Chapter - 3

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Chapter - 3: Typhon


After I finished dealing with the problem with my creator? I could only let out a small inward sigh as I could feel my emotions had returned to manageable levels and the annoyance I had felt against him had been successfully handled.

Since I had come out of my containment pod I had accepted that my emotions are getting out of control! It was really a strange feeling it was as if all my emotions were being felt more intensely than when I was a normal human being, it was was not only that: annoyance, hatred, amusement, anger, all my emotions had been amplified by a lot

How strange though from my memories I was always a calm and rational person who tried to use my head in any kind of situation.... This could only mean that my other memories were slowly making me lose control of me!

I was really in a difficult situation to handle-I didn't really know how I could solve this problem.... I didn't have so many options available to me at this time I could only hope that thanks to Ultimate's adaptability ability I would be able to control myself without too much trouble.

Suddenly I felt a presence slowly approaching me as I saw the little orange-haired girl trying to establish a dialogue with me.

"I am Lilith and that battle maniac and my friend Rose, we are mercenaries and have been hired to take you somewhere. Would you be willing to come with us peacefully?" asked Lilith in a friendly tone as she released i from my inner turmoil.

Hired? Listening to her words that sounded sincere, I couldn't help but begin to ponder as my instincts told me that there was more to it than she was letting on.

Seeing that I was not responding to her words. Lilith seemed in clear difficulty about how to continue not knowing how to handle the situation.

There were two of us...

Finally, after a little sigh to regain her composure, Lilith said in a lashing tone, "We have no intention of harming you! There is a person who wants to meet you and who will answer all the questions you have right now."

I didn't want to sound too paranoid; after all, one Batman was enough in this world. But it was quite obvious that they were not telling me everything and it was also obvious that they were clinging to half-truths to try to keep me on their better side....

"And why didn't this "person" come directly to meet me instead of sending the two of you?", I couldn't help but say, as a frown formed on my face and I felt the discomfort growing in me much faster than before, as I felt all the muscles in my body contract and the floor under my feet crack as if it were made of mere paper from the heavy pressure.

However from what I had seen this lab was certainly not such a guarded place if two young girls managed to enter it and eliminate everyone without too much trouble

Calm... I have to keep calm and not be swayed by my ever-growing emotions, but this is by no means an easy thing to do!

Hearing my words for the first time, Lilith could not help but assume a shocked expression, "You speak!" After this response, I could not help but look at her coldly, causing her to blush a little on her cheeks with obvious embarrassment all over her face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you could talk... After all there was no information on the documents we found. So I understand your frustration and your questions, but I can't answer them"

Did my annoyance lessen by somehow understanding that she was sincere in her words? Now I couldn't help but wonder if I had also gained some power of empathy from Utimate....

"Fuck all this corny shit! Are you willing to come with us?" shouted Rose much more forcefully this time with obvious frustration at the whole situation.

"I don't know." This time I responded as I looked directly at the two girls. Trying to figure out if they were lying or if they had some plan to use me in some way?

My gaze could not leave Lilith's figure for some mysterious reason, because I felt that there was so much more to her, but I could not figure out exactly what it was. She exuded a presence that made me focus on her. I was really curious about her in many ways.

"What the fuck does that mean exactly?" Rose asked sternly, because it sounded like my answer was one that said I would resist it...

"Calm down, Rose, and he's been in a box his whole life, give him time to process this," Lilith said with obvious disappointment at her friend's behavior towards me.

"Mhm" merely huffed Rose with disdain "I don't give a damn! What do you think will happen if he starts going around town looking like this.... "

Lilith gave me a sympathetic look, nodded as if she had discovered a hidden truth of the universe and said without any shame on her face "It would be a danger to all women in the world! Especially girls of our age, with those muscles and bad-boy looks don't help much...."



"Ouch!" exclaimed Lilith holding her head with fake tears in her little eyes, "Rose, why did you hit me?"

"To remove from your brain some perverted images that were forming," Rose stated in a clear tone of contempt that was crystal clear and impossible to miss.

"You also took a long look at the muscles of his body." Lilith stopped herself from continuing to speak, noticing how ugly her friend's expression was becoming.

