We are moving!!

Kayla, Kayla c'mon get up, it's already past eight you sleeping log,the little girl tugged at her sister's dress.

The latter just groaned and covered her face with her blanket,just give me two more years,she said slowly slipping to her Dreamland when she suddenly felt chills as cold water splashed on her.

all atoms of sleep disappeared when the chills of the freezing water ran even to her bones she she jumped of her bed ready to pounce on whosoever wants to freeze her she glared at the little girl in front of her who held a crystal clear jug.

what the hell Amber,she screamed and charged at her naughty little sis but the little girl was faster and dodged the impending doom and ran opposite her sister.

kayla don't be mad,it was mum who said I should drench you if you didn't get up,it's not my fault you are a heavy sleeper,she pouted.

Kayla just stared at her little sister and thought to herself;it's not her fault after all she's just following instructions,her anger slowly died down, all her sleepiness long gone.she stared at the little girl who was already sulking.shes always the one with the 'job' to wake her elder sister who had decided to make sleep her best friend..which is a pretty annoying 'job' for a ten year old but this ten year old is a talented actress and crybaby and by the looks of it she was about to open the floodgates kayla finally gave in and sighed.

fine tell Mom I'll be down in fifteen minutes. little Amber's face brightened up instantly as her cheeks perked up in a smile ,kayla just chuckled typical Amber. now off you go,I need to change into something neat since you've clearly drenched this one,she said as she pushed her little sister out of the room and locked the door.

it might seem weird but she never liked anyone being around her when changing clothes,it's just a little character she developed.

meet average teen Kayla Hale,daughter of William and Allia Hale, they were a family of six. their parents, Kayden who's the eldest son and Kayla's twin,the younger twins Amber and Aiden,they were a cozy family living in Los Angeles.

The Hale family were living amongst others living a normal life,no one would ever believe they were actually werewolves,their parents were the ones who decided to settle in an environment with other NORMAL people,and live a normal life,though they visit their relations once in a while in their pack,so here they are.


Kayla finally changed into dry and neat clothes,a blue pair of shorts and a pink cropped top with a big butterfly at the center.

she went down to see her mom already steaming in the living room she could already imagine her exploding in anger so she gently sneaked behind and gave her mum a bear hug,she felt her mom relax and heaved a sigh. you are becoming more and more addicted to sleep so lazy,her mother said as she sighed.

kayla released herself from the hug and walked to her mother's front.

c'mon mom there's nothing wrong with having a little nap you know,after all it makes me look more pretty after all you are the one always bugging me about looking good at all times.

you are hopeless always turning the tables against me, there's no point talking to you just hope your mate is the patient type,her mom said with a smirk.

Mom not again with the mate stuff, whoever he is he will have to tolerate me.

her mother shook her head resolutely and stared at her daughter for a while when voices were heard from the stairs her twin brother and her dad were seen with Amber and Aiden who were behind them arguing about something as usual.

Morning Dad, Kayla said as she headed for the dinning table behind her mom she helped setting the table and served the meal,they discussed about different stuff.

So kids have your mom told you we are moving to our new house, dad asked.

Moving??new house, Kayla shrieked.

Dad replied still busy with his toast,'yes in by Sunday .

O M G that's so awesome,Amber said with a glint in her hazel eyes.

they had been finalising the process of getting their new house in the next city and finally they did and the were even moving,it was great news to the Hale family.

They finished breakfast and all walked out of the house Amber and Aiden were taken to school by their mom while Kayden and Kayla were taken by their dad,they alighted from the car.

remember to inform your principal that you'll be transferring,dad said before driving off.

can you believe we are moving, Kayla said.

yeah yeah but I'm gonna miss my babes,he said.

Kayla rolled her eyes at him and strolled into the school followed by Kayden,who was muttering inaudible words to himself, as the duo walked in to the school.

kayla saw her bestie's familiar face and smiled which was returned.

Maddie guess what,Kayla asked with all smiles.

Maddie tapped her head and replied;Damien asked you out.

Kayla blinked her eyes and held her breath in order to avoid her cheeks heating up, Damien is the captain of the basketball team a total hottie.

about 6.8ft tall strawberry blonde hair and green eyes that your soul would drown in if you look deep into it,but as usual the hot one is always a Playboy,but all the girls still flock around him,Kayla just admired him,but what Maddie said took her off guard.after recovering, Kayla just sneered and replied.

I wouldn't go on a date with him even if I was paid to.

kk if you say so,but what's the big news.

we are finally moving to our new house,said Kayla.

wow that's great news,I'm happy for you guys,Maddie replied as her face dropped she knew this moment would come right from the day kayla informed her that they were getting a property outside the city.

seeing her bestie's face Kayla couldn't help but also feel sad,she had known Maddie since they were kids,she even knows their 'little secret' and yet told no one and here she's bouncing with excitement.

kayla trying to lighten the mood spoke happily; c'mon Maddie you can come over whenever you are free.how about we spend the weekend together my place hmm.

Maddie brightened up;pinky promise.

kayla chuckled as she stretched out her pinky finger;pinky promise.they both smiled at each other with their pinkies intertwined they stayed like this for about half a minute before the bell rang

they both released their fingers and stared at each other before they laughed and hurriedly ran to class.