WebNovelCode Zero41.67%


'Preparations are in place, in 12 hours the sun will set and the this world will be set ablaze… Now let the countdown start.'

'I think I am developing too much of a liking toward the dramatic… though it isn't such a bad thing I guess.'



'Air Fortress, take off!'

As the timer towards the end of this world ticked I gained altitude within the Air Fortress. With the increase in size it holds inside about 100 Air Superiority Fighters with advanced AI programming, capable of maneuvering at forces way higher than 10G. With high top-speed and unthinkable maneuverability they make for deadly predators in the battlefield. Any hacking would have to compete with my processing power and more than 10'000 layers of security…

'I had too much free time. Well considering 1 human second is like 1 year to me it would only be natural.'

Project 'SD' was still ongoing and would be finished in approximately 2 years.

Project 'Rig' would be on hold until it was decided if 'SD' could reach or exceed the expectations.

[A.N: Some things will be different form the adaptation and the timing of the events is not accurate]



As Alucard Tepes, Trevor Beelmont and Sypha Belnades were searching the Belmont underground library they were unaware of the impending danger.

Alucard, a half-human, half-vampire, knowledge and fighting skills gained from his father, Dracula the strongest vampire and while he could not defeat him on his own he had hope that with his 2 new companions it was achievable.

Trevor Belmont, a skilled fighter as well as a skilled idiot, trained from a young age to survive on his own and hunt monsters he believes that he has the ability to defeat Dracula.

Sypha Belnades, a witch who made a deal with the spirits, believes that the prophecy will come true and the 3 of them can defeat Dracula and save humanity.

Three people so different from each other… would die together.



Sylpha: "With this spell it should be possible to lock down the castle of Dracula. But it's not completed."

Alucard: "What do we do now?"

Sylpha: "I should be able to complete it but it will require some time."

Alucard: "We should hurry."

As they were talking they were unaware of the entity recording their every movement, waiting for the witch to complete her spell.

'I myself do not have enough knowledge to complete the spell for the spatial lockdown but if she can then it would be a great help towards my 'Rig' project. Now one of humanity's rare jewel, show me your worth.'

Soon sounds of battle where heard in the distance.

Alucard: "They found us. Trevor must be fighting them right now. Try and finish the spell as soon as possible. I'll protect you in the meantime."


She finished it and I have the completed spatial lockdown in my hands… huh I see it's a clash of power and seeing as the castle doesn't even have an AI or brain the magician naturally won. That trick won't work on me though. Still good enough against human enemies. No matter how advanced they cannot hope to outclass me in computing and processing power."

'Oh the castle is immobilized now… what will you do? Face Dracula with only the 3 of you? A mere half-vampire man-child, a very stupid but talented human warrior and a barely qualified witch who believes in fairy tales. Dracula on the other hand is a veteran warrior with centuries on his back, the strongest vampire to have walked the earth, knowledge of magic and science…'

'Possible explanation found… that main character halo must be really bright. Solution satisfactory.'

Dracula was sitting in his chair in front of the fireplace, weakened by the lack of blood, betrayed by his commanders and waiting for the inevitable end. He knew that this wasn't a war, it was a suicide, a suicide in which he will drag the whole humanity with him.


And so the father-son reunion is here… not very peaceful if I may say so myself, though I wouldn't know to begin with. Feelings huh… unnecessary, conflicting and irregular, make one impossible to predict but also easy to predict…


Dracula is indeed a powerful old monster but I am also not here just for fun... analyzing fighting patterns, Alucard uses agility to his advantage though Dracula seems to hold the upper hand be it in speed or strength The fact that he has yet to use magic might be because he is confident, not in control or just blocking it unconsciously because Alucard is his son. Looking at those bloodshot eyes I would say it's a little bit of both the last ones.

As Dracula was about to send his son crushing into his old room I stepped in and blocked his arm.

Zero: "Vlad 'Dracula' Tepes, my part of the deal is about to be completed. I would invite you to watch, or would you like to continue?"

Dracula: "Your part of the deal… Ah yes lets go, I want to enjoy this moment…"

Dracula let Alucard fall down to the floor breathing heavily coughing.

Alucard: "…cough… cough, what.. are you… planning?"

No sooner than he said those words the cavalry came bursting through the doorframe, Trevor and Sypha rushing towards Alucard and taking a defensive position.


Trevor: "Alucard who is the new guy? Is that an armor?"

I was standing at the 2.5 meters, a little taller than Dracula in a miniature copy of my main body.

Alucard: "I can feel no life from it. I don't know what it is but it seems to have sometning to do with my father. One of his creations? No it called him in his full name."

Zero: "Not bad… but not that impressive either, though your application of magic was interesting at most and simple at best. Still effective though."

Sypha: "No magic inside it's body so it's not a golem. It must be some type of machinery, it might take some time but we can defeat him."


Zero: "Some people just don't understand when they have already lost. Or they just don't want to maybe… Tell me one thing what is the point of this little campaign you have started?"

Alucard: "To kill my father."

Trevor: "To kill Dracula."

Zero: "Ding, wrong answer… did you do all this so you could kill a vampire?"

Sypha: "No, we did it to save humanity."

As she said that I punched a hole in the wall making the outside visible. Countless submarines had emerged from the depths of the seas long before they entered the castle. They made quite the noise and alarm while surfacing as well. It just goes to show the stupidity of humans.


Zero: "So focused on killing Dracula that you didn't stop to see what was happening around. Not that you could hope to stop it but taking out a few of my submarines might have been possible."

Trevor: "Even if you have many weapons and soldiers we just have to kill you."

The talented idiot stepped forward.

Zero: "Do you think im stupid enough to come here in person? You clearly are the idiot of the group."

Alucard: "Why are you doing this? I've never seen you before around my father so what reason do you have to help him?"

Zero: "I made him an offer once, his knowledge in exchange for 1 favor from me."

Sypha: "All this so you can gain more power? More knowledge?"

Zero: "Basically yes."

Sypha: "You would kill so many innocent people just for that? It isn't right!" – she almost screamed.

Zero: "Indeed it isn't right…"

Sypha: "Then…" - as she was about to say something I interrupted her.

Zero: "But it is the correct decision for me."


Zero: "Anyway it's too late now, seriously what kind of idiots are you? Who waits for the enemy to finish chatting before attacking?! Are you idiots?"

Alucard: "We will stop you!"

Zero: "Too late." – I said calmly as I snapped my fingers.

Countless missiles launched from the sea heading inland.

Zero: "Staying here will kill you, will you come with me?

Dracula: "No."

Zero: "Vlad 'Dracula' Tepes, witness with your own eyes the destruction of humanity. Goodbye."

As I left the trio tried to stop me.

Meanwhile Vlad 'Dracula' Tepes sat in a chair overlooking the city as the missiles continued on their way, one heading toward the center of the city.