Playing with Fire

  The next morning Mia was awoken by a banging at the door. Groggy she put on the new dress that Vanessa had given her and made her way to the foyer to see what was going on. She then saw Vanessa greeting a couple of guardsmen. "Oh hello." Vanessa smiles. "What can I do for you this morning?"

  "Miss is the man of the house home? We need to speak to him at once." One of the guardsmen said. "There have been reports of a fugitive being harbored here."

   "Oh dear." Vanessa gasped. "What sort of fugitive are you looking for?"

  "Mam we would really only prefer to speak to the man of the house, but if you must know there was a woman last night assaulting innocent men. We need to find her so that she can be executed for her crimes." The guards explained.

  "Executed?" Vanessa asked.

  "Yes, all female criminals are to be executed by soul extraction. It has been decreed by the church." The guard continued to explain.

  "Enough with explaining things to this bitch!" The other guard snapped out. "Where is the man of the house?"

   Vanessa just stood there and smiled. Finally, she broke the silence and spoke. "Why does the house need a man?"

   The guard erupted in a fury. "Bitch are you telling me that you live here without a man? That is a serious crime, women are not allowed to own property! How did you even get this house?!"

   "Oh well it was empty, so I just moved in." Vanessa smiled politely.

   "So, you are not only suspected of harboring a fugitive, you are also squatting in the house?" The guard was visibly mad. "It's bitches like you that ruin the entire kingdom. You will need to be executed as well!"

   "Oh dear!" Vanessa gasped. "If not having a penis is such a problem, why don't I just take yours?"

   "Wait what now?" The angry guard asked as he saw his penis appear in Vanessa's open hand. The sight of which caused him to faint. The other guard stood there in shock. He could not believe what he had just witnessed and was continuing to witness. Vanessa was just waving it around trying to figure out why it was so important that she had a penis.

  "Ok so do I count as the man of the house now?" Vanessa asked the guard with a smile.

  The other guard just ran for it while holding tight to his groin, he was not going to lose it. After he ran off Vanessa shut the door and saw Mia standing there at the entrance to the foyer. The guard's penis still in her hand. "Look Sir Knight! I am now the man of the house!" She said gleefully as she walked past Mia.

   "Um Goddess?" Mia asked. "Aren't they going to come back with more troops?"

   "Why?" Vanessa asked, holding up her newly acquired item. "See they said it was a crime to not have one and now we have one. I really do not understand what the big deal about them is, I just made them for mating. Asexual reproduction was so boring."

  "Asexual?" Mia was curious at this point. "What does that even mean?"

  "Oh, it just means able to reproduce by itself." Vanessa explained. "I tried some races with that, I tried other forms of mating too, like pollen. But then all the women stayed pregnant all the time. That was no fun either. I have tried other ways of mating as well, there was this one race that took five different genders to reproduce! That was too much. Still I do not really understand what the human obsession is with a penis. I thought the method of mating I devised for this planet was simple. Sticks and holes. Yet somehow, the stick is required for power?" Vanessa looked at a flabbergasted Mia. "Tell me Sir Knight, do you miss your penis?"

   Mia did not really think about it much, she just accepted that she was a girl now. She had wronged the Goddess and being a woman was her punishment. After all she had only had sex once as a man. The night before she left to go into the forest the church held a ceremony in which her seed was extracted by means of intercourse. "If I miss anything, my Goddess, it is my muscles." Mia finally responded. "I miss being able to fight my own battles."

   Vanessa smiled at Mia. "You'll work hard and get those muscles back! Oh, all this talking about mating made me remember something! I forgot to turn on your menstrual cycle!"

  "My what?" With those words Mia felt a great pain in her abdomen, unlike anything she had ever experienced as a man. The pain was so intense she fell to her knees. "Oh, it hurts so much. What is this?"

   "Oh, it's just a normal cycle that cleans you out inside." Vanessa answered. "Oh, you can make babies now as well."

   "Babies?!" Mia was horrified. "I don't want to have babies! Why does this have to hurt so much!"

   "Oh, you get used to it." Vanessa replied. "Happens once every twenty-eight days or so, for three to five days."

  Mia was now in tears from the pain. Holding her abdomen with both hands. "Every twenty-eight days! You must be kidding me! How do women deal with this!"

  "Does it really hurt that bad?" Vanessa asked.

  "YES!" Mia yelled back.

  "I wouldn't know I have never had one." Vanessa snapped her fingers and smiled at Mia. "There you feel better?"

   "Oh, the pain is gone!" Mia rejoiced.

   "I made them not hurt now." Vanessa responded. "I didn't know it was that bad. I weakened the nerves in that area on humans. Should make childbirth less painful as well." Vanessa nodded proud of her achievement. "You're still going to bleed though. So, you need to either stuff something up there or collect the blood with magic."

   "Stuff something up there?!" Mia was appalled. "Like what?"

   Vanessa then magicked up a wad of fibers and showed it to Mia. "Like this!" Mia was horrified.

   The other guard of course went back for help in his garrison, he rounded up every available man he could find to burn that house down. He viewed Vanessa as a witch and witches must be purified by fire. Killing them first did not matter if it were within hours of death the soul could still be extracted for the church. They surrounded the house and without a word just started burning it to the ground. They threw every torch they had trying to get the flames as big as possible. They had barricaded the doors to prevent Vanessa and Mia from leaving. They knew their plan would work and that those women would die.

   Just then the door to the house burst open and Vanessa and Mia walked out, unphased by the fire. Vanessa looked around and saw the large gathering of men holding torches as well as the house she just left burning. "Oh, I didn't know my babies liked to play with fire!" Vanessa said excitedly. "I want to play with my babies too!" Vanessa then stretched out her arms and the blue sky turned a blood red. Flames began to dance across the sky until all that you could see above the village was fire. The villagers panicked as they watched the wall of flame slowly descended upon them. There was nowhere to run. The fire stretched for miles the heat from it could already be felt as it descended from the sky. "Why are all my babies running away! I thought they wanted to play with fire! I was just trying to make them happy!" Vanessa complained.

   As the flames got closer even Mia began to panic. "Goddess!" She yelled. as the flames were upon them. "HELP ME GODDESS!"

   Vanessa turned to Mia as the flames were about to engulf them. "Sir Knight?"