However, getting back to serious business, I couldn't help but think that Rose's words weren't entirely wrong.... Honestly, it's not like I had many possible options to choose from right now, given my delicate situation:

"Is it necessary to restrict my freedom? Will you be accountable for my confinement and discomfort?" I inquired after a brief pause, as I felt my emotions welling up once more, and the temptation to dismantle everything and reduce it to a pile of rubble briefly crossed my mind.

"Then I ask you, if I follow you, are you planning to take away my freedom?" I asked seriously as I looked straight into her eyes.

I saw it in her eyes as she debated her answer to my question. An answer that he also knows will determine whether I would be hostile toward them. I could also sense much hesitation on her part.

"He's right. If anyone, and I mean anyone, with any kind of power and connections to some scientists finds out who he is, they will lock him up and never let him see the light of day." comment Lilith, her emotions telling me she was speaking from experience for some reason I still could not understand.

Young Rose was not sure how to proceed. On the one hand I felt sympathy from her, on the other nervousness in my presence and a little fear....

"If I say no, then will you come with us?"

"Under a few conditions." I replied as I planned how not to be forced into another lab anytime soon....

"What are they?" Rose asked curiously, trying to keep her aggression as low as possible in order to complete her mission.

"Subject #0 no longer exists.... He died in this facility along with everything else. I was not found here, but I was picked up along the way to help you find this place. I will also need official papers and some form of pay in order to arm, clothe and support myself, and I want to have my personal freedom without being controlled and spied on in any way" I openly enunciated

"I can make this happen easily as long as you follow us and don't endanger me or Lilith. Deal?" Said Rose in a strangely cooperative tone that quite amazed me.

"Deal. Then I will be in your care..." I replied without any change after all this was the bare minimum to have a hint of belonging in this new world.

"What shall we call you then?" asked Lilith with obvious curiosity as she

"You can refer to me as Typhon for now. I'm not sure that will fit my name, but that's the word that resonated with me right now" I finally replied.

But just like that I had my freedom. And with this newfound freedom I was really hoping that I could find my way in life through this, but this feeling inside is telling me that I could find more...


Leaving the lab, I could only look at the surroundings that seemed familiar but at the same time so far away for some reason I felt...

I couldn't help but think it was the sensations of Ultimate's memories when he had come to earth and fought Superman to the death!

The funny thing was that I could remember exactly the sensations of that fight and had to admit that I could feel my body asking for another such battle...

However, I soon took in that when I came out of the lab, I felt that with each passing second I was getting more and more used to my body's new capabilities as I tried to use Ki sensing, I felt that my range covered the entire city with ease before slowly trying to cover the entire planet.

It was the first time I felt someone's life force, and I could honestly say that there were a hundred of them that could have defeated me right now.

Of course they could have defeated only me.... But killing me was a completely different concept: not only would I become stronger, but I would gain resistance to the kind of method used to kill me....

I was practically a living cheat code!

With this ability, that number decreased significantly, but there were still a handful who could do it but they were all cosmic beings in the different dimensions hidden on this planet.

I stretched while with my Ki sensing ability and found powerful people approaching quickly. An honestly quite large number of them.

"Are you expecting friends?" I asked as I used my Ki sensing to try to pinpoint the exact location of this group.

"Um no, why do you ask," Lilith asked in a confused tone as she tilted her head in a very cute accepting way her mature body gave her a great charm that was hard not to think about.

Unlike her, Rose seemed to realize the weight of my words and took a fighting stance, "Fuck! Lilith, prepare for battle!"

Lilith simply nodded her head, "Roger that!"

It seemed that they did not want to attack us immediately.... Suddenly my body couldn't help but shiver as I finally noticed something I had never noticed before, as I was getting used to using my Ki detection for the first time.

There were no other people around us in the streets and even in the surrounding buildings it they completely empty!

"It was a trap..." I couldn't help but think, and as I paid attention to the Ki of people farther away, I couldn't help but admit that I was distracted, as suddenly, without any warning, a large spiked ball headed toward me and unconsciously I tried to protect myself by using my arms covered by my straitjacket....

"Typhon!" I heard Lilith scream as I felt the contact of the spiked ball with my body, as a great force sent me flying and colliding with the street and several buildings as my body stopped and created a large crater.

