Chapter - 6


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- DC: True Power Saiyan: 3 advanced chapters:


Chapter - 6: Saiyan =Training


"Okay, so maybe this is a stupid question, but are you sure the floor can support this weight?" I asked because I had a basic knowledge of how physics works or so I thought....

Although I couldn't help but doubt thinking how much I could use that kind of knowledge in this kind of world that basically had completely different rules...

Rose scoffed, but Lilith nodded at my question, "The floor here is made of an advanced alloy and is almost invulnerable to most conventional forces. So you can do all the crazy things you want," she smiled, and I smiled back at her with a little nod.

She had spoken to me after we had left the bar. She had asked me if I would like to have a talk soon to try to help me cope with the new life ahead of me.

Long story short, after careful consideration on my part, I said yes, but first I wanted to focus more on training...

She asked me why I wanted to train, but I didn't give her a concrete answer because there was really no need to tell her. Heck, I don't even know if they *know* all the universal threats in this world, or at least I don't know how much information they have on them.

But if she had asked the question in the future, I would have simply directed her to a modern history book of this world....

Pick any page from that book and you will have a reason why you should be able to defend yourself in such a world.

I still knew nothing about Gilotina and Slade's future plans.... And honestly for the time being I didn't care; I had much more to worry about.

These days I was also thinking about learning to fight with Rose or Gilotina. Both are extraordinary fighters and no doubt very suitable to teach me.

On my Earth I practiced some combat sports, but nothing as advanced as what I would need to survive in this messy place.

I also wanted to learn some martial arts from them and maybe even how to handle some kind of weapon....

After all, there's no telling what might happen in the future and, knowing my luck, I might be captured by some idiot and taken to the War World and be forced to fight as a gladiator to the death or something… although I couldn't really die.

*Well* I had to try to think positive, I didn't want my emotions to get out of control soon.

Discarding my thoughts outside, I bent down and grabbed the bar I was about to lift. It had two medium-sized boxes attached to either end of the machine and both emitted an almost silent.

I didn't understand nearly half the things Lilith rambled on about the machine/high-tech box combination, but it had something to do with gravity and the simulation of increasing weights.

Right now, it was set at sixty tons by my own suggestion. Honestly, I had no idea how much I could lift. But Saiyans originally lived and thrived on a very hard planet that had ten times the gravity of Earth; they could comfortably lift ten times their own body weight when under the effects (or lack thereof) of Earth's gravity...

But adding the other DNAs inside my body, I didn't even know where to start measuring my strength, so I could only go by trial and error and hope I wasn't overdoing it.

I had also recently discovered new information about my new body, namely my weight and height. I found out that I was a solid 6'7" and a healthy 179 kg.

Maybe a little over the healthy range, but that is never a problem when there are a lot of muscles or to be as dense as mine. If anything, I should weigh more than I do, but whatever Saiyan muscle is made up just has a better power-to-weight.

Although this I thought was the fault of Doomsday's DNA or maybe even as a new god or something, by now my body could only look like a completely different being from every known life form in the different universes.

I took a deep breath and grasped the bar tightly before lifting myself up in a breakaway motion. But it felt wrong... Too light....

Smiling to myself, I lifted the bar higher on my body and chest before pushing it over my head. It was tighter than bringing it to my waist, but still too light when I thought about the weight I was lifting.

This weight is similar to a small camion. It is not even that far from a decently large camion....

Putting the rod back down, I looked at Lilith who was at the weight console, "Double the weight."

She looked at me for a second before nodding and pressing a button. The buzzing became a little louder but not by much. I was nowhere near my limits. The thought did not deter me; Far from it, in fact it made me more determined to find them. To get to the point where the machines were the thing found wanting and not me.

I grabbed the machine bar once more and lifted it in a smooth motion. Instead of starting with a take-off motion, I went with a clean, jerky elevator from the beginning.

The bar came with me, definitely heavier, but still manageable and rested on my chest/clavicle area before lifting it above my head.

It wasn't even 40 percent of my strength. It was getting closer, yes, but I still had more in the tank. Not to mention stamina: I felt more and more invigorated. As if I was finally waking up for the first time in a long time and someone had injected adrenaline directly into my heart.

The fact that I was a stranger in a strange universe, that I was alone in my ordeal and that my family and friends were a whole universe away ... Everything melted away.

I lowered the bar, "Double it," I asked without even looking at what I was making such demands of. I felt ... in a sense alive. For the first time since I had arrived here, where I was just going with the movements of those around me, I was doing something for myself.

Not for help or for some kind of advice or because I had a keen ear and they could listen to my situation and try to understand me--no, I was doing it for myself! And I enjoyed the feeling to the fullest.

The next push was much more difficult. Two hundred and forty tons of weight strained my arms, my muscles became tense almost as api as possible, my bones felt like they were carrying a small mountain. Yet you wouldn't know it was so because my face was split into a wide smile, teeth and all showing.

Because always so surely, my arms carried the weight with me as I stood and my chest proudly held the weight aloft as I went through pushing it up instead of pulling it. When I finally pushed it all the way down, I dropped it again with a loud but dull bang, "Add another twenty tons," I said. I knew that another sixty tons was too much for me. Now, but I could already feel my body adjusting to this weight as it became easier and easier to hold it together.

I would make my way there and then even further. I kept going until the damn machine couldn't keep up... So, with three spectators, three of whom were sexy women, I raised the bar once again.

Strangely, I was looking forward to pushing my limits and thought that maybe being a Saiyan wasn't so bad after all....
