We are Planning

Mark then patted her head lightly to cheer her up. In all honesty, he didn't expect that she wasn't raped by that rapist, well maybe the background of the protector is amazing that's why he couldn't anything, but still.

Mark then looked at Feina's teary eyes and said, "But before we can do anything, we must tell the others, right?"

Feina then with an anxious expression then said, "No! please don't tell them, they might hate me for it, they were just used!"

Mark then looked at her with a smile and rubbed her head, "You have a reason of why you did that right? I'm sure they'll accept it."

With an anxious expression on her face, Mark pulled her to his room and said, "Wait here, I'll get the others and talk about the plan. Don't be nervous okay", Mark then went outside to go to the kitchen area where the people are.

He then walked up to Elaine, Jeanne, and Ariel and said, "Elaine, Jeanne, Ariel... We need to talk, let's go to my room. And not just us, we need to bring Isabelle and Marie and the other four girls."

Confused, the three just followed him and went to Isabelle and Marie whilst they were in the middle of a conversation, "Marie, Isabelle, We got to talk about something important, it's all about the cathedral."

The two were also confused but as they hard that this had to do something with the cathedral, they just followed. Mark then went to the other four girls and asked them to go with them.

They then walked out of the kitchen area and slowly strolled down to Mark's room. The group was quite enormous and there was only one guy which was a spectacle to be seen.


As they opened the door, they saw someone beautiful and cute. Her brown hair was tied by a piece of green cloth, and she had beautiful teal-colored eyes. She was a C-cup and was wearing a pullover turtleneck sweater.

The girls were confused about who she was, they didn't see anyone with her same features, but they only saw someone with similar clothes and hair color. They then asked simultaneously, "Mark, who is this?"

Mark then looked at them and said lightly, "Everyone, this is the real Feina."

"Real Feina?", they all asked simultaneously. Mark then nodded and just said, "Feina, no need to be nervous, just tell them the truth", Feina the nodded lightly and bit her lip. She then slowly told them about what really happened.


Two years ago. Feina was an amazing acrobat, her sister was very influential, so they didn't have any problems with their lifestyle. Well, during the night after Feina won the acrobatics tournament, they celebrated, they invited various guests and friends they knew.

There was one guest who was unfamiliar to them though, it was the man who swore that he'll rape Isabelle to death, such a delusion he has.

He was actually very friendly and Feina and her sister talked to him for a while until the party ended. The party happened in a big hotel in one of the cities so they still had to travel back to their home.

As soon as Feina and her sister got out, some men cornered them. They took them to the same man whom they talked too. The man was smiling seeing their hateful expression. He then said to them, " Feina, you'll become 5."

As he said that the men separated her sister and they pointed a gun at her head, "Or we will kill her", he then smiled wickedly and looked at them with evil eyes, " You must obey every command and mission we'll give you, or her life will be gone in less than a second."

Seeing no other choice, Feina had to obey. Feina then told Jane and the other three the truth. "I'm sorry you were brought to this mess! I really wanted that man to stop, but if I disobey, my sister will be killed, and because of that five innocent lives were killed, I'm sorry! I'm very sorry!"

Tears dropped down from her eyes, the four girls just looked at each other and smiled, "If I were you, I would've done the same thing", Jane said smiling bitterly.

" Yeah, yeah!", Both Liza and Layla nodded as well as Ryle. Ryle then said with a smile, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have thought that my fianceé is here!"

Jane, Liza, Layla, and Feina were shocked, "You have a fianceé!?", Ryle just nodded. Marie and Isabelle already know this since they saw Ryle with a man last night whilst Mark and his group didn't know, but they knew there was a chance for that.

After that, Jane, Layla, Liza, and Ryle smiled and said to Feina, " We forgive you! We know it's your fault but then, you did it for your sister right?."

Jane then spoke up, "We have sisters too, and the pain of losing someone is a massive blow, My sister is already dead, but I have to look at the positive way and just be happy and satisfied with what you get."

Feina then hugged Jane and said, "I'm sorry Jane, because of me you lost your sister, because of me Ryle's sisters were killed too."

Jane patted Feina's back as she said, "Well the past is the past, we forgive you", she then hugged Feina and let her go.

Isabelle them spoke up and said, "Well then, with that over with, let's talk about the mission they gave you, via those characters", she then pointed to where the vehicles were parked.

Feina's face then turned serious as she said, "My first job was to kill you when you go to the small store, but then the plan failed since there were many of you and I was the only one. After that, they decided to attack you disguised as bandits, which failed miserably. Then their mission for me this time is to capture you, take you as a hostage, take over the cathedral using the boss's troops via the messenger that comes every day, and bring you to the boss."

Mark then thinking about something asked, "Feina, may I ask who this boss is?", Feina then shook her head, " I don't know him, nobody knows him, only his closest aides know him but not us."

"Is that so", Mark just nodded as he said, "Okay then, let's talk about how we'll make them fail their plan miserably."

Mark then started to speculate whilst Marie talked, "How bout this, you say that you've captured the boss next week, tell the messengers just that, and prepare for their attack."

Mark who heard that nodded and said, "Simple and effective, huh. But what comes next? to completely eradicate the threat, we must completely destroy them, but then, we only have fifty plus people and most of them are non-combatants."

Elaine, who likes to play lots of strategy games then spoke up, "How about we do not kill the forces that will try to take over the cathedral. Make them submit and make them our soldiers."

Elaine then who heard that raised a question, "How can we do that though?". Ariel then answered her question, "Criminals mostly just care about their lives, threaten their lives and they'll submit."

Mark then speculated and nodded, "I see, let's make the enemy forced that will try to raid submit and attack go to their base and attack them, that will be very easy. We then only need to arm a lot of people and point their guns at them, but we have very few guns right Isabelle? Marie?"

Both Marie and Isabelle nodded as Marie spoke up, "That's right, we must send someone to get guns, but then there are too many zombies in the city, so the gun shops won't do."

Hearing that, Liza suddenly spoke up, "How bout we get them at the camp!". All of them were confused, even Jane and Ryle, but Layla wasn't. Layla then spoke out, " Yeah, there's a camp near the town where we were captured."

Feina then hit her left hand with her right and said as if she realized something, "Oh, that place, even the group haven't discovered that place, you've got good news you two!"

Seemingly happy with Feina's compliment, Liza then turned to Mark with a longing expression on her face. Mark just smiled bitterly and patted her head as she said, "Good job! Liza!", Liza was very happy with that and her face turned red. Also, she just lost her virginity yesterday, which means she had gotten far advantage than Layla.

Marie then nodded but the said, "Sure we'll get the guns and weapons there, but who'll get it?", she then looked at the group.

Mark then raised his hand as he said, "How about me?", Marie then looked at him and said, "No you can't, you're our strategist."

Mark then shook his head as he pointed at Jeanne, "No I'm not your strategist, but Jeanne", Jeanne then with a smug face, laughed smugly. Marie's face then turned awkward as she said, " Then who'll come with you?"

Mark then pointed at Liza, Layla, and Ariel respectively, "I'll bring Ariel, Liza, and Layla, We need guides and someone who can help me with the load."

Marie then nodded as she said, "Well then, we'll train some non-combatants to have at least a little bit of combat capability in case anything goes wrong."

Mark just nodded and said with a smile as he placed his hand in front of him, "So we have a plan, let us have success!"


"Of course"


"Let's do this!"

They then placed their hands on Mark's hands and shouted loudly, "To Success!"