But it seemed that the attack was not yet over, because I saw the spiked ball heading toward me again and continuing to hit me repeatedly without stopping, causing my body to sink into the ground.

I had made a mistake...

I had been far too naive since I had been in this world, or rather I had been too complacent with myself. With my new body and my new powers that made me think I was invincible and that nothing could hurt me!

So I thought about not getting rid of the straitjacket for fear of hurting myself, and in the meantime I tried to guard what little humanity I had left. After all, I had no intention of becoming another Ultimate.....

And I don't think this thinking was wrong, I was simply wrong in thinking that if I limited my strength others would also do so accordingly or, in my fantasy, would not seek trouble against me....

But it seemed that to stay in this world I had to adopt a much more aggressive method, otherwise I don't think I would have survived long! I slowly lifted myself out of the crater below me as I felt every bone in my body creak, as I observed I had not sustained too serious an injury.

A frown expression made my lips tighten as I watched the battle unfold before me, and without a second thought, I tore off the last remnants of my straitjacket as my eyes darted among the combatants, noting that some of them used magic to fight in addition to technology, which was why I could not sense their true strength. This was vital information that, to my misfortune, I could not grasp.

I could see both Rose and Lilith fighting; they seemed to be struggling, but they seemed to be holding their own because of their excellent teamwork and especially their excellent fighting experience.

My gaze turned to their opponents: there were three of them, from what I could see, and they seemed to have some difficulty working as a team.

I knew little about magic, at least in this universe. In Dragon Ball it was definitely a very useful tool to have, because it was very versatile. Even if an enemy took precautions against it, there were so many different kinds that you could probably find something else that worked.

A young woman with skin of a grayish tone that gave her a unique charm and dark hair. She wore a dark blue cape over a black leotard that left her legs bare except for the shoes on her feet.

Her hands were covered in black light, framed in white, and I could see her lips moving. I strained my ears to hear her say plainly, "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos," she intoned, before a garbage can hurled itself at Lilith, who lazily avoided it with ease thanks to her precognition skills and promptly counterattacked by pulling her hands out, fiery sparks dancing on her fingertips before the brakes of a vehicle suddenly failed.

"Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos," she chanted "Raven" again, reaching out her hand toward the spinning vehicle out of control and stopping it cold before raising her other hand. Several objects lifted off the ground before they launched themselves at her. It was interesting, I noted tilting my head as I watched the fight unfold.

Raven was using a magic spell while Lilith had Jedi abilities.... I would have needed to see more, but it was clear that things had a habit of breaking around her, and the things that should have hit her did not.

My gaze shifted to another fight. This one was of a more physical nature as I could see a wild Rose fighting two powerful opponents and not yielding a millimeter.

I was not sure why but seeing Rose's seductive fighting figure had a certain allure that drew me toward her in a very enticing way....

She was fighting an orange-skinned Tameranian with fiery red hair. She was wearing wore little, just enough to protect her modesty.

Her name was... Koriand'r, if I remembered correctly. The rebellious princess to the throne of Tamerea...

There was another human with obvious combat experience, but he wasn't wearing any armor. He was armed with a simple staff that found himself easily outclassed in fighting prowess by Rose who didn't even seem to see him as a potential threat as she focused her ferocious attack on Starfire.

Now that I was closer, I could hear the exchanges more easily. I came close to conflict -- two separate battles. It has the side Rose and Lilith who seemed to have some chemistry with each other while neither opposing side could work as a team but at the very least they seemed to be aware of each other.

They seemed too busy fighting to notice my return. However, they learned quickly when a beam of green energy shot through me, nearly hitting me, but managing to hit a bus that didn't seem to realize a battle was going on.

I turned around only to see two girls who looked pretty strong. If my innate strength measurement was anything to go by anyway, and I trusted, especially after acquiring the animal genes.

Animals are damn good at sensing if someone is strong...

One of the women looked barely 18, but it may have been her slightly petite frame working against her. She was about 5'3" with a modest bust and an overall tight and perky body. She seemed to exude optimism and energy. She had blonde hair and blue eyes and her face was more cute than beautiful, but I guess she's a beauty to standalone? Well, whatever it is, I'm not in the mood to worry.

