Chapter - 31

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Chapter - 31: Themiscyra


A/N: With this chapter the second little Arc is finished, now we will see a bit of the Amazon Island and then continue the story.

My story: Marvel: The Spider in Endless Sea of Possibilities

We have finally reached 15k words! And tell me what you think with as many comments as possible and of course, reviews!

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The cards had been stacked against me from the beginning of the discussion. I was not a mindless monster like Doomsday and so I could understand Superman's point of view and, likewise, I rejected it without a second thought.

I had already tried to restrain myself, and do we all remember how that had ended?

I was hit by a sentient spiked bat and was sent flying and hit several more times fatally. And most importantly if I didn't have the different advantages of my body I would have been dead the moment I got out of that laboratory of Cadmus.

And then I understood very well the hypocrisy of the man in front of me. That he believed in good until you killed his pet or his wife and he turned into his own version of Injustice.

And did he really want to lecture me for using more force than expected during a fight?

It wasn't funny at all...

Instead, if we are talking about this version, I could expect nothing less from the greatest hero, who would rather watch a man have sex into submission with Lois Lane in front of him than kill him.

Maybe I should have done something like this....

"This is heavy stuff," Green Arrow whispered under his breath.

I turned away from Superman's pleading gaze. It was a good speech, but too late to do him any good. I would have done whatever I wanted a thousand times over and no one would ever decide my choices again.

"Is that the last of you to convince me to take my guilt and be locked up by my own will knowing I'm a threat?" I ask finally. "You've already judged me, and now you pass sentence, right? Go ahead, yeah, I certainly don't have all day."

The League shares silent and meaningful glances. Finally, and perhaps most appropriately, the one who had put me in this situation is the one who announces the verdict.

"Typhon, we have decided that your entire existence poses an extreme risk to those around you that cannot be effectively addressed through normal human or intergalactic institutions. As such, the Justice League, as a body, has decided that..."

"You will be placed in the care of Wonder Woman on Themiscyra until it has been decided that you are no longer a threat to those around you."

What does that ever mean...

I could tell by the way the two heroes in front of me were looking at me. And I could not believe that Batman was not thinking of countermeasures so that he could kill me somehow. I hoped they had Radion in their secret space base. Otherwise, our next confrontation would not be so easy for them to win.

However, I couldn't help but watch in amusement as they looked at me expectantly, as if they were waiting for me to break down and ask for forgiveness for all that I had done, and then lock me up in another dimension and continue living their good life full of hypocrisy.

But they would wait a long time to get it out of me. I felt no anger at their final sentence, no burning need to fight for my freedom, and not even the usual annoyance which could only surprise me.

I simply meet their looks one by one before turning to your new guardian. "And when do we leave?" I couldn't help but ask in a tone that was not at all concerned, which caused me to receive several glances.

"Immediately," She says abruptly. Well, this is going to be a fun trip into space. "Well, the less time I spend on this flying wreckage, the better..... Anyway, I have one last thing to tell you."

Batman's eyes widen as they meet me, for the first time since my confrontation with Doomsday, I feel the red thread of the Great Ape's power whispering to me like an old friend, filling my mind with a future I could get whenever I wanted.

A weary but proud me as he looked with mocking eyes at the defeated form, of the Justice League components, and one of Diana kneeling before me with no strength left to continue fighting as I grabbed her beloved Lasso and put it around her neck as a sign of my absolute victory.

"Your should know more than anyone that the worst villains are not born, they are made."


My relocation is a surprisingly mundane affair, it turns out that the only way to reach the home of the Amazons was via a teleporter housed on the space station, so as Wonder Woman leaves to arrange my arrival, I was left at the front of the room.

League members looked at me with obvious distrust as if waiting for me to hurl myself at them like a wild animal, bodies tense and ready to take action to immobilize me. At least they did not take any action that could be considered too aggressive toward me.

Although I had to admit that I didn't like Hawkgirl and Diana's looks too much as if they really wanted to fight to the death....

