Assault at the Inn

 "Coming" Mia walked to her room's door and opened it. There stood the worker who had helped her out earlier. "Oh, hey there!" Without wasting a moment Stu rushed in on Mia, he placed one arm around her waist so she could not run and his other hand over her mouth so she could not scream.

 "Shhh, hush now." Stu told Mia. "You owe me for all the help I gave you earlier, and I am here to collect." Mia struggled with all she had but her body was still too weak to overpower her attacker. Struggle as she might she could not break free of his grip. Mia tried to speak but all her words were muffled under Stu's hand. "What's this you want to speak? Fine if you promise not to yell, I will let you talk.

 Mia nodded in agreement, tears welling up in her eyes. "What do you want? I thought you were a nice guy." Mia asked Stu.

 "What are you daft?" Stu questioned; it would be obvious to anyone what he was after. "I want your body of course. Now do not make a fuss and just let it happen. Who knows you might even enjoy it."

 The horror of the situation that Mia was in finally sunk in. Being raised as a man in the church he never knew that other men behaved in such a manner. "You can't, I am a man!" Mia shouted.

 "A man huh?" Stu questioned. "Let's just see how manly you are." In one fell movement Stu ripped the dress right off Mia leaving her completely exposed to him. "I see tits, ass, and look no dick. Don't look like much of a man to me." Stu then tossed Mia on to the bed. "Here let me show you what a real man looks like." Stu then lowered his pants exposing his hardened sword to Mia.

 Mia was terrified, faced with impending doom, she could only remember the words of her master. "If you ever find yourself against an opponent who is stronger than you, remember you must go for the weak spots. Also, if you have found yourself in this situation it means you have not done enough training! So, you better train harder!" Mia scanned her would be attacker and knew that she had one chance. Having been a man previously she knew a man's greatest weakness. As soon as Stu had reached the bed, Mia reared both legs back and kicked Stu in the balls with both feet. He immediately fell to the ground and passed out of the pain. Mia bolted out of the room and made her way to the innkeeper, still naked from the assault. "I have to find help." She thought to herself. Banging on the door to the innkeeper's door, a man finally came and answered.

 "Young lady, you look quite the mess." He said as he looked over her naked form. "Did something happen to you or are you just offering yourself to me like a good little girl."

 This puzzled Mia, were all men just after sex, she thought. The innkeeper grabbed for Mia, which she dodged and countered with a punch directly to his testicles. He also collapsed from the pain. Nowhere else to run, Mia decided to find something to cover herself. She grabbed some nearby curtains and wrapped them around herself. She then made a break for it out of the inn and into the street. She had no idea that this is what women had to deal with, she honestly could not believe that the church allowed such behavior. "I have to get back to the Goddess." She thought. Mia ran as fast as she could holding on to her cloth covering, along the way back to the Goddess's house she was accosted by men around every corner.

 Unknown to Mia, in this world women are considered far inferior to men. Their status in society is based solely on what their man has. They also have no rights to refuse the advance of a man if they are not already spoken for. Basically, men can just claim any woman of their choice as theirs if no one else has first. Mia never knew of this because she grew up for one reason and one reason only. To slay the demon lord. She was never around the public or had much interaction with anyone other than her masters. The only time she saw other children was during church service, where silence is mandatory. Mia broke countless laws that night and left many men laying on the ground holding their precious area. When she finally made it back to the Goddess she was covered in dirt and her cloth was barely there, so many men grabbing at it had caused it to rip and tear. When Vanessa answered the door, Mia rushed to her and held on as tight as she could. Vanessa reached out and pated Mia on the head again.

 "There, there, Sir Knight. Momma's got you now." Vanessa said with a smile. The two of them went inside and shut the door behind them.

 Meanwhile in the royal capital the heads of the church were having a meeting about the demon situation. They met in a dimly lit room around a stone table. These were the true leaders of the kingdom. The King was even under the rule of the church. The leader of the church spoke up. "It seems like number twenty-two was more successful than the last ones we sent. He must have done something, demons from all over the kingdom have retreated into the forest."

 Another member of the council spoke up. "Grand Pope, do you think this means that number twenty-two was able to defeat the demon lord?"

 "No Bishop Jerry, I fear that they are only bolstering their forces for a large-scale attack." The Grand Pope continued. "It is most likely safe to assume that twenty-two is dead by now. We need to look forward to the future. Learn from our mistakes. The double aging curse worked perfectly, just look at the results we obtained in such a few amount of years." Everyone else in the council agreed with the Grand Pope. "Have we made progress on perfecting the curse further. I want a new hero in months not years. And what of our holy swords have we created a new one stronger than Excel yet?"

 "We are working on it, sir." Bishop Fred spoke up. "We are trying a new process of infusing souls into the blade to strengthen its power."

  "As for the curse we have found a way to make it age at ten times the rate." Bishop Jerry continued. "So, if we trained a hero for one year it would equal ten years' worth of training."

 "That's wonderful news." The Grand Pope congratulated his underlings. "We should be able to pump out heroes at a much faster rate now. How is the acquisition of the child who will become the next hero going?"

 "Well his parents don't want to sell him to us." Cardinal Mark chimed in.

 "That's never stopped us before." The Grand Pope answered. "Just kill the parents and bring the child into the church, just like we did for number twenty-two."