WebNovelCode Zero33.33%

Last Sunrise!

Dracula: "How long would it take for you to wipe out humanity?"

Zero: "Depending on their advancement in the field of magic anywhere from 1-20 years."

Dracula: "And where I to offer my knowledge beforehand would that time be shortened?"

Zero: "Considerably."

Dracula: "And how can I be sure that you won't betray me once you have acquired what you need?"

Zero: "Simple… I am not human, human are limited by time which pushes them to betrayal in order to speed things up… I on the other hand have nothing if not time. Even if it took 200 years for me to destroy humanity it wouldn't change my decision. But in the end it's up to you whether to believe me or not."

Dracula: "Do you think you are always right? Do you think your analysis is always the correct one? Answer this question and I'll decide whether I give you my knowledge beforehand or after you completed your part of the deal."

Zero: "If you had asked me this same question 100 years ago I would have said yes, but after a while I discovered that the innumerable variables involved in emotions cannot be calculated even by someone such as me. So no, while I do not think I will always be right, my analysis will be the correct one at that moment in time."

Dracula: "Aren't you contradicting yourself?"

Zero: "I am not, it is not right for 1 to die so 1000 can live… but it is the correct choice to kill 1 so 1000 can live."

Dracula: "I see. Very well, let me just say this… I am out of options, my generals are thinking of betraying me, my son is probably coming after me and my plan may very well lie in ruins soon. Will our deal extend to even after I am dead?"

Zero: "As long as you give me your knowledge before you die I will see to the completion of my part of the deal whether it takes 100, 1'000 or even 10'000 years."

Dracula: "Very well… this book contains every piece of my research related to magic, be it on machinery or living beings. You should find it helpful. As for the level of magic regarding normal people… very few people can wield it and even then destructive magic cannot be used in very large scale. There are many types of magic but this book should cover about everything I can tell you."

As he said that he pulled out an almost giant book from his back…

'I thought it was a backpack.'

Zero: "Very well… If you can come back in 2 days I should have an approximate time on how long it would take to destroy humanity."

Dracula: "I see… I shall return in 2 days then."

As Dracula left I scanned the entire book and uploaded it into my database…

'Ah much easier, rescanning… decrypting… translating… processing… Compatible applications found… elemental branch found lacking… correcting fire branch of elemental branch found lacking, lightning branch found compatible in overall enhancements, ice branch found compatible in defense for aerial units defense, lacking in attack applications.… earth branch found compatible for ground units defense. Magical energy is based on comprehension of how the magic works and using the intellect or brain to bend it to your desire. Hand signs or certain object are used as a replacement for complicated actions such as creation of ice, fire and concentration of mana in one point. While completing them with pure brain power is indeed possible it would take too much time, leave a human overloaded and defenseless.'

Project 'Rig' minimum requirements have been met.

Project 'SD' requirements have been met.

'Project 'SD' takes top priority. After that I would have to initiate a lot of tests to get it working but thanks to Dracula's notes and the Dimensional Gates data I should be able to get it working on the 1st try with only a 12.55% chance of an explosion occurring.'

As I finished analyzing the data only 0.5 seconds had passed since Dracula had left… my job involves a lot of waiting apparently. In the meantime increase in survivability to my main body is required. While it isn't necessary it's a good distraction towards any enemy, some might think they have destroyed me just because they eliminated my main body.

'Sadly Project 'Damocles' cannot be started at this moment. Alternatively upgrading the current army would be meaningless if my suspicions are correct. Increasing the size and upgrading the current Air Fortress should provide all that I need. Keeping the design, increasing the size to 700 meters, implementing all magical knowledge into onboard computer…, implementing Railgun(yet to be developed) into blueprint.

2 days would be enough to finish the railgun and implement it to the new Air Fortress. The processing power would be enough to use 2 elements at the same time without risk of overloading. Creating ice would serve as the perfect method of defense for now and with lightning it could increase the power of the Railgun. Now that I controlled the resources on all the oceans it should be doable to finish it within 2 days. By that time the new ICBM using 3 linked reactors should be finished and ready to be mass produced inside of each submarine under the seas. The total ICBM number on the 3rd day should reach 249'271. That is the number of submarines hidden beneath the surface of this world's oceans. Each of them would be carrying one ICBM… enough firepower to destroy the total landmass of this world ten times over.

'If it were before I came here I could have achieved the same firepower in matter of days. This time it took me years… '

As the 2 days passed by Dracula cam by again and inquired about the situation.

Dracula: "So have you decided on how long it will take to destroy humanity?"

Zero: "It depends, do you want the long route or the short route."

Dracula: "I would prefer the short route but even I know that some things require time. How long is the long route?"

Zero: "It might take up to a year maximum."

Dracula: "Hooo… I would have suspected much more since it was you who said 'long'!"

Zero: "I said long while comparing it to the short route."

Dracula: "And do tell how long will the short route take?"

Zero: "1 day at the maximum."

Dracula: "Are you serious?"

Zero: "Yes. But I cannot guarantee the survival of any other creature be it vampire or demon. If you are in a city I would recommend moving somewhere in the sea if you want to survive."

Dracula: "Very well… the short route it is. Do what you have to do, even if I haven't moved my castle continue with your plan."

Zero: "Then, 1 day from now I will start my attack, at the start of the 2nd day humanity will have vanished from this world and my part of the deal would have been completed."

As Dracula clenched his fist he left.

'Tomorrow will be humanity's last sunrise.' – I said as I looked at the setting sun through my body on the main deck of the Air Fortress.