Chapter - 38


Guys, I wanted to ask if you have any advice on starting an original novel. I have some ideas but I don't know if it could become popular.

My idea was a world fantasy way with all mythologies (a bit overused but interisting as usual) but add to the mix of all this world or at least my Mc (Eldritch x Ajin) since they are perfect together. What do you guys think?

I still need to think of a title.... It should be something like My friend and an eldritch entity or something like that... lol

So if you have any advice it would help me a lot <3

f you want to support me for more chapters:

- DC: True Power Saiyan: 3 advanced chapters:

New story: The Vampire Diaries/Legacies: True Hunter


Chapter - 38: Conquest of Themyscira


"That's it? Then it's my turn!" I said, feeling unchallenged and a bit bored after the easy victory. I decided to end things with one last powerful energy attack.

To my surprise, the Amazons weren't ready to surrender just yet. They launched a desperate final assault, attacking me from all sides with their bronze spears, trying to defeat me.

Their attempts were like buzzing flies, irritating but ineffective. "You are starting to annoy me," I remarked with a hint of irritation. "You're like insects who don't realize they've already lost!"

The distraction they provided allowed Donna to recover, and she retaliated with another torrent of energy. But it was nothing compared to the power I had faced before;

Unfortunately for her, I did not fear the wave of energy directed at me again. I had resisted Doomsday, in comparison this attack was merely a small breeze of wind.

She didn't know much about the kind of energy I was manipulating, the only thing she knew was enough to smash it to pieces, because destroying something was much easier than creating it, and I had always possessed a penchant for reducing all creations to rubble.

I could not manipulate the energy she was using, but I could overpower her in a sense, forcing her to submit to my Evil Ki, which had leaked out of my body to protect me.

And when she attacked she came even close to making contact with me. My Evil Ki, which leaked out to protect me, absorbed her attack effortlessly

Donna could only muster an expression of surprise when her attack suddenly failed, and I appeared with instant teleportation in front of her, knocking out all the Amazons at her side with contemptuous ease.

With a punch to the stomach, I knocked the fight out of her, and a precise strike to her temple brought her to her knees. The chains around my wrists became my weapon of choice to finish the battle.

"This was a more pathetic fight than I initially expected." She blinked in response in stunned confusion.

It was too late to realize what was happening before my chains had already begun to circle around her neck. Her fingers scurried to try to stop it, but it was too late and her eyes widened in despair.

I turned fully around so that I could face her from behind, planting my knee in the center of her back and pushing. Unable to resist, Donna fell to the ground without being able to offer any resistance, still trying to remove the chains from her neck without success.

It was then that a shell trumpet resounded behind me and I turned to follow the source of the sound, but the sight of her retreating figure fueled the fire within me and I felt my blood boil with fury.

The queen turned in the saddle only once and drew his gaze, before quickly pressing her heels into the side of her mount and riding with due haste in the opposite direction of the battlefield.

The queen of the Amazons, without a care for her fallen comrades, turned and fled from the battlefield. She sought refuge behind the walls of Themyscira, abandoning her warriors to their fate.

"Pathetic!" I spat out the word, my voice dripping with contempt. "Your queen, the so-called symbol of Amazonian strength, leaves her warriors to fend for themselves? What kind of leader abandons her own people in their time of need?"

Donna Troy, now subdued and defenseless before me, could only glare back with defiance. I tightened the chains around her neck, not to harm her further, but to assert my dominance over her. "You call yourselves warriors, yet you follow a queen who cares more about her own safety than the lives of her sisters-in-arms."

I circled around her, my eyes never leaving hers. "You're all nothing but a facade. Brave on the surface, but hollow and weak underneath. No wonder your home was easily conquered by me"

I knew my words were cutting deep, and I relished in the discomfort it caused her. It was not just her I wanted to humiliate; it was the entire Amazonian pride that had shown their true colors today. They were nothing but a pack of cowards, led by a queen who lacked the courage to face defeat.

"Your queen's actions say a lot about the value of Amazons. You are not the noble warriors you claim to be," I sneered. "I could have easily annihilated all of you if I had wanted to, but I chose to face you in combat.... What a waste of time!"

My grip on the chains around Donna's neck tightened, not to cause her harm, but to assert my dominance and make her witness the consequences of her queen's cowardice.

I felt a surge of anger and frustration, not just towards Donna, but towards the entire Amazon tribe. They had presented themselves as honorable warriors, but their actions had exposed their true colors.

"Look at her," I growled, my voice filled with contempt, as I forced Donna's gaze towards the retreating figure of her queen. "She abandons you all, leaving you to suffer and die while she hides behind her precious walls. Is this the leader you swore allegiance to?"

Donna's eyes filled with tears, a mix of anger and despair evident in her expression. She was torn between loyalty to her tribe and the harsh reality of her queen's actions. I wanted her to feel the weight of that conflict, to understand the betrayal they had all suffered.

"She cares nothing for you or the lives of her warriors," I continued, my words biting into her conscience. "Your queen's cowardice has tarnished the reputation of the Amazon warriors. You follow a leader who lacks the bravery and honor she claims to possess."

I forced Donna even lower to the ground, her dress now smeared with mud and dirt. "This is what you get for putting your faith in a leader who runs at the first sign of defeat," I spat, my anger seething. "You're all fools to think she deserves your loyalty."

Donna's resistance seemed to fade, and she whimpered in response, unable to refute my words. She must have realized the truth behind my harsh accusations. The anger in her eyes matched my own, but it was now directed not just at me, but at the queen who had abandoned them all.

My anger burned hotter as I gazed upon the Amazon warrior, Donna Troy. In a moment of brutal impulse, I decided to make her pay for her queen's cowardice. I tightened the chains around her neck, cutting off her air supply. She struggled for breath, her eyes widening in fear and desperation.

"You will suffer for your queen's sins," I hissed, my voice cold and relentless. With each passing second, Donna's struggles weakened, and her defiance faded. Soon, she fell unconscious, unable to withstand the suffocating pressure I had inflicted upon her.

Leaving Donna lying there, I activated my instant teleportation ability and vanished from the battlefield, reappearing within the walls of Themyscira. My rage and determination fueled my movements as I sought the queen who had abandoned her warriors.

The Amazon queen was startled to see me appear before her, a clear unsatisfied and angry warrior. She tried to flee, but I was faster. With a powerful kick, I knocked her off her horse to the ground.
