Soldiers' Camp

A day later, Mark, Ariel, Liza, and Layla got ready to go to the camp that both Liza and Layla's attentive eyes saw. Marie walked up to Mark and asked, "Are you ready to go, we'll let you borrow a military van, use it carefully."

Mark then with a serious face held his AKM and nodded while saying, "Yeah, we're ready thanks!", He then looked at Ariel, Layla, and Liza as he said, "Are you guys ready? we'll head out in 15 minutes!"

With a silly smile, Liza said cheerfully, "We're ready, Big Brother!!", She then ran to Mark and gave him a hug and a peck on the cheeks. She then let go of Mark and went back to her older sister, Layla.

Marie then looked at Mark as she said, "You're totally unbelievable", she then walked away but was stopped by Mark. He then asked, "And by 'unbelievable', what do you mean?"

Marie then looked back with her hands on her head, her sleeveless clothes made her humongous tits jiggle with the tightness. She then said, "You're amazing to add another girl to your harem, you even had a fivesome."

Mark's face then turned serious as he asked, "And how do you know this?", he calmly looked at her ever-changing face. From calm to anxious and clear embarrassment, she then said whilst stuttering, "T-the w-weather is really nice i-isn't it?"


What actually happened was, the other night Marie walked out of her room, she walked passed Mark's room and heard a cute moan and other various adult moans. Getting turned on, with saliva on her mouth, she slightly opened Mark's locked door using a key.

She then saw Mark having a fivesome with Elaine, Jeanne, Ariel, and....LIZA!? she wanted to confront them, but she couldn't since all her attention was clearly focused on Mark's dick going In and out of Liza as she stroked herself.

She pinched and fingered her own cave as she looked at them. As soon as they were finished, Marie orgasmed at least a dozen times as she laid down the floor with love juices everywhere, and her tongue was sticking out and her eyes rolled out.

She slowly stood up with her legs twitching and wore her lingerie and pants. She could barely stand up, so she had to support her body with her hand on the wall as she slowly walked back to her room.

She was a complete peeping tom, well, not just her, but someone was looking at the sidelines, starting at Marie with a clearly flushed face, she then thought, 'Is mom really satisfied with just rubbing herself?', it was Marie's daughter, Anna, she was a peeping tom too.


15 minutes have passed, Mark then walked up to the military van as he looked at the three girls, Ariel, Layla, and Liza and shouted, "Girls, let's go! we need to hurry back after all!"

"Hai!", Liza shouted happily as he went inside the van followed by Layla. The sat down at the back seats and Ariel at the front seat with an M762 on her hands. "Let's go", Mark lightly said as he stepped in the gas pedal.

Liza and Layla both have pistols, Layla as the older one had a Glock 19x with 17 bullet rounds and uses 9mm bullets, she had extended magazines which are able to fit a whopping 19 rounds. It had a suppressor attached to it and Layla had three extra extended magazines.

Liza, on the other hand, had a Beretta APX with 17 rounds and a suppressor attached. She also had three extra magazines and Mark especially taught her to shoot and she was very amazing at it, despite being so young.

They then traveled across to go back to the town. There were various bodies scattered all around, especially the terrorists whom Mark and his group killed before.

Then they encountered a problem, zombies were coming after someone, he was shouting, "PLEASE! N-NO!!", he ran as quickly as he could and was finally bit by a zombie turning him into one of them.

Mark clicked his tongue and said to Ariel, "Ariel, shoot, we must go and collect the weapons as fast as possible."

Ariel just nodded. Ariel, Layla, and Liza knew that they shouldn't save everyone, but save those who you care about. Do not easily trust anyone, or you might get betrayed.

Ariel then leaned out of the window and started to shot with her M762. Mark then drove as Ariel shot the zombies making the travel faster and faster.


In the forest, a blue-haired girl with red eyes walked towards a white-haired girl, she then said in another language that most likely humans don't know, "Master, I can feel 'his' presence and smell his blood here."

The white-haired girl then showed a face of surprise, "You're right, don't tell me he's—", the blue-haired girl then said, cutting her off, "Most likely."

The white-haired girl then looked at the skies with a slight smile on her face, "So you're here, huh, I can't wait to meet you again, my husband."


Mark then looked towards the forest. He felt as if someone called him. Seeing his strange behavior, Ariel looked at him worried, "Are you okay? Senio—Mark?"

Mark just nodded and said, "yes", lightly. He then continued to drive as they reached the town.

Mark then looked behind with a smile as he said, "Now guides, where too?", Liza then cheerfully said, "Hai! we need to go to the north-eastern part of this huge town!"

Mark smiled and chuckled lightly as he patted Liza's head. Layla then smiled lightly as she said, "First we go forwards."

Mark then started to drive based on Layla's direction. As they slowly but surely started nearing the soldier's camp, stood a figure observing them with a smile on its face. It then said lightly, "So he's back? I see, it's been a long time isn't it, @#$%&."


They soon arrived at the camp. To be honest, it was quite well hidden, only Layla and Liza saw them, Mark was really satisfied that this camp was not discovered since it was extremely big.

Mark then thought, "they have remarkable attentiveness, no, not just remarkable, it's amazing to be able to notice this when they were in the middle of the tow—, wait, the middle? the middle.... how can they see this in the middle of the town!?'

Mark was utterly shocked indeed and was suspicious, how did they notice it? they must be hiding something.

They then went inside the camp and ventured inside it. It was almost as if the people here just disappeared. There were no traces of harm, no bullet marks, blood, or anything of that sort.

Slowly walking in the eerie camp, they soon entered the armory. Mark then looked around and saw a pistol lying on a single table. He was happy to see that gun and excitedly said, "Oh! an HK USP!"

The Heckler and Koch USP can use various types of bullets if you use 9mm you have 18 round using a magazine, which was amazing. It also shoots like a short rifle but it isn't a short rifle. Its range could reach up to a hundred meters.

Mark then picked the pistol and looked at the three, "Pick up every gun and put it inside these bags", Mark then pulled five bags from his back as he said, "Separate the guns and the bullets, and don't mix the bullets, make it stay in its own box, and also pick up the magazines, whether it is loaded or not, pick it up."

After a while of picking the guns up, Mark pulled out a big sack from a bag he was wearing, "Put in the vests here, we need the bulletproof vests."

After a while, Mark carried the guns, bullets, and vests to the military truck and they decided to head out immediately, we'll that was until they saw a large hole that is 15 meters wide.

They were shocked to see a hole that big. They were curious about what could make it like this. Walking closer to it, they looked down, the same time the looked for they heard a loud roar. Various zombies spew out of the hole to the ground.

They then rushed to Mark and the group, Mark then started to shoot as he shouted, "Fall back! Get in the car, let's get outta here!"

Mark was about to enter the driver's seat, but then he felt intense pain in his head due to a migraine, he then saw something as the migraine continued.

Ariel then got worried, "Mark! Are you okay!? Answer me! MARK!", Mark then told Ariel, "I'm alright, you drive I'll shoot."

Ariel did as he said and drove the van. Mark started to shoot the zombies and they finally reached the only entrance and exit of the camp, but then it was filled with zombies.

Stepping on the breaks, Ariel then asked anxiously, "What should we do!? we can't get out!"

Mark then pondered a bit and said, go back to the camp, Let's get in the armory quick. Hearing what he said, Ariel remembered that the armory was made of pure heavy metal that was extremely hard. She then stepped on it and the finally arrived.

They immediately went inside the armory as Mark said, "We're stuck in here until we kill the thing that called out this many zombies."