Date ??

They arrived at their classroom to find the students still busy with their chatter,they both heaved a sigh of relief glad that they got to class before their teacher,they had history first subject for the day.

but no one looked forward to history class,not only was it super duper boring and stressful,the dreaded subject was taught by the strictest teacher in the entire school Mrs Briggs.

her rate of strictness is off the charts,a teacher who can reduce your grade from A+ to a C-, a teacher who gives detention for just smiling in class or laughing at a joke,she hates anything fun,some say she's eccentric but to some she just hates happy kids like that principal in the cartoon captain underpants principal krupps and the evil science teacher professor poopy pants,hehe,she's the combination of both,so you wouldn't wanna mess with her.

same goes for Kayla and Maddie,they slumped on their sits,as they held their chest like their hearts would pop out any moment.

Good thing Mrs Briggs isn't here yet,Maddie said as her breathing steadied.

Kayla chuckled,yeah I don't wanna get detention for being tardy.

Mmm hmm,hey Kayla check it out,your Prince charming is here,Maddie said as she raised her brows signalling Kayla to look up to the front of the class.

cut it out Maddie,I told you to stop teasing me using Damien it's not funny,Kayla grumbled.

ugh,no fun,but at least sneak a peek

at him I know you wanna,she teased.

Kayla tried resisting the urge to look up ,but the eyes had a mind of its own,she turned to face the class entrance and saw Damien talking with his friends she stared at him as if it was her last chance...well it was kind of her last chance to stare at him,and as if he felt someone staring at him he raised his head to meet her gaze,their eyes met and she quickly averted her gaze.

maddie chuckled; hoho,is that drool on your face,she asked wide-eyed.

kayla quickly wiped her mouth but frowned when there was no trace of drool.

Maddie who was already amused by the little show tried holding back her laughter,Kayla glared daggers at her friend as she opened her mouth to talk then she saw the surprised look on her face,she looked up and her eyes met with Damien's green eyes,she didn't blink nor say anything she just stared at him with a blank expression.

how may I help you Damien,she asked.

he just smiled still staring.

OMG he smiled at her,she's so lucky,a girl from the back said excitedly.

yeah,I wish he could also smile at me,another said.

kayla rolled her eyes in her mind,you've got to be kidding me,he always ignored me and behaved like I didn't exist not that i want him to notice me..the point is he's a total Playboy and I don't wanna be the centre of attention so just leave me alone will you!!

I just wanted to say hi,he said.

she rolled her eyes,well now you have so you can go now,I do want to be clawed to pieces by these girls,she thought within her self.

well you ha.. she stopped between her sentence when Mrs Briggs came in everyone settled down.

Good morning Mrs Briggs,the class chorused.

Morning,now open the page 105 of your history Text.

sounds of pages fluttering filled the classroom,and soon the noise died down. Josh read out the first paragraph,Daisy read out the second, Kayla read out the third,I will take the fourth fifth and sixth,Mrs Briggs instructed as she stared at the students sending chills down their spine,the appointed students read their parts and then Mrs Briggs read hers.the topic was based on the,'Dark plague'

Now you are all going to watch a documentary on this topic,pick your own points and research on it and submit your work,with that she turned on the projector and the documentary played on the screen.

The teacher walked round the class with a metal metre rule,and hit table of anyone who would be sleeping,soon everyone started yawning and fought the urge to sleep,it was more than toture ,some were already at the verge of crying when the bell rang for changing classes.

Mrs Briggs scoffed and turned off the projector and took her memory chip.

they had math and science.and then the bell rang for lunch break.

Ahh what a day,Maddie said stretching her body as she walked by Kayla.

yeah, especially history, class,Kayla said.

they both got to their locker and opened up at the same time kept their books at the same time and picked their little purses which were identical hello Kitty design except Kayla's is open blue while Maddie's is bubble gum pink the same time as well their, sync was next to none.

they were chatting happily when Damien approached them walking slowly with his hands in his pocket.

hi ladies,he said

hiiii,Maddie replied with a cheeky smile.

hey,Kayla replied.

can we talk,he asked.

[eyeroll,do I have a choice,it seems you really want to watch me being clawed to death by those girls ] yeah sure,she replied.

well I was thinking,if you wanted to hang out sometime,he said with a smile plastered on his face.

like a date ?? Kayla asked.

yeah,so you wanna go on a date with me,he said as he stared at her expectantly.

not interested,she replied bluntly.

his expression changed for a moment but quickly switched back to his usual smile.

think about it Kayla,he added.

nah I don't need to,I'm not interested I've got better things to do,she said walking away while dragging her friend who seemed to be in a daze at the moment along with her.

Kayla,what did you just do,you refused to go on a date with Damien,are you sure you are okay,Maddie asked as she scrutinized her friend.

I'm doing great,I just said no I didn't like him,even if I said yes when will be that 'sometime' have you forgotten that we are moving to New Orleans,so a date is impossible,or I should go out on a date with him during the weekend we are supposed to spend together hmm.

Maddie's eyes fluttered,no no no,you don't..need to 'hang out' with Damien anymore,she quickly interjected.

They got to the cafeteria and went to order their lunch.

I'll take a medium cola,1 hamburger and a side of fries,Maddie placed her order.

I'll take large soda three pizza slice and a side of fries,Kayla placed hers.

they got their meals and walked to their favourite table, Kayden was already seated with his best friend Josh and his girlfriend Malia.

Kayla and Maddie sat at the table closer to Kayden which had been their favourite place to sit,they both sat down and were about to start eating when the annoying voice of Quinn leader of the cheerleaders and Damien's little plaything.

she walked towards Kayla ;how dare you??? she screamed

Kayla stared at the girl in front,dare I do what, huh,I didn't steal your make up or your costume so what's the deal,she asked at the same time using her eyes to signal her brother who seemed ready to throw hands to calm down.

Quinn's face darkened,you better stay away from him,and you know what I mean.

Kayla chuckled,stay away from which of the 'hims' huh ?? she had made up her mind to make use of the time she had left in this school and she was gonna use it all to the fullest,and first she had to teach this fake faced doll a lesson,yes she's fake faced apparently because of her numerous plastic surgeries and excessive makeup which makes her look like a clown

The latter's brow knitted tightly as she was burning red in rage.

you better stay away from Damien Kayla else you wouldn't like what I'll do to you, Quinn said through gritted teeth.

oh you mean the Damien who asked me out,Kayla asked raising her brow. you know I can't reject him right,she added as she watched Quinn's frown deepen.don't you worry we can share him,what do you say Quinn,Kayla added with a smirk.quinn could finally not take it anymore and picked up Kayla's can of soda and was about dumping it on Kayla but Maddie held her hand,Kayla took the cup and emptied the contents on Quinn's head,who stood frozen to the spot.

Kayla had a mischevious smile on her face she moved closely to Quinn and whispered audibly:I don't want your Playboy boyfriend,he might be cool,but he's not my type,so keep him to yourself.with that she gestured Maddie to get up saying her appetite would be ruined if they ate here so they carried their food along leaving behind an dumbstruck and soda drenched Quinn.