Romantic Date.

He took a deep breath and looked at Samantha. 

He caressed her cheek and slowly smiled as he tried to wake her up...

"Samantha, wake up..." Johnson called as he looked at her. 

"Samantha..." Johnson again called her as he shook her shoulder making her slowly open her eyes. 

He smiled as he saw her bleary eyes open and her sleepy face. 

He was just excited to see her awake as he couldn't wait for his wife to show his suprise for her.

"Mmm?" Samantha asked as she rubbed her eyes making him smile at her. 

"Wake up... We are here..." Johnson said with a smile making Samantha frown and look at where they have reached. 

"Ohh! We are at Lake house... What we are doing here?" Samantha asked.

"I thought, it's been so long since we are here... And you know, we have a lot of memories in this lake house... So, why not create more memories?" Johnson asked making Samantha frown.