She wore some casual clothes, honestly. A brown jacket with a matching brown skirt and blue t-shirt. She was also wearing regular converse sneakers. Honestly, if my gut didn't tell me it's dangerous, I'd dismiss her as a normal person.

But to my bad luck I managed to recognize she was one of the many Wonder Girls of this sick world…

However it wasn't her that concerned me but it was the other woman who was much taller, about 6'0", with a much more athletic build, and looked like the long lost fifth member for the band 'KISS'. She had the chalk white skin, just like someone who had been dipped in white paint. She had red eyes and pitch black hair that contrasted heavily with her skin tone and was styled in a very punk looking haircut; Wild and messy, practically, with one side of the head completely shaved and the rest combed (or rather pushed) on the other side.

But the most captivating part of her was, ironically, around her eyes. She looked like a mask of domination and if it was a black tattoo on her skin. Was it a tattoo or a birthmark...

Matching her hairdo, the punk rocker girl wore a black leather jacket with ripped sleeves and studs down the shoulders, along with a white tank top underneath her and ripped black jeans. She finished the look with steel toe boots.

Perfect a gender bender Lobo version... It felt like my day was slowly getting better...

"Typhon, are you okay?" Screamed Lilith as she managed to fend off Raven with a Darth Vader attack which I have to admit was pretty cool.

Sensing her genuine concern for me, I simply nodded in her direction as I could only say in a calm tone "Don't worry about me, there's no need... Instead you should be worrying about you and Rose"

Lilith bit her lip lightly listening to my comment as she seemed to want to say something but finally fell silent as she nodded hard at my words.

Alas, I didn't even get a chance to speak as the punk girl scoffed at me, grinning at me contemptuously before speaking, "Is that it? You two are only going to talk about your 'feelings'~?" she said mockingly, her smile turning into a smile, "surpass yours--!" I cut her off, sending a punch to the face.

I didn't move an inch, just extended my fist as I threw it at a speed she couldn't even fathom.

In my anger at not only being sent flying multiple times, but also being teased like an idiot! After interrupting my conversation, I completely forgot to hold back, but when my fist hit the woman's face, I realized that she could take the blow, and then...


I just let go, I didn't know it was a good thing… But they were fighting with the intention of hurting me and that was only in self defense, at least for me.

With a cracking blast of sound, like the loudest thunder you'll ever hear, the pale woman's head snapped back before her body followed suit and she flew, a slight ripple that echoed as the air parted from his way like civilians walking away from a speeding car.

"One out..." I could only mumble as I could feel my body getting warmer and at the same time it seemed like my mind was much colder and clearer than normal.

"Crush!" the blonde cried with concern as she looked at me with cold eyes and launched into the attack without a second thought as the ground beneath her cracked from the force exerted.

But I stood my ground without any fear and like a fucking mountain I resisted on as her fist hit the right side of my face and created several holes around me.

Of course I didn't miss the opportunity that presented itself to me when I grabbed her head and crushed her on the street without mercy... But I wasn't done yet because I tried to grab her leg only to get kicked in the chin causing to alter my center of gravity and leaving me vulnerable to her counterattack.

Wondel Girl grabbed my head as she dropped several knees on my face without any mercy… I felt no pain at her bad luck or maybe her attacks were too weak. I really didn't care while but I took the opportunity to grab her leg before slamming into the floor multiple times like maybe her just a broken doll and increasing my battle lust to very dangerous levels.

Seeing her dizzy from the repeated attacks, I punched her mercilessly in the face as I could watch her fly several miles and crash into several buildings.

By putting force into my legs I lowered my center of gravity while putting enough force into my legs to completely shred the ground beneath me to make a big leap to reach her position, and I immediately raised both arms as I finally exerted a good part of my strength as hundreds of veins appeared on my arms.

My shot hit her rib cage directly causing her to sink to the ground like a used rag doll causing her to spit blood and pass out on the spot…

Maybe I had exaggerated? Also it seemed like my attack was so strong that the simple shock wave produced destroying all the buildings and houses in its vicinity as if it was some kind of natural disaster, creating a giant path of destruction.

