I will let you marry Johnson!

 A man is laughing out loud in a dark room making the people around him shiver with his laugh. No one knows why he is laughing but they know what that laugh mean! No one has the dare you stop him in any way because of they do, the person will be just buried. The people around him know that the man who is laughing will laugh when he is angry and laugh when he is sad... He laughs on every emotion and feeling abd its impossible to make him stop either! 

And soon he stopped laughing abd turned around to the people around him. 

"Yes?" He asked.

"Boss..." A person shivered with what he was about to tell but the man took out his gun and just shoot him without any mercy making other people shiver around him.

"Don't stutter in front of me... Just tell me what it is and get out of here. Do you understand?" The man asked.

"Yes, Boss!" Another person answered.

"Tell me now! He said.