Chapter - 15

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Chapter - 15 - Cat Fight


Observing all that was going on in front of me, I wasn't sure if I should go take a shower or witness a potential cat fight.... New dilemmas were forming inside my head and it was just another day in my new life in DC.

In the end, I decided that the best decision I could make was to ignore the spectacle in front of me and head to the restroom to take a nice hot shower and go eat, and then return to training.

High-intensity training was not enough to increase my strength, or rather, it had only taken a few days. Before I would get some endurance and, as a result, my strength would not increase no matter how many tons I tried to lift, I really needed to be in some dangerous situation.

After all, this fact had been very clear to me after a long week of training of which I had made no progress with increasing my physical strength, mainly because I had underestimated the serious need to have to injure myself both externally and internally in order to become stronger.

"It seems I cannot abuse Doomsday's adaptive evolution" I could only mutter my dreams of becoming a cosmic entity in a few months went completely up in smoke.

Of course, I could continue training without too much trouble and thanks to my "Saiyan" DNA. I was sure that I would make a lot of progress very quickly, but that was not enough to beat the cosmic entities and, of course, Darkseid!

It seemed that I had to quickly find a way to control my Ikari state so that I could grow faster and also with more confidence, in case I was able to achieve transformations in the near future.


[Third person]

Meanwhile the discussion between the two girls was escalating in a very funny way as they kept throwing insults at each other like two unruly little girls who had ruined each other's game.

Rose did not seem to hear Gilotina's last sentence at all as her brain somehow got fired up somewhere in the first part. She looked at the woman in question and said with incredulous eyes, "You ... What did you say?"

"Mm? Did I say you were a bitch?"

Rose unsheathed her swords as a wave of irritation began to rise in her heart. She did not understand why, she only knew and felt that just like a bull seeing something red, the more she looked at the woman in front of her the more Gilotina became angry.

"I don't care... Have the courage to repeat what you said next, you Amazonian Slut!" Rose's beautiful voice was slowly tinged with a chilling coldness capable of freezing the bones.

"Mm... I also said that as far as my power scale is concerned, even if you were 100 times stronger than you are now, you still couldn't do anything against me" She smiled derisively as she looked at Rose with contempt.

"This bitch... She clearly knows what I mean, but she keeps teasing me." Rose gritted her teeth and muttered in a voice so low that it was even hard to hear her own.

Then, she looked at Gilotina in a way that even the cosmic gods could be frightened of, but all she got in return was the same smile that she was slowly beginning to hate more and more.

As if all sense of intelligence had abandoned her, Rose transformed into a creature guided only by her instincts, and with a powerful stomp, her body disappeared from its previous position, closing the distance separating her from Gilotina in an instant.

Rose was undoubtedly fast not only because of the serum her father had allowed her to take to increase her physical abilities beyond normal humans. But because she had invested most of her youth in a fighting style that focused on dexterity and agility to finish off her enemies in an instant.

It was just that in her eyes, Rose was not much different from a turtle. "I didn't expect things to go this way after sparring." Gilotina did not know how to feel as she watched Rose draw her sword and run toward her, staring at her like an enraged lioness.

"Well, we're talking about this crazy bitch I shouldn't be surprised at all." Gilotina gritted her teeth surreptitiously as she calmly raised her left hand. In the blue-colored eyes of the charming amazon, the silvery sheen of Rose's sword was reflected.

It was as if the world was slowing down for her, but really, it was just that she was moving too fast compared to the laws of physics on Earth, let alone compared to Rose.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

A small shock wave resounded as Rose's sword met Gilotina's hand. It was only when the icy flashes reflected in Rose's eyes under her glare that she realized what she had just done and was immediately hit by a wave of inadequacy.

"Since when do I load without thinking?" Rose whispered with her eyes wide open. Her whole body shivered slightly as she took two steps back.

Realizing that she had lost her sanity for a moment and attacked forward without any strategy, which was the opposite her father had taught her during her various missions as a mercenary.

"Mm? Did you say something?" Gilotina looked at her puzzled. However, she clearly knew what Rose was about to say. Without waiting for the silver-haired beauty to continue, Gilotina suddenly seemed to remember something important as she exclaimed:

"Oh! I remembered. You meant when I said that in my opinion: If Typhon would choose between you and Lilith of course he would choose her with that juicy body unlike you who still looks like a child who has to grow up!" Gilotina closed her eyes and crossed her arms, affirming her huge breasts even more as she shook her head.

