She will not accept the proposal!

"What the hell?" Johnson asked with his wide eyes.

"What?" Damon asked with his eyes wide.

"What what?" Martin asked.

"What did you just say?" Johnson asked with his wide eyes.

"Umm... I want to propose Alexi..." Martin answered making Johnson and Demon look at each other.

"Are you... Are you sure?" Damon asked.

"Yes... I love her. So, I don't want to waste any time... I want her in my life. So, I want to marry her... Sooner." Martin answered making Johnson and Demon smile.

Martin scratched the back of his neck with nervous as Johnson and Damon laughed out loud.

"Brother... Don't make me nervous... I am asking for your advice and you are laughing?" Martin asked. Johnson and Damon got up from the couch making Martin get up from the couch too. 

Johnson suddenly hugged Martin tightly making Martin frowned.