"Two out..." I said as I came out of the gigantic crater I had created. It felt like this area of the city is going to need to be rebuilt... For some reason I didn't mind one bit, but instead my body seemed to be crying out for more battle!

Was it like I was a different man after this fight? More powerful in every sense of the word... Strong. Faster. My internal structure was sturdier and much more dense and resistant to shocks. My reaction speed was leaps and bounds better than before, and before that I could react to bullets pretty easily. But my senses were what had the biggest improvement…

Even now, however, I could feel these improvements were just the beginning. My body was mutating further. My body was constantly improving through natural selection.

Tomorrow morning I would be many times stronger. Next week I'll be even further away from who I am now... I could see it now, now that I had fought against an opponent from my own "league". To become the ultimate and perfect life form, I had to keep fighting even stronger beings.

That might make me a hypocrite, but I don't care. I will follow. Even if I brutally wound all the "heroes" who come after me... well, I'll do it anyway. Just don't kill them...

I honestly don't even care that they came after me as I try to enjoy this new life to the fullest!

However it seemed that my attack had also involved the quarrel that Lilith and Rose were having, which they had decided to interrupt to keep away from my battles... Wise decision.

Suddenly I felt a strong life force approaching at a speed I was sure exceeded the speed of sound. For some reason I felt the anticipation of facing this new opponent and a feeling that was somehow very familiar…

Kryptonian! When that word registered in my mind, a sense of urgency finally reached my brain as my body went on autopilot.

I channeled most of my Ki without wasting a second as a red ball formed in my palm and without a moment's hesitation I launched it towards the great life force in question.

"Omega Blaster" Upon seeing the energy ball leave my hand and travel at speeds easily exceeding the speed of sound towards the supposed Kryptonian....

I immediately grabbed both Lilith and Rose (Ignoring her complaint) and of course Dr Hamilton who was still unconscious carried by the "Dark Hand" and run towards an unknown direction as he could see my energy ball being carried to the sky by someone dressed in blue and red.

My attention shifted to the left - the beach stretched out for quite a distance in a jagged pattern before giving way to stone cliffs. Beyond them, I saw a skyline that belonged to an unfamiliar city.


[Gotham City: ???]

Gotham City. A dark, gritty and inhospitable city that was home to some of the vilest and most dangerous psychopaths on Earth. It was also the home of the legendary Batman, leader of the Justice League. Some might call his tactics and modus operandi of him a bit too harsh and brutal for a hero. But the truth was, that was the only way to keep order in a city teetering on the edge of anarchy. It was, in essence, an endless battle to protect those who tried to live peacefully in this city.

But unbeknownst to the Justice League, a plan was being completed that would revolutionize the entire universe...

"So what do you think," a man asked loudly who was dressed mostly in black, but wore at least some manor of armor, along with sword-shaped weapons on his back and a socketed sidearm in his belt. The man also had long white hair tied back in a ponytail, but what he wore was a distinctive mask whose left side is orange with a single eye hole outlined in black.

"Great potential... But he lacks evident discipline he only made use of his instinct to fight and had no strategy in mind if his opponent was stronger than him theoretically he could lose..." replies a woman with hair platinum blond and blue eyed with slightly dark skin tone with two razor sharp swords at her side which gave her an exotic Amazonian look.

"Then I hope you are satisfied" said the man as he continued saying "It was not easy to force the league to send such a team on a mission. Not only did I have to pay a lot of money and ask for favors back to keep away the big shots of the League and also check the missions that their protégés were carrying out and send a message to the Justice League half an hour before Rose and Lilith's assault on Cadmus"

The woman simply shook her head as a smile grew on her pretty face, "And without a doubt perfect! All my help Cadmus has paid off and finally the true king is finally ready to ascend his rightful throne!"

The man only managed a small smile as he took a sip of his wine, as he said "Then I hope our cooperation can continue in the future too...."

The woman remained silent as she said in a solemn voice "Everything depends on the will of the new king of Apokolips! I will just follow his will like so many others after me!"

"I'm sure your new god will be cooperative to work with us after all he has already made friends with Rose and Lilith"


Emergency team:

Robin (Tim Drake)



Wondel Girl (Cassandra Sandsmark)
