Chapter - 19

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Chapter - 19: Mother Box: Part -1


50 Power Stone new chapter! lol


[Deathstroke's Base - Gotham City].

The mother box floated above my palm. And my face almost turned into a smile as I looked at one of the most powerful objects in the DC Universe in front of me. My finger moved as I looked at the floating device.

Floating the mother box, I finally made up my mind to activate the object. The glow began at the center of the four-by-six-foot device as small beeps initiated the startup sequence.

Crystalline wires floated through the air as I felt each part with my telekinesis that I had recently learned, thanks to my memories. Smiling to myself, I watched the mother box fully activate in front of me.

It took me no more than fifteen minutes of constant work before the device was ready. I tried not to be surprised when the energy connections exploded slightly around me as the box literally came to life.

[Mother Box - Online]

[Energy Levels - 69%]

[Universal Translator - Online]

[Universal Communication - Online]

[Boom Tube - Online]

[Sense of Life - Online]

[Biological Scanner - Online]

[Biological Reconstruction - Offline]

[Cellular Regeneration - Online]

[Bio-mechanical Interfacing - Online]

[Manipulation Technology - Online]

[Molecular Manipulation - Offline]

[Energy Manipulation - Offline]

[Universal Manipulation - Offline]

[Terraform - Offline]

[Source Connection - Misaligned]

I could only read each function that the mother box presented to me very carefully and try to figure out how it could come in handy for the future, for my growth and to be able to keep up with the different cosmic entities that inhabited this universe.

It seemed that I was not mistaken when I thought that this little box had a vast, perhaps unlimited, variety of capabilities; it was really a pity that some were limited by the value of energy, otherwise it would have already obtained one of the most Op objects in this universe.

The source was essentially being the ultimate power in DC. It is the essence of all life, the power that the Presence (God, One-above-all) used to forge everything.

It is usually locked behind the Wall of Source, which traps anyone who attempts to breach, penetrate or overcome its wall, and uses their bodies as additional defense mechanisms. Not even the gods dare approach it.

Shit, the power of this mother box I had to restore as soon as possible if I wanted to use it to the best of my ability, but it was very good that some of its most important functions were still functional.It was also interesting to note that the mother box was beeping, but I was getting the full translation I at least seemed to have a basic understanding of some of the things it was saying for some reason.

Even with most of the important functions of the mother box disabled, there were still options. With thousands of plans running through my head, I set them aside to try something quick that would help me in the near future.

"Mother Box, are you compatible with the technology inside my battle suit?" I asked with obvious interest in my tone.

After all, although Dragon Ball's technology was good, it was obvious that it was a far cry from that used by the big boys in the DC Universe. For example Brainiac, Anti Monitor and many others who could become very difficult opponents in the future.

Several robotic noises followed after my question and I could hear something making my senses while I could hear something that seemed to scan my body.

[Compatible, but this will not fully charge my energy reserves].

"Do it anyway," I said before placing the mother box on top of the all-battle Saiyan. Silver lines emerged from its sides and ran over my armor, the scene much like when the alien symbiote first joined with Spider-Man's costume.

I watched in fascination as the mother box completely assimilated my battle armor and took on a much darker appearance with red and black colors, similar to the armor all the elites in Apocalypse used.

A/N: [Picture - Something like this]

I guess this is what it would look like if Cyborg ever assimilated the mother box technology himself. And I could only think why it was so weak in most of the comics.

[Integration of intelligence and full armor components. Functionality has increased, please indicate future designation for this mother box]

"Interesting" I could only comment. Oh, now that was an interesting development, but it's not that hard to predict. Especially with Gilotina informing me of most of the capabilities of this little item that definitely had a lot to give.

Mother Boxes and their counterparts were already very advanced god-type multipurpose computers. They had a lot of utility, but every time I watched the shows, it was clear that they had limitations. That and even today's interaction were enough clues as to how limited intelligence was.

It also seemed that they could not have a will of their own and needed a person or rather one who could direct their abilities to the maximum.

"Mother Box, your new designation will be Cortana," I replied to the little wonder box, recalling an old character from one of my favorite games in my human life.

Some sounds played for a few seconds before I allowed her to sit where my computer used to be. Fortunately, I made sure I had a backup built in with the progress. "Tell me, Cortana, what has changed?"

[Energy reserves increased upon full assimilation and connection to the Saiyan MMMX battle suit, 70% this unlocked some of my functions that were unavailable]