They really had confidence in their abilities... While one was a battle-hardened masochist and my confirmed Step-Sister was just waiting for a man to teach her to spread her ass cheeks and be sodomized into complete submission.

On the other hand, I considered myself extraordinarily composed for the situation, relaxing into a seat and drumming my tail against the table, generating a very familiar tune at least to me.

It would have been natural for the old me to vent and be annoyed by the situation. And of the quite obvious that I was even to a much lesser degree, but what good would that have done? They expect me to act this way, to justify their decision, so the best and only thing you could do is to unbalance me.

After all, my goal from the very beginning was from the very beginning to end up in the famous Amazon to be able to get the most important pieces to be able to get the power to be able to go against the cosmic entities of this universe.

"Before you send me to the lost island in the middle of the sea, can I get a phone call?" I said, in a fairly relaxed tone.

More than one jumped as a result of my sudden remark. But when they realize that I had not gone into some form of battle, they relax minutely while others seem disappointed by my calmness.

Besides, I am supposed to be the battle maniac....

The Thanagarian, Hawkman, scoffs, without lowering his bat. "This is not a human prison!"

"Of course not, I would expect more from a human prison than from you and your group of hypocrites dressed as clowns," I only managed to reply as my eyes met those of the Thanagarian woman who seemed to be on the same wavelength as me.

But this did not seem to please some members of the League who sent me glances, I responded by simply accentuating my straitjacket.

The message they were giving them was quite obvious: If they wanted a confrontation they could take this thing off me and I would be happy to show my strength.

League members exchange silent, tense glances before Batman nods. "One phone call, five minutes."

"And what should he call?" mutters Green Arrow.

The phone rang, I had just finished using telekinesis and my tail to dial the number in question. And at the same time I created a small Ki barrier to keep out all the noise.

I could only begin to wonder if anyone would answer. I had no idea what state they were in at the end of it all, or where they were and whether they had changed their secret base or whatever.

If they had escaped, or if they were still alive. I had to think positive, Gilotina was with them and I doubted that anything had happened to them.

"Hello?" Her voice is immediately recognizable which made me calm.

"Rose, it's me."

"Typhon?" Her voice is filled with a strange mix of concern and relief.

"Yes, just a little weakened and a little bothered by all the hypocrisy around me, but I'll be fine in no time..."

She snorts in a very rosy way. "This is really not the time for puns. I've really been a bad influence on you as Lilith and Gilotina said."

I can't help but smile slightly and enjoy even the smallest reprieve from my situation. "Maybe. But I like myself more like this, after all, and something that makes me remember you."

"Idiot," I imagined her rolling her electric blue eyes.

I couldn't help but smile. "How are Lilith and Gilotina?" I didn't even finish my words that I could hear several voices coming from the other end of the phone.

"They are fine... The usual bitches who need a dick in the ass so they can relax" I chuckled, hearing a few voices that didn't quite agree with this statement.

But I didn't have enough time, which is why I went on. "Listen, I have some bad news. Tell your father we couldn't have that talk we've been waiting for."

I hear her take a sudden breath before going silent. "When should I tell him you'll be back?" The voice on the other end is noticeably colder and more clinical than before.

I looked furtively through the glass where League members remained gathered around their table unable to hide their interest in what I was saying. "As you know I have a lot on my plate, but maybe in a few weeks?"

"Try to remember that we're waiting for you here," I can hear the sneer in her voice. This is not code for anything as far as I remember, except the little threat to me if I didn't take it seriously.

"As if I could ever forget you. I'm glad it was you and Lilith who got me out of that lab" I meant it seriously, it was something I would never forget. "Hey." I pause to gather my thoughts. "I won't be able to see you for a while..."

"God, you're such a pushover," she says, but without biting. I can't tell if she is talking to me or to herself.

I shake my head and laugh softly, even as a knot of tension forms in my stomach. "Don't worry, I know."

