything and tried to escape but Mark saw him and shot him in the head. All of the terrorists were already killed. He then looked at the confusing characters and tried to deduct it. 'This is probably the group's secret characters for external communication, but why on the truck?', Mark was confused entirely.

He then decided to observe the truck, later on, to see whom they made this message for. He then went inside the front and sat down on the seat. Elaine and the others followed, and Isabelle drove the truck towards the cathedral.

Mark observed the roads and saw that was getting slowly and slowly infested by the zombies. Seeing that the way was still far, he then looked at Isabelle and said, "I'm exhausted, lemme rest for a bit."

After seeing Isabelle nod, he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep. Outside in the forests, stood two figures. One was a small and petite white-haired girl, her red eyes looked at the battle that commenced and saw that the grey-haired man had victory.

Beside her was a girl with long sky-blue hair and red eyes. The white-haired girl then said something to her in a language that no one could understand. (A/N: BUT AS MY POWER AS THE AUTHOR, I'LL GIVE YOU THE ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND!)

She then said to her in a different language that humans probably might not be able to understand, "Go find someone suitable."


"It's blocked by zombies, I'm afraid the truck can't in over that much", Isabelle said as she looked at ye road beyond. Mark then, woke up, and as soon as he heard that nodded as he said, "Let me borrow your DP-28, I'll take care of 'em."

Isabelle then gave the DP-28 to Mark and Mark peered out of the window and shot the zombies to create a path for the truck.

*Trititititititit* (Sound of a gun, and tit pun intended)

The zombies' brains scattered around as Mark shot them in the head, causing some brownish-yellow liquid to gush out. The zombies roared as they ran to the truck. Isabelle stepped on the gas pedal as soon as a viable path was formed.

Speeding out they eventually reached the cathedral. Marie and Anna were outside guarding the gate. It was already night time. They then opened the gates and Isabelle parked the truck on the previous spot.

Mark opened the fleet truck to show five girls, Marie then smiled mischievously as she said to Mark, "What's this? You got five more girls, huhuhu, you horny bastard."

Mark just chuckled as he said, "No they were victims of some crazy rapist, good thing the three girls weren't raped, but the other two was, unfortunately."

Hearing this Marie frowned in rage and asked, "What happened to the rapist?."

"I killed him", Mark answered quickly.

"Don't tell me you killed him without making him suffer?", Marie said with a pout, Mark didn't know why, but she looked quite cute when she's pouting.

"I made him suffer alright, he killed five girls, after all, I made him suffer hell", Hearing this, Marie then smiled bitterly as he remembered Mark's past.

Liza then ran up to Mark and hugged him, "Big Brother!", she then hugged him tightly like a panda and giggled happily. Marie looked at Liza with shining eyes and smoke was gushing out of her nose, " SO CUTE!", she shouted.

Liza then looked at Marie and smiled widely, "Hello, Big Sister! Big Sister is so beautiful". Hearing this, Marie felt like she was about to faint due to her cuteness.

"Alright, you guys go rest, I know you must've been tired, okay!", Mark said to the five girls and the five nodded and Marie gave them rooms near Mark's.

Late at night, feeling the urge to go to urinate, Mark saw someone looking at the carving of some characters at the truck. It was Feina, she was looking at it intently as she clenched her fists and said, "Don't worry big sister! I'll save you!"

Hearing this Mark knew who was 5, it was Feina.


Back at Mark's room, someone suddenly barged in, "Brother! Let's do i— eh? where's brother?", it was Jeanne.

Then after she arrived, another girl came in, "Mark, I want to do it with yo— eh? where's Mark?", it was Elaine.

Jeanne and Elaine looked at each other but before they could speak, another girl came in, "Umm, Senior, I mean Mark, I want t— eh?", it was Ariel this time.

The three then intently looked at each other as if they had decided on one thing, but before they could speak, a little girl came in holding a teddy bear that was probably given by Marie and she wore cute pajamas. "Big Brother, I can't sleep", it was Liza.

She then looked up at Elaine, Jeanne, and Ariel and said, "Hello Big Sisters! where is big brother?", then the three girls looked at each other and saw that they have failed what they're about to do because of this girl.

Mark after urinating, then went in and saw the three girls, " Elaine, Jeanne, Ariel, and Liza, what are you four doing here?", the four girls then held their hands to their faces as they leaned towards Mark.

"I want to do it with you!", Elaine, Jeanne, and Ariel simultaneously shouted, whilst Liza said, "I want to sleep with Big Brother."

She then looked at the three girls, and said, "I know what you're saying cause I'm also an adult, you are perverted Big Sisters."

Seemingly hit by what Liza said and the maturity in her voice, they felt as if they were shot by a shotgun and their souls almost flew out. Mark was shocked by Liza and then remembered, 'Oh right, the age of maturity of the people today is 13 years, the world really is evolving backwards'.