WebNovelCode Zero25.00%

Refusal... or is it?

Zero: "And what might a vampire such as you want with me?"

'Now let's see if the legends are true…'

Dracula: "Isn't it common courtesy to speak face to face with a guest?"

'He didnt deny it...'

Zero: "True as it may be, you are not my guest and common courtesy does not apply to me. So, Vlad 'Dracula' Tepes… what is your purpose in coming here?"

Dracula: "At first it was curiosity but now it's pure fascination keeping me here. You are not alive and yet you are here speaking to me and clearly showing intelligence."

Zero: "While it's true that I do not have blood flowing inside me like you nor do I have a biological body, merely assuming im not alive just from that would be stupidity… or ignorance."

Dracula: "You may be right but you might also be lying."

Zero: "True, I do not know you and you don't know me so why don't you just tell me why shouldn't I banish you directly or even kill you."

Dracula: "Do you think you can?"

Zero: ���You are alone but I am not. You are one but I am many."

As I said that many of my submarines emerged and the carrier started turning the turrets on his direction. Aircrafts cam down form the sky and aimed their weapons at Dracula.

Dracula: "Indeed it would seem so, but currently I am but a man on a journey, traveling the world. I do not seek conflict and this stop was just to sate my curiosity."

Zero: "Very well but I have a question, was magic used to make it possible for you to come here?"

Dracula: "I did use magic as it wasn't possible otherwise."

Zero: "Vlad 'Dracula' Tepes, are you knowledgeable in magic?"

Dracula: "And if I supposedly am?"

Zero: "I'll make you an offer?"

Dracula: "What kind of offer? Do keep in mind that I am a researcher and a scientist, I do not see favorably upon those who want to use my knowledge for meaningless conflict."

Zero: "Simple… your magical knowledge in exchange for 1 favor from me."

Dracula: "I ref…" – he started to say as I interrupted him.

Zero: "You don't have to answer now, I do not mind waiting 10, 100 or even 1000 years and who knows, you might need my help sometime in the future. While I may not be a god, my capacity for destruction is not very far off."

An awkward silence hanged in the air for about 2 seconds.

Dracula: "Very well, I shall remember this offer then." – he said as he left in a gulf of fire.

Zero: "Comparing speech patterns, voice vibrations, minute body shifting. The subject has not lied… yet. "


As soon as Dracula left my computing power was put to use into achieving breakthrough in technology. Sadly my current blueprints were only of low tech war machines. While combining different parts of technology together was easy achieving the next level without any of my databases was impossible. Coming from a machine that is already a set deal. With this my trip to space would have to be delayed. Dracula's knowledge was essential but he would not give it up easily… that much I knew.

But what Dracula doesn't understand is that while an entity is alive it will always crave for more. If it doesn't crave for more in general it will crave for something specific. Desires are not something you can control just because you gave up your humanity. The difference in lifespan only represent how much time it will take for said entity to give in to their desire.

'I can wait for eons and it wouldn't change a thing… but a living entity seconds start to feel like minutes, minutes feel like hours, hours feel like days, days like weeks, weeks like months and months like years and so on and so forth… eventually they will fall to temptation and try to take the short route. So will you Vlad 'Dracula' Tepes, so will you.

The water level globally has risen by 5 cm. The production of my submarines has reached the current limit. Anymore and the people will notice something is wrong. While most may think that it is a natural occurrence or a sign of GOD it's better not to take any chances.

'Next step would be the modification of my Sea Fortress. Further research is required in order to mitigate the energy requirement so more space can be saved. Seeing as research has reached its current limit that would be futile, on the other hand interlinking more than 2 reactors together may prove fatal but also rewarding. Not a technique available with all reactors but for primitive ones like this one it should be possible. Further experimentation should provide positive results.

--- Time skip (6 months later) ---

Experimentation with interlinked reactors has reached its current limit. Succesful interlink has been achieved with 3 reactors at the same time. More reactors create an overload and detonating force of 2 intercontinental ballistic missile.

Experimentation has been deemed a success. Sea Fortress upgrade into an Arial fortress has started. Time until completion is at 11 months 12 days 7 hours 34 minutes and 2 seconds.

Next subject of research: Weaponry – Experimental Projectile Cannon.

'This next project should give my warship a good boost in firepower, something I'm extremely lacking right now. The current population of this planet restrict my advancement possibilities too much. I should take care of them when the chance arises. For now I should continue with finding ways to decrease the size of my energy generators and increase the energy output.

---- Time skip (5 months) ----

The experimental projectile cannon has reached completion. Carrying a test has become necessary so I mounted the canon on my reserve carrier and took it to a secluded location.

-Somewhere in the middle of the ocean-

'Calculating for wind, projectile weight, firing power… all variables calculated, aiming… fire.'


The noise was loud, as expected of such a big weapon emplacement. The shockwave was powerful as well rocking the relatively big and heavy warship. But the most impressive part was the ensuing explosion. With this amount of power it should be able to easily annihilate a ship the same size and take out of commission a ship twice the size in one shot.

'Implementing it on the future warships should provide a boost to firepower but it won't immediately collapse another warships shields and depending on strength it might not even scratch them.

---- Time skip (1 year) ----

With my base warship operational in the sky and equipped with 3 Cannon Emplacement without including the normal battleship arsenal I was in for an expected visit.

'I didn't except him to come back for at least 100 years. Most plausible explanation is that something has happened. Judging by his stance, expression and occasional shift in dominant leg it would be that he is weakened. Emotional trauma and physical injuries are the most viable options.'

Zero: "Vlad 'Dracula' Tepes, you are back sooner than I excepted. Have you changed your mind?"

Dracula: "Is your offer still available?"

Zero: "Indeed."

Dracula: "And if in exchange for my knowledge I ask that you wipe out humanity?"

Zero: "Nothing would change."