The Other Part of the City

Mark then smiled at them which caused their hearts to fluctuate. It was a heart-warming smile that could pierce the hearts of many. With a slight blush on their faces, they followed Mark.

The girls except Jeanne seemed to already forget what had happened so Mark just smiled warmingly as he walked towards the exit of the office.

As they got outside Mark then got his gun ready and walked slowly. They were already low on bullets because of the sudden invasion of that zombies. They, of course, had to fight back and everyone almost exhausted the supply of ammunition they had.

Mark thought that wasting bullets is not allowed so Mark tried to find any sharp tool. Seeing it not able to find anything, Mark then looked towards Irina who was very familiar to this area and asked, "Irina, we can't afford to waste ammo, do you know where the knives see placed?"

There were no combat knives in the underground facility that they had, and the armory they once had was also completely destroyed when the large horde invaded.

Irina seemingly pondered upon it as she then resolutely said, "Follow me", she then led Mark and the other girls towards a building.

Irina then opened the door to this building and was met by a large kitchen. It was completely clean and not a single mess was found, well, all except for the sinks that were filled with plates and pots.

Unaffected by the mess at the sinks, Mark and the others just followed Irina who was walking towards a certain container. Irina then looked towards them as she said, "Well, there's only kitchen knives and one fire ax right over there, are you alright with that?"

Mark didn't mind at all as he immediately answered, "Yea, that's fine, we can find combat knives if we're lucky, so let's go."

Irina then nodded as she distributed the knives to each and every one of them, and it was the perfect number for the girls. Mark then picked the fire ax as he had no close-combat weapon.

Nodding, Mark then smiled as he said, "Let's find if there are some food here left", Everyone else then nodded as they tried to find food on the cabinets and any spot we're food could be stored, be it fridges and freezers.

"Damn it, there are so many foods in the fridges and freezers, but then they're broken", Mark cussed as he looked at them and Irina said, "There's no more food here, I thought there was some food left since I personally placed it here."

"It must've been stolen", Mark then looked at them and signaled them to follow him. He then said, "Let's find somewhere else."

They then walked out of the building and instead of using their guns, they equipped the kitchen knives and Mark, the ax. They got ready as they knew zombies won't give any warnings, well, none except their growlings.

Mark then observed the buildings and saw a department store, Mark hen looked at the girls and signaled them to follow him to the department store.

Slowly walking towards the department store, they heard loud growls and finally, shrill screams, which could most likely attract more zombies.

As they heard the screams, they then rushed towards the department store and saw the opened door, they then walked inside only to be met by ten zombies feasting on a couple's bodies.

This scene could cause any normal person to puke as the flesh was torn from the bodies, blood spurting out and huge holes filled their bodies in the shape of mouths.

Although this could make normal people puke, Mark and the girls weren't. The then instantly stabbed the heads of the zombies to immediately kill them and Mark swung his ax downwards to hack the zombie's head in half.

As they did that, they didn't make any sound, since it seemed unreasonable. Mark then immediately swung his ax to the heads of the couples so that they may never turn to zombies.

Mark then turned to the girls as he said, "Alright, now that that's settled with, let's go find supplies", the girls didn't refute him, it wasn't time to give a prayer, or have a slight

remorse to the dead or else they would also be dead.

Mark then pulled his ax from the head of the couple with one hand and walked towards the shelves. The other girls also looked for supplies on the other shelves.

All they could find were some snacks, protein bars, canned food, and cooking tools. Mark then said, "Bring all the knives and anything that is sharp, even forks."

They then picked all of it up whilst Mark got all the canned foods and other snacks and protein bars. Seeing that there were certainly a lot of items, Mark then tried to find bags or any containers so he can place it there and not have a hard time carrying it.

Mark found a big bag that was made of cloth near the bodies of the dead couple only to see a couple of pictures inside it. Mark then removed the pictures and places it on the bodies if the dead couple.

The bag was quite big and could probably fit all of the things that they got, easily. Mark then grabbed all the canned foods, knives, and other sharp objects, and the other snacks.

He then looked towards the girls and nodded whilst saying, "Let's go", as he stood up and carried the bag behind his back and walked towards the exit whilst the girls followed him.

As they walked outside, there was no sound at all, silence. However, this silence made the girls and even Mark uncomfortable as Mark thought, 'Why is it so quiet, I think something's not right.'

Suddenly, the ground rattled and shook, Mark then felt that something was amiss. As if getting a revelation, Mark then looked towards the girls as he shouted, " WE HAVE TO GET AWAY FROM HERE! WE HAVE TO GO TO THE OTHERS!"

After hearing Mark's anxious voice their expressions turned serious as Mark and the girls ran towards Irina's office. Mark didn't care about the door and just kicked it open as he instantly pressed the button on the desk.

The ground was still shaking, rambling, and was unsteady, but this time, it was more stringer than before it was as if it was an earthquake, but It felt so wrong at the same time.

Mark and the girls then instantly walked down the stairs as Mark knocked on the door so loudly, everyone inside was rattled. They then quickly opened the door as they heard Mark's voice.

Everyone was afraid and confused because of the shaking, they didn't understand why they felt fear despite only experiencing this small earthquake.

Mark didn't spare any time to calm them down as he shouted, "EVERYONE! WE HAVE TO GET OUT! NOW! SOMETHING IS COMING AND EVEN I CAN'T STOP IT!"

Just then as the people inside became clear-headed, something ripped off the building and forced open the hold and everyone inside the underground base only saw a humongous head as it looked down at them. This scared them out of their wits, even Mark himself was fearful of this monster.


Just at then, the white-haired girl beside Arizuare had a face of worry, even Arizuare herself was filled with worry as they started towards the city.

The white-haired girl then could not stand it any longer as she said, "I must save him! I'm gonna use space magic!"

Then Arizuare by her side was shocked as she said, "No Master! You can't! You can no longer use the strongest magics or you'll lose your small remaining vitality! Let me do it!"

Then the white-haired girl then said immediately, "No, I will do it! you'll also lose vitality if you do it! you have smaller vitality than me, so I will do it!"

Then the white-haired girl then chanted something in her breath as she drew a magic circle on the ground with various patterns and characters

Just at that moment, the circle glowed as the white-haired girl wounded her finger to let blood out and made it drip to the circle.

She closed her eyes for a moment and chanted even more and finally, she opened her eyes which was glowing in bright purple, despite her eyes being red as she fainted with a pale complexion on her face.

She then coughed out blood as her complexion turned even paler, causing Arizuare to feel pain in her heart as she said, "You didn't have to blatantly lie about your lifespan Master. Now you only have three years left of your lifespan. Our dear husband, I hope you already recover by then, please save Master! no, please save Luna!"


They then saw the giant monster looking at them causing them to tremble, just at that time went it sent out a first that can instantly wipe them from the face of the earth, a bright purple light suddenly engulfed them whilst Mark had one thought, 'Even if I'm gonna die, I won't let them die!'

As the purple life engulfed them they slowly lost their consciousness as if something hit them in the head so hard that it felt as if they were stabbed.

As the purple light dissipated, they disappeared, the fist of the monster then landed on nothing but it completely destroyed the underground facility with also had nothing in it.

Mark and the others then slowly woke and saw people in front of them as Mark said, "Where are we?"

The person in front of them was a woman, she had white hair that was short at the back abut at the front it traced slightly to the left of her face that was able to reach her chest.

She then smiled with her luscious pink lips as she supported her J-cup breasts with her left hand and stared at Mark and his group with her crimson eyes as she said, "Welcome to the other side of the Fortress City, Fortress City's, Merchant's Land!"