The big game(1)

Kayla and Maddie strolled to the school garden with the meals,after picking the perfect spot and sat down on the low grass floor.

That Quinn sure know how to get on my. nerves, Maddie mumbled as she started munching her meal.

well she has no better job than clinging to Damien all the time,Kayla replied busy with her own meal.

yeah,she's always around him like a bee attracted to honey so clingy, Maddie added.

well they are a good match,after all birds of same feather they say flock together, Kayla added.

Huh,,,maddie stared at her wide eyed and said;no way I think you are the perfect match for him and not that plastic surgery disaster Quinn.

Kayla rolled her eyes at her annoying friend; I've told you many times that I don't like him,it's just admiration.

With a raised brow Maddie asked;is it,hn just admiration.

yes it is,Kayla replied calmly not wanting to get pissed off by this crazy friend of hers before speaking.

if you take a look at it they both make a perfect pair,highschool prince charming and high school sweetheart,both annoying and full of themselves,thinking they can trample on just anyone isn't that a match made in heaven.

Hmm, coming to think of it they really suit each other,after all they are the most popular in the school, Maddie added.

exactly what I have been saying,Kayla said as she raised her hand up staring at her friend stating the 'obviously' look.

ok ok I get it,her friend raided her hands in surrender.

A grin suddenly appeared on Kayla's face which soon turned to giggled.

not understanding what was happening to her friend Maddie scrutinized Kayla and then placed the back of her palm on her forehead and spoke quietly;Kayla is something wrong,what happened,have you finally lost it.

No no I'm totally fine I just remembered..more laughter ensued as her cheeks turned red in sheer joy. I remembered the look on Quinn's face after we soda_drenched her,I'm sure her excessive makeup is already ruined now she would look like joker's wife,Kayla said amidst her laughter.

Maddie also imagined Quinn's face and couldn't help laughing as well.

they both calmed down and stared at each other and burst in another row of laughter,that moment when you try looking serious but your friend's face triggered your inner laughing hyena, yeah this is the same moment.

Stay away from Damien Kayla or you won't like what I'll do to you,Maddie mimicked Quinn's voice and even made it more annoying. Kayla burst in another row of laughter.

Remember the priceless look on her face when I told her we could share him, hahaha,so hilarious. they were still at the center of their fit of laughter when the bell rang.

They got up dumped the trays of leftovers in a trash can and hurriedly to class still trying to hold the laughter in.

they got to their locker opening it the picked what they needed in unison and then locked their lockers up,then hopped to class lucky for them the teacher wasn't in class yet.

walking in Maddie sighted Quinn who had changed her clothes but had only light makeup on her face Kayla followed her line of sight and her eyes landed on Quinn. the duo looked at each other then back at Quinn their cheeks puffed up ready to blow at any moment they turned to run out of the class to release their atomic laughter but behind them was the perpetrator of the whole thing Damien.

Kayla's brows knitted and her smile disappeared,she was about to turn and walk to her sit when he held her hand.

He stared at her,thinking of how to persuade this girl to go out with him,he made a bet with his friends that he would be able to ask her out in two days,if he wins his friends will all give him a thousand bucks each but if he loses he will give them a thousand bucks each,he always thought she liked him but she rejected him,who rejects the person he or she likes.he mustered his most sincere expression hoping to trigger her emotions still holding her but he did not get what he expected.

she shove his hands off and dusted her hand like she was cleaning dirt off her.

she chuckled as she glared at him then let out a light laugh and said;did you really think I'll fall for that, it's the oldest trick in the book.

c'mon Kayla, just one date.he said trying to persuade her with a sweet voice.

Hmph like am going to fall for that,she thought within herself.

I've told you I'm not interested,so just leave me alone, she half yelled finally pissed off,this soon got everyone's attention.

but kayla....he began but Maddie retorted.

she said you should leave her alone,so beat it.he opened his mouth to talk when the teacher came in so everyone settled down and the little whispers with glares focused on Kayla and Maddie continued.

Kayla could only sigh inwardly,so much for a peaceful day in school.

The class went on and soon the accusing glares reduced...

The final bell for the day rang and some students were rushing out of their classes while others took their time to drag their feet on their way.

seemingly the duo fell on the latter,the walked sluggishly till they got to their lockers keeping their text books and picking two notes out each the notes contained their assignment and a project,they locked their lockers and walked lazily to where kayden was discussing with his friends,he sighted her and smiled but it disappeared instantly when he assessed how she looked.

hey little sis, you sure look paler than usual,even your cute smile has disappeared,he said.

it's nothing,I'm just tired I wanna go home,she said.

ok you go ahead,we have to practice since we'll be playing against prep school,he replied as he pinched her cheeks.

kk,see yah later Maddie c'mon lets get going,byyyeee,she waved as she dragged Maddie with her.

their drivers came and picked them up after saying good bye the cars took their drove out of the school and took their own routes,must be wondering why their parents drive them to school. well it's just their way of showing their love. as the car drove they met a traffic jam,the halted Kayla was already bored but she could only just yawn she stared out the window the vehicles soon started moving they drove past a car when Kayla decided to look outside her window,she saw someone who caught her attention all she did was watch till the two cars separated.

she arrived home alighted from the car going straight to her room,prepared a hot bath and soaked herself in,and in no time her body was relaxed.

after her bath she picked up her phone and go through her Instagram and Twitter.

she soon dozed off but woke up when she heard her mother's voice,she sprinted downstairs.

once her mum saw her she smiled,it seems you were about to sleep again,c'mon we are going to make dinner together.kayla grumbled and followed her mom to the kitchen and found Amber and Aiden eating cookies with warm milk.

Kayla quickly stole some from both of them when her mom when she was busy with something else

they were about to cry when she shushed them promising to get more when she made hers.

dad came home,dinner was ready,after everyone freshened up and ate dinner with their new house as the topic of discussion.

Kayla and Kayden walked upstairs still discussing.

and how was practice,she asked

practice went well we just hope to win,Jayden muttered.

don't you worry the team will definitely win,Kayla said as she hugged her brother.


Kayla and Maddie were busy discussing same as other students,today is the big game between Green Hill high and Bradfordprep,it was the first time both schools would compete against each other, both are the toughest teams in the league,so everyone was expectant.

A bus pulled over and a group of boys strolled out in a single file they all wore the same red joggers they looked around the whole school taking in the view before they were were directed to the basketball court.

Kayla went to get a can of soda when her phone buzzed.

'Get me a can of pepi cola,so thirsty'

she chuckled and texted back'i told you to tag along didn't I'

just get me the drink Maddie she replied with angry emoji.

Kayla laughed within her all this while she had been walking and typing at same time and then she bumped into a blockage and spilled her soda,she lifted her face ready tongue_lash at the person who made her spill her soda but ended up tongue-tied instead