A Prince Charming.

"When are we not hungry for each other?" Johnson asked making Samantha smile.

"True..." Samantha answered making Johnson chuckle.

"Come, let's have our lunch... Then we can talk with each other?" Johnson asked and Samantha nodded her head with a smile as they both walked towards the blanket and sat down. 

Samantha was about to serve them in two plates when Johnson stopped her making her raise her eyebrows at him.

"What happened? Aren't you hungry?" Samantha asked.

"I am... But..." Johnson said as he serves on 1 plate and moved closer to her.

"This will be enough for us... Let me feed you!" Johnson said making Samantha smile and she nodded her head in yes.

"Yes..." Samantha replied as she opens he mouth and Johnson feeds her and they both had their lunch as they look at the beautiful view.

"I really miss this place..." Samantha said and Johnson smiled.