"Come back in one piece" She says softly. "And maybe me and Lilith and that bitch Gilotina. We thought we'd reward you in a very, very nice way that you'll never be able to forget again...."

My heart began to beat much faster. It really only took a few simple words for my thoughts to empty completely as a fire grew inside me. I could only growl slightly as images of three naked women formed in my head.

An invisible force suddenly grabs the phone, wrenching it from I grasp. Martian Manhunter materializes out of nowhere, emerging from the ground, his shimmering form blending into his distinctive uniform.

He stares at me with impassive crimson eyes before turning toward the phone in his hand. His face betrays no emotion as he disconnects the call with a soft *click* "I think your call is over."

"I could never have imagined that..." I couldn't help but snap. My surroundings suddenly began to flake into many small pieces due to my Evil Ki that was leaking out of me.

Manhunter's brow furrows. "The arrangements have been made, come with us."

The "We" is Hawkman and a new figure, an imposing man made of metal with a maple leaf prominently displayed in the center of his chest.

I take a slow, deep breath to silence the voice in the back of my head asking me to reduce the three to ashes with a giant Ki blast. It takes more than a couple of tries for it to disappear. Well, at least it seemed that my control became much better.

After some time, I was led into a large room with sterile walls lined with a number of transporter pods.

Manhunter pressed a series of buttons on the teleportation panel closest to him and the machine buzzed to life, emitting a soft golden glow.

Recognizing in the back of my mind that I should feel frightened, but after a few seconds I realized that the sensation was very similar to that of the instant teleporter, and because of that I was much more serene.

The teleporter began to hum and through the golden light, a misty image of an idyllic landscape of lush countryside and sparkling water began to appear.

'There could be much worse places for life in prison,' I couldn't help but admit.

Wonder Woman stops behind me. "Shall we move on, stepsister?" I ask her about my new way of calling her, mostly to annoy her. Her only response is a strong push that propels me through the portal.

For a moment I walk on nothingness as the ground beneath my feet dissipates into nothingness. There is a pause as the laws of physics are brought into an alley and fired, and then a feeling of weightlessness pervades me as I begin to fall.

It lasts less than a heartbeat before the world returns in a flurry of color and sonorous grunts of pain as my body suddenly impinges on solid marble. Tripping and nearly falling crouching in an attempt to balance myself, and with the straight jacket I was wearing it certainly wasn't that easy.

*Ugh* It was basically the depowered version of my teleportation technique.... I will never use something like that again.

Wonder Woman, on the other hand, goes through the portal effortlessly. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her amused by her lip lift.

"You know, stabbing myself would be much more therapeutic than trying to get myself killed by the pressure of different sizes. Trust me, I speak from experience."

Wonder Woman tightens her lips and sensitively adjusts her gloves, while her electric blue eyes never waver in their intensity. "Fucking bitch," I murmur with a small smile on my lips.

I move to get up, but stop dead in my tracks when I look up and find myself staring at an armed group of women dressed in old Greek armor, suspicion and warning clear in their eyes.

I look at the bronze spearheads pointed previously near my neck with distrust clear in their eyes.

"So much for Greek hospitality," One of the spearheads prods close enough to try to pierce the fabric of my armor, but all it does is scratch harmlessly against.

"Princess Diana," A tall woman with bright red hair wrapped in a long ponytail passes through the crowd of warriors. She holds a spear in one hand and an ornate shield larger than your torso in the other. "Is that him? The New God?"

Her emerald eyes penetrated mine with what I imagined should have been an intense and intimidating glare.... But it didn't work, in fact it made me realize who would be the first target after gaining my freedom.

"Artemis, well met. Did you bring what I asked for?" Diana asked.

She raised an eyebrow. Another Artemis, what are the odds of that? I pause for a moment to think. Pretty high actually considering where I am.

Well, it seemed like all the women named Artemis were man-hating bitches. Maybe they were all simply waiting for a man to teach them how to behave....
