Chapter - 13

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Typhon vs Gilotina part - 1


'Who would say no to a fight!' My smile split my face in half as it stretched as far as it could. I ignored everything as I threw a punch toward the tanned warrior beauty in front of me.

Gilotina did not seem frightened by the sudden attack; in fact, she seemed to have anticipated it, for she took a few steps to the side to dodge my attack and grabbed my arm, and at that moment I felt my center of gravity shatter as the world spun around me.

I found myself on the cold floor with my head turned to Rose's clearly amused expression at my embarrassing situation. I couldn't help but get irritated as my field of vision grew redder and redder and I could feel my body muscles swelling slightly.

"Just because you are my new god does not mean I will go easy on you! In Apokolips only the strongest survive. And right now you lack a lot to be considered a warrior, you rely too much on that monstrous strength of yours which is not always the optimal option in a fight especially against an opponent who has similar strength to yours"

"You have to know how to use that strength against your opponent if you really want to get to face the elite of Apokolips and not be defeated, especially as a warrior you still have to grow up if you want to be able to make the sons of Darkseid who are far superior to you kneel under you right now."

*Boom!* *Clack!* *Clack!*

I simply grunted, at her statement as I got back on my feet without any visible damage on my body and charged again without any fear with a crazed grin on my face, by now every single rational thought left my mind and remained only a monster that kept adapting during the fight.

Gilotina shook her head in obvious disappointment at my action as she performed the same action that had landed me with ease. But to her misfortune things were not so simple, for at the last second I grabbed she, to her surprise, and I directed a punch straight at her face.

She did not panic from the unexpected attack as she dove under my body to try to gain the advantage. Realizing her objective I promptly responded with a knee to her chin that was parried with an arm and without too much trouble and she promptly contacted me by grabbing my leg trying to put me in a disadvantageous position.

But I had already learned what I could in such a situation and referring to the previous fight I rolled hard as I let my balance be taken off and spun in midair before exploding into action, pushing myself up and slamming a fist into her.

Gilotina took the blow without faltering, but not solidly, as she mitigated the damage done and immediately responded with a direct counterattack against my chest.

I could only sincerely admit that she was indeed a completely different level from Rose, and that she undoubtedly deserved her place as one of the furies under the ruler of the universe. A warrior who would never falter during a fight and would continue to fight her enemies without any mercy but for her undisputed lord and master.

I growled slightly in response and pushed even harder than before. This battle was far from over and there were still many things I wanted to try to see what my limits were at this time.

"Remember that before you are a monster you are a warrior, you must be able to control your emotions and not let them drag you down, otherwise when you face an opponent with similar strength to yours you will be at a disadvantage," Gilotina said without leaving out anything that could somehow make me better during the fight.

Following her advice, I exploded forcefully without any fear of being hurt or anything else and spun several times in midair before correcting myself and landing, but still I continued to attack trying to gain more momentum for my attacks that still had not done much damage against her.

Gilotina's eyes were staring at me following my every single move and I too could feel her every muscle twitching as several blows came down on her defensive form that was waiting for the right moment to be able to counterattack, like a hunter waiting for her prey to be in the right position before setting her trap.

There is no form or finesse in my attacks, like a simple animal that, with instinctive brutality, pushes each blow forward out of a need to see the enemy before me completely annihilated and subdued to my crushing force.

We both enjoy the unfolding of the battle, continuing to fight without holding back, circling each other like two deer before joining our bodies again as if we were lovers satisfying each other.

The building rumbles ominously under the aftershocks of our catastrophic attacks. But this doesn't seem to worry anyone, because the battle continues with even more frenzy than before.

I emit a sound that could be compared to the roar of a thousand lions and a Ki-coated fist makes its way toward her that was promptly blocked, but to her misfortune she underestimated too much this attack of mine that was very different from the previous ones.

Eventually Gilotina stumbles backward clutching at a slight wound suffered in this last attack. "You're doing well, don't stop, keep attacking!" I affirm with somewhat obsessive and wild her eyes that were aimed at my figure.

When I finally stopped, she was still upright with a smile full of anticipation but still calm and collected with no discomfort showing on her face. I had managed to score a few blows-a part of me said she must have been at least a little tired from all of this-but she still seemed lively enough.

And this was only turning me on even more! This was the fight I was looking for and honestly speaking I could only wish that this fight would never end again and that it would last forever or at least that was what I hoped for.

I did not know how to describe the feeling I was feeling at that moment, but it was not important. I just wanted to keep fighting the woman in front of me!

Yes, I was sure now, after these exchanges, that she was indeed the best person I could face in a fight without having to try to hold myself back somehow so as not to hurt my opponent.

"Clack!" "Clack" "Clack!"

Several noises could be heard coming from my body as I moved slightly and let my body fully adjust to the gravity it was subjected to, and after a few seconds I could feel much lighter than before and could even move more freely...

I had finally adapted completely, now I could give my best in this battle! And there was nothing that would not make me claim my victory over this Amazonian beauty in front of me.

"You are really adapting faster than our expectations, finally inserting Ultimate's DNA inside you was not a mistake, in fact thanks to this you can show true potential!" stated Gilotina with a now completely obsessive smile resetting the madness.

"So it was you who advised Cadmus to insert his DNA into me?" I couldn't help but wonder as some clarity worked its way into my mind and my field of vision became much sharper.

"Yes, after all, the Kryptian called Kal-El was the only one strong enough to be considered a threat to Darkseid. That's why I chose a DNA that I believed could take you to heights that no one could ever reach," Gilotina replied as she shifted her fighting stance showing all the resources of her body that would make even beauty goddesses envious.

"Then I hope it meets your expectations," I commented as a proud smile unintentionally made its way onto my face while I could only look at her body and not help but think of wanting to conquer it for my own personal satisfaction.

"ohh you don't know how much~~" she said, in a seductive and somewhat teasing voice without caring about my gaze all over her body, in fact seeming to invite me to take her by force

"Now it's time to start the second round..." I said with a big smile as I could feel a red-black armor covering my entire body as I raged my Ki to the max.

"I am waiting for you, my new Supreme God~~~"
