Training of Both Sides (2)

In a faraway place, a beautiful girl that looked exactly like Luna sat down on a throne-like chair. She rested her head on her chin and laid her right leg on the left as she pointed with her left hand at one of the figures in front of her. As if she told that figure something, the figure bowed its head as it spoke, "Yes, my queen."

Its voice was unclear, unknown to be exact. One could never tell if it was a woman or a man. It then continued speaking, "I will tell her immediately! Our threat must be slain! Well then", it clicked it's finger as it warped and disappeared without a trace.

The girl just closed her eyes as she tugged the book in her hand tightly. The figures intently looked at her while kneeling as she suddenly spoke in a cute and beautiful voice, "Sis...ter.. Se.....nior?"


In a far alley, a girl with white hair that had red slithers kneeled on the ground. Her eyes looked down as she trembled. She felt pain all over her body as she vomited blood. Just at that time, the figure of whom the girl that looked like Luna stood behind her as it said, "Lilith!"

The girl who was called Lilith by the figure looked behind her slowly and pain costly showed on her face as she lightly muttered, "Te...acher...Cla.....udia?", right after she finished that, she felt her body turn weak as she fell limp and fell unconscious.

The figure then ran up to Lilith as the figure removed its hood. From the name, Claudia, it was clear that she was a woman. She had crimson eyes and a scar on her snow-white face. Her white hair dangled around as she said worriedly, "Lilith! Damn it!"

She then held Lilith on her hands tightly as she looked up. Her crimson eyes glowed as she whispered to herself, "Master, please awaken soon", she then disappeared on the spot she was standing on with Lilith on her hands.


(1P POV)

It's been a week since we've started training, and the results were quite great. Not only did we enjoy ourselves in the awkwardness of our training, me and the girls also trained in bed. Well now, it includes Marie.

Now, it's quite the time to finally get up and train. A week's worth is still small compared to the monsters out there. Oh, before I forget to mention, Elaine, Jeanne, and Ariel got abilities! Which was mind-boggling in fact, just because they got their abilities in which they said at the same time!

I got up from the bed in which I had a fivesome..... Wait, it can't be considered a fivesome if we're si— wait, it's seven, so maybe sevensome? Is that even a word?

Anyway, I stood up and stretched my limbs just because I feel sore, especially my hips. I looked at the girls at the bed and smiled as I thought, 'They're really beautiful', as I caressed their faces causing them to wake up as they smiled coquettishly at me.

I pinched their noses as found them extremely cute. When all of them had sex with me, they already knew that I had sex with the others. Marie looked at me as she said, " Geez, you're a beast in the bed aren't you, darling?", what I hadn't expected was, her licking my chest.

I simply caressed her face as Elaine said, "Of course", as she coquettishly traced her finger on my abs, and I didn't mean to flex on you. Jeanne also hugged me behind letting her breasts caress my back as she said, " That's our husband."

Of course, the other girls, Ariel, Isabelle, Irina, and Charlotte, didn't let themselves be left behind as they hugged me on all sides as they said, "Yes, of course, our husband is the best."

Irina then went ahead and grabbed my standing dick as she said, "Look at this, albeit satisfying us all last night, it still extremely energetic", but then she felt something tickle her hand as she muttered, "This is?"

As she looked down, she saw Liza intently licking my dick as she said, "Thank you for the meal, Big Brother!", Irina sighed as she looked at me and started to stroke my cock, "Geez, you even fucked a little girl, are you a pedophile?"

Liza, who heard that, angrily snorted in honor of defending me, "No! Big Brother is not a pedophile! I'm already an adult!", Irina then giggled as she wanted Liza on the head, which caused Liza to smile happily as if she felt a motherly touch. "I know, I'm just joking."

I then cut off their chatter as I said, "Alright, that's enough! Let's go back to training!", which caused them to be dissatisfied as they crossed their arms. I, of course, want to feel more pleasure as I said, " Let's continue this tonight, shall we?"


Lilith opened her eyes as she gazed at the figure close to her as she muttered, "Teacher?", this caused Claudia to tear up as she caressed her face as she said, " The poison is extremely near to your only life source. If only, the master was here! If only!"

Lilith just smiled as she said, "Teacher, I've sensed a trace of Master on a certain being", this caused Claudia's eyes to brighten, but what Lilith said next, completely disheartened her, " Though, he doesn't remember anything."

"Teacher, I know why you've come here, shall we go train the zombie overlords?", Lilith said, causing Claudia to grit her teeth. If her disciple wasn't getting threatened, why would she follow anyone that is another master?

She rubbed her teary eyes as she said resolutely, " Let's go!", Claudia stood up, and so did Lilith as they went out.

Outside, Claudia raised her hands as she shouted, "Servants! Awaken! Train! Give your souls and bodies to our Queen!", the mutant zombie overlords then jeered as they shouted, " To the queen!!"

If Mark was here, he might be been confused, heck, even Eliada. How can the zombies talk as if they are normal beings, well not exactly normal? But they weren't here, so what could they do?

The zombie overlords then faced each other bit then Claudia shouted, "No! You aren't gonna fight with each other, but you are gonna fight yourselves!", she then licked her fingers and all of the mutant zombie overlords were sent in a dark space where they face their own selves.

Claudia then shouted one last time, " Fight yourselves! If you can't even defeat yourselves, you are weak, and don't deserve to be in the queen's army!", the mutant zombie overlords were afraid to be cast away as they immediately started to fight themselves and honing their strengths.

The fear of being cast away scares them as they fought with themselves, clearly afraid of losing. This is their motivation, to serve the Queen.


I walked with the others towards the room that Nora told them to train in. Well, that place was perfectly suited for training superhumans, since everything is just almost unbreakable.

We weren't scared to hit with our full blast here, especially because it's unbreakable, I feel like I've said it a thousand times. I didn't know why, but I enjoyed fighting, especially with Nora and Eliada.

As we entered, the others were already there, that includes Layla, Anna, Eliada, Nora, Jane, Feina, Fe, Gabrielle, they were here ready to train. Meanwhile, Nora looked at me coyly. I was confused at this, to be honest. This had started after I had sex with Marie, wait... Did she peep on us? That naughty girl.

I don't mind her coy expression as I smirked at her. Her face flushed as her left arm carried her breasts and her right got in between. It was enticing, but since I've already had sex with six—, oh wait, fuck, I should include Liza. Seven women, I, of course, am already used to seeing enticing looks.

I then shouted loudly, "Let the training begin!", well we started the training, but it was ten times harder than a normal soldier training. To be honest, if another soldier was with is training, he would've died. Hey! Don't include my beautiful soldiers!

We trained and honed our bodies and finally, the main event, the sparring!