Sparring Session

Ah yes, the main event, the sparring session. This was the long-awaited event to test out our strengths after a week of training. We were also planning to do this every week, so we can learn more and teach each other about the techniques more.

(3P POV)

"Alright! The first pair is Liza versus Silvia! Begin!", Eliada shouted loudly as she got off the elevated platform and watched Silvia and Liza, the literal lolis das towards the platform with a backflip!?

They didn't waste their time as they proceeded to use their feet, not by running though, but by kicking, and not only that but also punching. Their technique seems to come from... Muay Thai? That's quite rare to use.

Shockwaves seem to spread out every time a hit landed, shocking not only Mark but Eliada due to the strength of these little monsters. Mark guessed that the, 'Never mess with someone even if their small', phrase is truly a thing now, isn't it?

(1P POV)

Their fight continued which seemed to be lasting forever, but in the end, none of the two one, it ended as a draw! With both of them clearly exhausted, a huge oomph for me.

They both fell down on their butts... But not on the ground, rather, ok my hands, as I immediately ran up to them and caught them. As I touched their butts, I couldn't help but squeeze lightly and two different reactions can from both of them.

Liza didn't act like a little girl her age, but in fact, acted as if she was a mature woman that craved for her man as she gazed upon me and licked her lips lightly.

Silvia, on the other hand, barely has any reaction! She just shrugged her shoulders. As expected of a kuudere. But wait... What's that small pinkish time on her face? Is it just me?

I then carried both of them on my shoulders as I ran off towards the bottom and placed them on the furniture that was set up. They looked thankfully at me as I just smiled and raised my thumb.

(3P POV)

"Alright then, that was an interesting match I suppose", Eliada said as she pointed at Anna and Layla. Both of the girls nodded as they walked towards the platform. Well, to be fair, they did it TOO dramatically.

Mark observed their fight eagerly to see the strength of the two. He did not see their fights at all so he was incredibly curious about their strengths. Th6 both nodded to each other as they did their stance and ran towards each other.

Kicks collided, shockwaves protruded, Mark was dumbfounded. Nice play of words there, am I right? (Insert winky face here). Their strengths were much stronger than Mark had anticipated. They could probably best Mutant Zombies with their kicks alone.

Layla seemed to use mix martial arts and kicked and punched with style. Anna on the other hand... Looked like a street fighter? Because of that, Mark couldn't help but look at Marie who just shrugged with a bitter smile seeing his face. In her mind, she thought, 'Don't know why but she likes to fight, despite her innocent and pure face.'

Their fight continued with their fists colliding with each other causing pain that as if electricity, it ran down their body through their hands as their faces twitched in pain as they got knocked back.

Unexpectedly, at the spot where their fists collided, sparks appeared as some kind of zap was heard and shine of blue light. It was probably electricity, but that was enough to shock most of the people except for Eliada, who, most likely have already seen this.

Mark couldn't help but gasp as he muttered lightly, " Ability!", most of the people in their group were already growing abilities and a lot of them had abilities now. Nora was confused about why so many people in Mark's group had ability.

(1P POV)

I couldn't help but get shocked at the sudden production of ability. I pondered upon who had activated the ability, well, all I know that Layla already had an ability with that cheat aimbot of hers, but Anna, ok the other hand, didn't have one.

I gazed upon Anna who was looking at her own hands while looking at the same spot that hers and Layla's fist collided. She indeed felt something run through her hand, but she didn't expect that.

As I gazed upon her, I knew. I just murmured upon my breath, "As I thought", As Eliada looked at the two who was on the ground which revealed slightly charred hands in which she said, " Alright, go to Charlotte you two, get your hands healed."

The two girls just nodded as they stood up and went towards Charlotte who was holding a huge injection in her hand that had glowing liquid. As I gazed at her, I thought, 'What are those liquid made from anyway.'

I just shrugged as I looked at Eliada who was smiling, "Elaine versus Jeanne!", Elaine just scrambled her feet up nervously as Jeanne helped her balance with a bitter smile. Jeanne then said, " Can we use guns with rubber bullets?"

"Sure", Eliada nodded as she looked at Lance and said, "Lance, do you know how to cast a protection spell? And oh, can you embed a fast healing spell too", Lance nodded as he heard that while Eliada thought in her mind, which I didn't know, only the author knows, 'This was just an experiment, but I didn't think that he was the one. Only that person can embed a fast healing spell after only learning magic for a couple of weeks.'

(3P POV)

Mark looked at Eliada who was seemingly having deep thoughts as Lance chanted a couple of phrases. At that time, a light covered the two girls and followed by strange characters completely enveloping the two.

The two then walked towards the platform, while Elaine was staggering to get up, completely nervous. As they stood upon the top, Mark shouted, " Don't be nervous you two! You can do it!"

Elaine's nervous expression lifted as a serious expression completely replaced it while they aimed their guns. They took a shot as they ran so the other would miss, and they could shoot.

Both of them had ten magazines filled with rubber bullets that seemed to be completely manufactured by Nora. As they shot, Elaine's serious expression turned to a completely cool one with a nice smirk as she shot. She was completely different than before, she was extremely confident know.

As her confidence rose, the speed of her shots became faster and faster as she ran extremely fast! Yes! This left everyone a stunned expression as Elaine had a confident demeanor while avoiding the bullets like a boss as she shot like a semi-automatic rifle.

Jeanne, on the other hand, didn't have any nervous or solemn expression. She only had a big fat smirk laid on her face as her eyes glowed while trying to dodge the bullets. She then thought, 'This is fun!', as she found her own competitiveness rise.

Suddenly she split the gun in half!? Wait... No! She duplicated it!! She then shot with two pistols now. She rolled like a player on a game as her gamer instincts rose while she shot.

Not only did her gun duplicate, but also her magazines, and body!? She had clones!? Her clones also shot towards Elaine who was almost as fast as lightning. Hundreds of bullets were shot as Elaine only smiled widely.

Disappearing from her spot, she slyly appeared behind a clone and grabbed all the magazines while coming to the center and aimed while sidestepping. After images formed as she smiled widely while shooting the clones.

All of the others were stunned and dumbfounded. What was this battle, an anime? A movie? A novel? Naruto? They were fucking cool as they fought.

Mark was also stunned but he couldn't help but feel the excitement. He then thought, 'We can surely beat those things now!', but suddenly a problem arose.

"Shit!", Lance loudly cursed which gave a sign to Eliada. Eliada just disappeared from her spot as the protection that was cast on the two girls cracked and suddenly broke.

The two girls this time were nervous. Rubber bullets weren't completely harmless, it could kill someone, especially now that almost a thousand bullets were shot. Elaida suddenly appeared on both sides next to Jeanne and Elaine as she grabbed the rubber bullets in her hands with a gleam on her eyes.

" I'm so sorry!", Lance apologized as Eliada just said, "It's fine, it's fine! You two, go rest, it's a draw!", she shouted as she looked at me and said, " It's time for the main battle for today isn't it?"


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