Chapter - 39

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- DC: True Power Saiyan: 3 advanced chapters:

Original Novel: My Friend and a Yandere Eldritch?

I'm very keen on this, as an idea I've had for a while. So take a look and comment to give me your support!

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Chapter 39: Conquest of Themyscira Part -2


I could feel the anger boiling inside me as the Amazon queen retreated, abandoning her warriors on the battlefield. With a burst of energy, I teleported right in front of her as she tried to escape.

"You won't get away that easily," I sneered, my fists clenched tightly

She looked startled, but determination quickly replaced the surprise on her face. Without a word, she charged at me, drawing a gleaming bronze spear from her side. The clash of our weapons echoed through the air as we engaged in close combat.

Her blows were fast and accurate, but I was no stranger to combat. I deflected her blows with a flurry of movement, responding with calculated strikes. The battlefield around us faded into the background as we focused solely on each other.

I saw a flicker of doubt in her eyes, and I knew her was beginning to realize our power difference. But I could not afford to be lenient. She had to understand the consequences of turning against me.

Gathering my Evil Ki, I unleashed a "powerful" ball of energy toward her. She deflected it with her spear, but the force of the attack threw her off balance. Seizing the opportunity, I decreased the distance between us and unleashed a swift kick, knocking her to the ground.

Her determination, however, remained unwavering. She rose to her feet, fierce determination in her eyes. With a battle cry, she pounced on me again, but this time I was prepared.

We exchanged blow after blow, our bodies moving with the grace of a ballerina and the precision of a warrior. Despite her fighting spirit, she was no match for my strength and experience.

I easily dodged her attacks, taunting her futile efforts. And seeing a moment of her inattention with a swift movement, I disarmed her: my tail wrapped around her weapon before wrenching it from her grasp.

I looked into her eyes, relishing the challenge that still burned in them. "You are a fool to oppose me. Especially knowing my power better than the other Amazons," I sneered, my voice dripping with malice. "Your reign ends here."

With a powerful blow to the stomach that this time fueled by my Evil Ki, I knocked Hippolyta to the ground. She lay there, battered and broken, her spirit crushed by the weight of my power. The queen had been dethroned, her authority reduced to ashes.

But that was not enough for me at all. *What a joke* I had been locked in Tartarus for many months trying to make them forget my entire existence.... So I was going to teach her not to challenge enemies who had powers they couldn't even fully understand.

Eventually I approached Hippolyta, my eyes shining with amusement at the scene before me. As the chains around my wrists began to come to life, and they bound the queen's neck, symbolizing my victory over her

The remaining Amazons, witnessing the defeat of their leader, were struck with a deep sense of despair. They dropped their weapons, their will to fight extinguished. They had witnessed my power and knew that they could never hope to stand against me.

I took a deep breath, savoring the taste of victory in the air. With a sinister grin, I tightened the chains around the Amazon queen's neck, asserting my dominance over her. She was defeated, and now she would witness the consequences of her cowardice.

"You're not fit to lead," I declared, my voice filled with dark satisfaction. "You abandoned your warriors when they needed you the most. A true leader doesn't cower and run away!"

Her struggles beneath me were futile, and I relished in her helplessness. My hold on the chains was unyielding, and I reveled in the control I had over her. But I wasn't finished yet.

Looking around at the other Amazons who were watching in shock, I decided to make a statement. "You all followed this weak leader, putting your faith in her, and this is what she brought you," I taunted them. "You're nothing but a pack of followers, blindly following a queen who abandons her own warriors."

Hippolyta gritted her teeth, defiant "You may have defeated us, but you will never break our spirit!"

I approached, my face inches from Hippolyta's, with a mixed expression of cruelty and satisfaction. "Oh, how I love a strong spirit to crush. Your challenge only fuels my pleasure. I want to see how long you can hold out." I said, as My Evil Ki began to leak out as it began to be absorbed inside the queen's body.

"AHH!" She screamed in pain as her body tried to fight the foreign energy, and it seemed that unlike the last Amazon she had more willpower.

But in the end my Evil Ki was not something that could be broken by willpower, it needed a power equal to or greater than mine to have even a chance of succeeding.

And after a few minutes of enjoying myself, Hyppolita's screams ended, my chains let go of her, and she fell to the ground, panting and broken. "Who are you?" I asked as my gaze went to the queen kneeling before me.

"I-I am your humble servant, master.... Use me as you wish!" The queen replied, as me could see her eyes had turned red. She looked at me with a mixture of fear and devotion, her eyes now filled with unwavering loyalty.

"AHAHAH" I couldn't help but let out a big laugh as I watched the remaining Amazons with looks that had completely lost hope of victory. As each of the Amazons averted their gaze from their completely broken and submissive queen to me.

"You and your sisters are now under my command!" At my words the chains around my wrists began to bind all the Amazons who still felt like fighting, I rejoiced at the sense of control and authority that pervaded me.

They were at my mercy and could not escape the consequences of their actions.

"You will all learn what it means to face defeat," I sneered, tightening the chains some more and making them all kneel before me. "This is the price for having me on your bad side."

Their eyes widened with fear and anger, but there was nothing they could do to resist. I held their fate in my hands, and they were powerless against my strength.

But to their misfortune I had other plans for them....

Meanwhile, the majestic queen was a perfect pet, stroking my leg to make sure she got more attention from me. "Now I am sure that Circe would be glad to have you as her pet. And she would know how to humiliate your body better than me" I affirmed, with a big smile forming on my face showing my canines.