"Let me tell you, I think he likes women with more resources-"

"Bitch! I'll kill you!" Gilotina did not even have enough time to finish with her performance when what she was trying to happen finally happened.

Rose looked nothing like the cold and indifferent woman who always managed to keep calm and think about things with optimal rationality. Like an enraged cat, she leaped toward Gilotina and threw her to the ground.

"What the hell?" Gilotina was stunned as she avoided hurting the woman who seemed to have gone mad.

"Get off me, are you crazy!"

"I'll kill you!"

"I said get off!"

"You're a cock-thirsty little bitch!"

"What did you say?!"

"You little whore, thirsty for cock! This is what you are!"

"Brat, Typhon is nobody's man! Besides, I already told you I am his future concubine!"

"Concubine? Who would want a senile bitch like you!"


"Filthy Slut!"

"Since when have you been acting like a normal girl? With this friendly attitude?"

"What nonsense have you been muttering for a while? Stop comparing me to a stranger and die right now, you Amazonian bitch!"

"You keep calling me a perverted little bitch, but aren't you the perverted little slut! With that filthy mouth of yours that keeps spitting curses, you can surely cry bad things in bed too!"

"... You are so dead!"

*Shot! Strike! Shot! Strike!

Suddenly, Typhon began to hear bangs and the next instant explosions began to rumble everywhere. "What's going on?" he could only comment with obvious confusion.

"Stop attacking, you perverted little slut!"

"You better stop defending yourself so I can kill you, bitch!"

" This bitch is testing my patience!" Gilotina affirmed as she continued to block Rose's swords.

"Look there is Typhon," She said, trying to buy time to think of some idea that could stop this madwoman. Rose accordingly stopped her fierce attacks and looked in the direction indicated with her eyes wide.

However, seeing that no one was there, she looked again at Gilotina furiously and pointed her sword, saying, "Vixen! Do you dare to deceive me?"

"Then, she rushed forward and continued to attack, while relying only on her physical statistics and sword skills to try to stand up to her somehow.

"Vixen? Now I'll show you how a real vixen acts then!" Gilotina gritted her teeth and with a move that Rose could not see disappeared from her previous position reappearing right behind her.

Meanwhile, as Typhon was bathed in warm water and one could see his muscular figure that would make most girls drool with ease, he heard a familiar, but at the same time unfamiliar sound. But if the sound alone was not enough, the sharp cry that followed definitely confirmed it....

But he decided to ignore the noise in question in order to finish his shower soon and be able to go out for a nice meal.... Proving that even today the Saiyan's appetite had gotten the better of him.


"Ah ~ slut! How dare you slap me in the ass!"

"Hehehe... Now do you know what's good for you, you perverted little bitch?"

"Gilotina, I'm going to kill you today!"

"Hehehe... Your ass is really tight and big but still tender ~"

"Oh, your breasts are much bigger than they look under your clothes!"

"Argh ~~ How can you break through my armor! Stop acting like a cheap whore and fight me!"

"Fuck, try it stupid bitch I dare you I will use you to teach Lilith how to do good Bdsm! ...Argh ~~ Stop it!"

The sounds became wilder and wilder as did the "conversation" between the two women who seemed to have lost their sanity during that brief but seemingly eternal moment.

"She didn't say you would use a strapon on me ~~ But maybe you were the one who really needed it ~~ "

"Gilotina! When I rebel from your clutches, I will humiliate you and then kill you -"

"Argh ~~ "

" Then I must make sure to remind you of this humiliation of yours for all your mortal life ~~ Oh look how small and soft breasts fit perfectly in my hand ~~ "

"Argh ~~ I will KILL YOU, Gilotina! "

"Spank!" "Spank!"

"Argh! ~~"

Gilotina seemed to get bolder and bolder with each passing second as her naughty giggles continued to play nonstop along with mocking words accompanied by even more perverse and naughty hand movements.

On the other hand, Rose was getting looser and looser with her vocabulary. For every spanking she received from Gilotina without being able to fight back or for every time her breasts were crushed by her without being able to resist, the dirty words coming out of her mouth grew.
