Sparring Session (2)

(3P POV)

Without any warning, Eliada suddenly appeared in front of Mark while sending a punch. Mark was indeed surprised, but he forced stop his surprise as he ultimately did the fist.

He didn't waste any more time as he smirked and grabbed Eliada, but he grabbed her accidentally... At the breasts!? This caused Eliada to blush while Mark squeezed his hand and savored the soft sensation.

Mark, was indeed, not stupid. Unlike those stupid beta men out there, he just continued to squeeze as he threw Eliada towards the stage while he also sent out a punch.

Eliada who felt the squeeze on her breasts looked at Mark coquettishly as she clenched her fist and made a side punch while stomping on the ground causing a slight tremor.

'Yea, Eliada truly is strong, now I gotta beat her!', Mark thought as he also made a side punch causing heir fists to collide. If they were normal, then that will really hurt, but considering that they weren't, maybe not.

Mark continued by swinging his right fist to the left when he was near Eliada but Eliada dodges by crouching and punched Mark in the gut throwing him off. Mark's eyes glowed as he disappeared midair and made an axe kick behind Eliada.

Eliada only smirked as she turned back and grabbed Mark's foot and kicked his other leg. Mark was really worried about that part, say that he was lucky not having his balls hit by this woman.

Mark effortlessly got out of Eliada's grip as he sweep kicked Eliada, but who would've taught that she jumped up and neck-locked Mark with her legs. Mark didn't feel pain though, he felt the soft and bouncy a sensation of Eliada's thighs.

Mark then raised his body up and cheated by licking her.. Pussy. Eliada felt a familiar sensation which made her legs weak and Mark grabbed both of them while swinging her far.

Though, the battle was far from over when Eliada twisted her body and landed on all fours. She rushed to Mark while scales appeared on her hands while her face seemingly had a longing expression.

Mark, suddenly felt danger. He felt as if he couldn't dodge which was dangerous. Eliada had extremely sharp claws that feel as if it was a heated knife.

Mark's eyes glowed azure blue as he gritted his teeth and his muscles became clear while his grey hair floated. He then suddenly disappeared from his spot and appeared right above Eliada.

Eliada looked above and felt danger that caused her to fear. She then gathered all her strength to block Mark who had his hand shining bright with lightning as he descended fist first.

As Mark hit Eliada's arms, Eliada, clearly grimaced in pain, as the others looked at them in pure shock with the shockwaves they produced, especially their speed and strength.

Although Elaine, on her extremely confident mode, seemed faster, when lightning sparks appeared on Mark, he became faster than Elaine in any case.

Eliada, this time, didn't just grimace now, but she started to groan. Mark was not on his right mind, it was as if something controlled him.


"Teacher, this power is!", Lilith said seemingly surprised at what she felt. Though, Claudia was similarly surprised as she said, "Yes, it is similar to master's no, wait, it is master's power!"

"And also, Eliada's power, so she's there! She must keep him protected at all costs! He must be protected. He must awaken!", Claudia, this time said loudly as she thought of something extremely uncomfortable for her.

"Teacher", Lilith grabbed her arm with a smile while calming Claudia down. Claudia then sighed as her red eyes glowed while she touched her lips. "Master."


"Master", Arizuare looked at Luna who was currently lying on the ground completely pale. Luna smiled as she said, "It's alright Ari, I'm fine."

Arizuare had tears on her eyes as she felt a sensation, a familiar one. She then looked behind as she said, "Master is..... He's coming back!"

Arizuare looked excited as she held Luna's hand. She then looked extremely happy as she gazed at Luna who was soundly asleep as she had watery eyes and held Luna's hand tightly. "Master, please come back, come back, and heal Luna."


They both fell down simultaneously while Mark had slight burns on his body. Their faces showed that they were extremely exhausted. Mark than lightly opened his eyes as he murmured, ""

Eliada who was dazed suddenly got alert as she thought, 'Are his memories returning!?', she tried to sit down, but the pain didn't let her do so.

Charlotte then nearer both of them and said, "Don't enforce yourself, let me heal you right now", Charlotte then injected her with the needle while chanting words as she healed all of Eliada's injuries. She only had a few broken bones, so... easy peasy?

(1P POV)

I felt my body burning as I could hear names echoing around my head. I felt as if it was a pain, it was just purely annoying, so I closed my eyes and tried to feel the peace and quiet, but that all ended as I heard, 'Master! Please come back! Please help Luna!'

I couldn't help but suddenly burst up and felt my body to tingling as Eliada and Charlotte was beside me. Noticing that I was awake, Charlotte, who sat down and seemed to read a book smiled as she looked at me and said, " The burns were not normal, so it took a long time."

She then lightly kissed my cheek as she whispered unto my ear, "Hey, darling, let's do it later okay?", she then licked my ear as she pressed her breasts on my arm and walked away.

But before she could walk away, I grabbed her breasts roughly, causing her to moan in pleasure as I said to her ear, " You're quite a masochist aren't you, Charlotte?", as I slapped her ass causing a loud sound to echo on the room.

Charlotte moaned a little bit as her face was beet red as she said, "I said! La...ter!", as she pushed me away and walked out of the room. As she walked out, she couldn't help but rub her wet pussy as she whispered to herself, " So rough! So good~!"

I sat on the bed as I thought about the name, 'Luna', as I rubbed my hands and thought, 'Who is Luna? And why did a girl say that I must come back and heal her?', as I thought of that, Eliada, who was sleeping soundly sat down properly and rubbed her eyes as her clothes lightly sagged.

She looked extremely alluring but I had deeper thoughts, 'Just who are they?', Eliada then looked at me and saw me having a troubled expression. She then sighed as she touched my head while saying, "So you only remember her name huh."

She then sat down on the bed I was lying on and out of nowhere, kissed me. She then had a flushed face as she said, "I keep longing for you, even though you still don't remember me, I need you."

She pushed me down the bed which nonetheless surprised me as she continued her kiss. Of course, I wouldn't let myself be beaten as I invaded her mouth with my tongue and there was no resistance at all, which did not surprise me in any case.

I couldn't help but embrace her due to feeling a quite familiar sensation while I grabbed her ass with my hands while she held my face and caressed me while saying, "You're still the same as before, and as handsome as before. And most importantly... The sensation of touching you... Is still the same."

We entangled our tongues as I grabbed her plump but that was extremely bouncy as her light-brown skin glowed with sweat. I gulped ss I looked at her erotic figure as she removed her clothes and placed my head between her breasts and said, "Hey, Mark, I want to feel you again. I want to touch you again. I want you!"

She removed my pants professionally revealing my already hard cock as she grabbed it with her hands causing my cock to twitch. She then started to lick it while she said, "It's time to dig in."