
First Strike

In the morning, after everyone had their breakfast, all of them.went to the training grounds again except for Ansem and Roger.

They went to the Chief. The person guarding the office felt shiver down his spine when he saw the two men approaching with a heavy demeanor. Even if he was a Beta, he coukd feel their presence strinking into every oart of his body making him weak. He was informed that they were here to meet the Chief and discuss things. The Beta quickly went inside and informed the Chief. He ran outside again and told them to go in. After they went in, he felt as if fog had lifted from his body and heaved a huge sigh of relief.


"Chief!"Both of them saluted the person before them.

"Sit down, what is it that you wanted to discuss?"

They went straight to the point without beating the bush.

"We had a lead suspect and after following him for some time, we tumbled upon some evidences about the Kraits, Sir"

"Lead suspect?", the Chief had a doubt.

Both of them remained silent. The Chief knew they didn't want to disclose this information so he didn't ask more. After all, he was not the one who took over this mission. It was Roger's father who presided over it just few weeks ago.

"Does the General know? "

"Yes, he does, Sir"

"Hmm, okay. Proceed as planned and give me updates from time to time."

"Yes Sir"

It was their duty to inform to the Chief. After that, they assembled the team.

"With the details on this report and from the conjecture of that scientist's words, we must be able to find out the exact location of the place. So get to work people"

"Ian, take some men with you and get all the necessary weapons."

"Found it!", Lan spoke up from behind.

"What? Where?"

"Its in the northwest side of the country....there!"

"A place full of forest and not much inhabitants hm...perfect!"

"There is a small village there."

"Most of them are farmers."

"There were no contact among the people. This gives us a chance."

"Why were there no contacts?!"

"It just happen to be on buildings' far south. So they didn't go there much."

"I dont think the village people knows about what's happening there"

"Thats good. Start loading the trucks and stop at the village. Lets just hope that the people there are not xenophobic"

"Haha...in this world and era? I dont think so"

"Good, keep that trust and confidence in mind and move on"

"...."the person who just said that.

They were passing back and forth statements and discussing it lively. Thats call teamwork hehe.

"Everything has been prepared"

"We need to set up some devices to block any trackings when we use our devices."

"On it!", Lan's voice came again,"Do lead me to all the devices that we are going to use"

"Follow me"

After they went out..."Haish, he will have a bright future"

"As if! Look at him. He never looks up from his computer!"

"It does not concern you!"

"Of course it does!"


"I-", and we know that naturally he would have no words to refute that.

Everyone stared at him and couldn't hold it in their chuckles.

"Do you like him huh Rick?!"

"To hell with you guys!!", he shouted and stormed off with a huff,"Im going to the arsenal to check things!!"

Everyone stared at one another and immediately understood. Some couldn't help bursting with laughter.

Next evening---

Three military off road vehicles rolled in to the sleepy village quietly.

Surprisingly, they were given accomodation in some of the houses. The people were very respectful towards these soldiers. Salutè!!!

They would have to lay low for tonight and trim the surrounding areas till they reach the headquarters.

After some time, everyone had slept. But soon woke up before dawn...2 am in the morning.

All of them stepped out of their respective house lodge and went towards the HQ.

As expected, there were several cameras, alarm systems and whatnot. After some 15 minutes, they were disabled. No one could notice this since it was too early in the morning and also too late into the night. However, everything was blocked off for 3 minutes only. Huff! Its so tough even Lan took a long time. This showed how careful and secure was the HQ.

Anyway, they just needed to get in unnoticed. And three minutes was more than enough.

The first team that went in consisted of both Ansem's and Roger's but some of them stayed behind at the village for both backup and lookout under Lieutenant Ian.

They sure are going to thank their foresight about this later on.

Most of them in black, quietly crept into the main building as all the others were weapons, research centre. Some went into differemt buildings and fitted the bombs there with great ease. And went back to the main team to regroup. Those who could do within the 3 minutes went back to the village, only three of them could go back. Phew!

"Aha!! They've come..see?", the person got out of bed and looked at the one sitting beside him near the window with an 'I knew this would happen' expression.

"Young Master, we have to give the first strike then", the person smiled.

While on the other side, Lan cursed,"Shit! There was a security on that door. It did not trigger any alarm but it was connected to some device. We should have been found out by now"