We've got some Company (2/2)

Mark immediately knew who this voice belong to. He then immediately pressed the button strongly causing all the girls he was with to tremble feeling the killing intent of Mark.

His face then twitched in rage as he walked out of the hole and saw a woman familiar to him clinging to a man who he also had great enmity with, it was the same with Jeanne who was with him. He then shouted, "Ava! you bitch! Why are you here!"

Hearing the loud shout, the woman's, no, Ava's face twitched in anger as she turned around to see Mark. She then smirked evilly as she said, "Hello my dear step-son and step-daughter, how about you greet your step-mom."

The man she was clinging to was really mad at Mark and looked angrily to him whilst shouting, "You dare call my woman a bitch!"

Mark and Jeanne then glared at him with pure killing intent flashing in his eyes whilst shouting, "Oh! so the fucking rapist is here too! Fuck you both! so you two were in cahoots? I should've thought."

Ava then smiled as she said mockingly, "Yes, we did plan it, then what do you plan to do? Take revenge? Kill us? YOU DON'T HAVE STRENGTH THOUGH! Everyone, kill him. You can have the women after."

Suddenly, men kicked open the door and went inside pointing their guns at Mark including the man Ava was clinging on. She then crazily laughed like a maniac and said, "You're so stupid step-son, only realizing it now, and you're immediately gonna die, so pitiful. Fire!"

Mark was filled with rage as his eyes suddenly flashed with red as he looked down. The men then smirked and grinned as they took aim and pulled their triggers.

But what Mark did shocker them all. Ava and the men's smirking and grinning face suddenly froze as they saw Mark catch all the fucking bullets and lightly opened his hand only letting them see bullets that were crushed into tiny pieces as it fell to the ground.

This shocked them to the core and they were feeling feat deep in their hearts as Mark laughed evilly as he looked at them whilst saying, "Still ordinary humans eh, Hehehe Hahaha HAHAHAHA! Ava, Ava, Ava, I was waiting for this day that I can finally see your despairing face."

As Mark said this, horns suddenly protruded from his head and his eyes were filled with insanity, he was laughing like the devil.

The girls beside Mark couldn't help but shudder as they saw Mark, but as if feeling a connection, they suddenly had immense bloodlust and they also wanted to kill the woman and man pair in front of them.

As Ava and the others saw the insanity in Mark's eyes, they were scared beyond their wits, they trembled as cold sweat made them look like they just had a shower. Ava then said with a face full of fear, "M-Mark we can talk about this!"

Mark's insanely laughing face then turned serious as he suddenly disappeared from his spot and appeared in front of Ava that gave her an immense scare. He then said, "Shut up bitch."

Without any warning, Mark cutter her tongue off which made Ava scream in pain as blood suddenly filled her mouth whilst Mark threw her tongue to the ground.

Her eyes were filled with tears. Ava was screaming like a pig that was getting butchered as she cried strongly. The man beside her froze as she saw Ava fall down to the ground screaming in pain.

Mark then angrily looked towards Ava as he shouted, "I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!", he then sent out a kick towards Ava's chest. Ava felt that a couple of her ribs broke as her face was incredibly pale of pain. She tried to suppress her scream which is she didn't, will ultimately lead her to death.

The man that Ava was clinging on to, earlier, then froze in fear, he couldn't move any part of his body at all. He had an extremely pale complexion as he looked at Mark as if he was the devil.

Thea, Marie, Anna, Feina, Irina, and even Jeanne who always wanted to see this happen to Ava, trembled. They couldn't watch Mark doing this as they were also afraid.

The men including the man whom Mark called a rapist fell down to the ground on their butts with fear clearly plastered unto their faces.

Mark then looked towards the girls with steal anger in his eyes as he said, "Thea, Marie, Anna, Feina, Jeanne, Irina, go back down, please."

All of the girls just reluctantly walked back to the hole and Irina pressed the button to close it and waited for Mark. Mark then looked at the men angrily as he said, "Now, I'm gonna let you all experience what my parents experienced."

Mark's eyes then suddenly turned golden as he turned his palm to the direction of Ava and healed all her injuries. Ava still couldn't stand up as her face was still pale, her body was limp, she couldn't do anything.

Mark's eyes then again, suddenly turned into another color, but this time it wasn't only one, it was two. His irises then had strands of black and white and it swirled whilst he looked towards the men.

The men then suddenly turned lifeless as they stared into Mark's eyes. Mark then made a sign as if for hem to stand up, and they stood, all except for the man that raped his mother, which he intentionally did.

He then said, "Fuck this slutty bitch to death", as he pointed to Ava. This caused Ava to tremble as she shouted, " NO! PLEASE!! NO! HAVE MERCY NOOO—HRMMP!"

All the men then started to fuck Ava as she screamed. Then Mark ordered that all of them should fuck her at the same time, and they did. There were at least ten men and they all inserted their dick on Ava.

Ava screamed in pain as she felt her mouth, pussy, and ass getting ripped off as she shouted, "PLEASE! DON'T KILL...me", she slowly died due to pain. She had tears in her eyes as the men ejaculated on her dead body.

Mark then looked at the rapist and stared to his pale face as he twitched in fear. Mark then ordered, "Fuck him to death too", which the men obediently followed. The rapist then shouted in fear, " NO PLEASE NO! NO! NOO! I DON'T WANNA DIE! PLEASE!"

They did as they told and the man died due to pain and fear combined. As he died he shouted, "Please.....PLEASE.....I....Don't....

wanna...", he soon fell limp and turned into a lifeless corpse.

Mark then stood there as if he was unfazed with an expressionless face. He then swung his hand and decapitated each and every one of the men that was still lifeless.

Mark then clicked his fingers and his eyes turned orange as a small flame appeared between his thumb and index finger. He then threw the flame to every dead body and the dead bodies burned into nothingness.

The air was filled with the smell of burnt corpses as Mark walked towards Irina's desk and pressed a button. The hole then opened and the girls walked out with steal fearful faces.

Seeing their fearful faces, Mark's eyes then turned green as he smiled whilst patting their heads. This made the girls' faces blush and their fear began to subside.

Mark's eyes then turned back to their normal color as he hugged Jeanne who had tears in her eyes as she said, " We finally got justice for our parents."

Mark then hugged her tightly and lifted her head whilst raising her head to look at him in the eyes by lifting her chin up as he kissed her on the lips.

The girls then had a jealous gaze, but that jealousy slowly subsided as they knew that the two were going through something and finally got across it.

Mark then looked towards the other girls as he said, "Let's go, we have to get back before daybreak."