The big game (2)

she stared at the rare specimen in front of her, Damien was cute but this dude is HOT,she blinked twice and opened her mouth to speak but nothing seemed to come out,she never thought she could ever be this awestruck.

standing in front of her was a total perfect creature,about 6ft tall he looked slim and yet masculine,jet black hair gelled in a perfect swoosh,his eyes ocean blue when looked into felt like a bottomless abyss.

They stared at each other like that for almost 10 seconds with each of them studying the other.

In a split moment his expression changed showing knitted brows and a piercing glare which sent shivers down her spine before he finally spoke his voice laced with annoyance he was truly pissed off.

Have you lost your sense of sight huh, it's broad daylight, why the hell did you have to run into me and spill your drink on me,he asked as he radiated off an angry aura.

Kayla frowned opened her mouth to speak,but was cut off by him again.

can't you speak or you are dumb as well,so stupid,he said as he rolled his eyes at her in disgust as if she was just a pile of crap.

Kayla finally had it. have you thought that maybe you are the one who can't see and not me have you thought as much huh,you came out of nowhere hit me,spilled my precious soda,and yet you say I have a problem seeing,you are the blind one here not me,she replied angrily.

His frown deepened;you should he apologising for ruining my clothes you are in the wrong here yet you try blaming me for it,he said obviously annoyed.

Tch, apologise in your wildest dreams,you don't deserve my apology,she replied with a sneer still glaring daggers at him,she's not the one to be trampled on by just anyone and it won't start today.

The dude just stared at her and a mischevious smile formed on his face,this made Kayla self conscious.

he pushed her to the side making her hit back first to the wall and placed his two hands at each side on the wall,still having the stupid smile on his face.

Kayla just stared blankly at him,her face void of any emotions,he studied the look on her face and just as he expected not a single trace of fear.

Kayla stared at him,not just because she was angry but because she was taking in all his facial features, totally forgetting the position she was in at the moment,or the fact that no one was there to help her, his perfectly carved jaw line,neatly curved eyebrows,soft looking pink lips,he was so damn cute,he was the perfect description of a Greek god,but he had to be this stupid.

Noticing how she stared at him,he smirked victoriously and said;if you could just apologise maybe I'll let you taste the them,he said as her eyes landed on his lips.

Her eyes widened at what he said...she felt her cheeks burning at the thought of it..

so shameless,why would I want to taste your tasty looking lips,she snapped out of her crazy thoughts before she replied trying to sound firm.

I will never kiss you even if you are the last guy on Earth,she stuttered.

Hoho,you are a feisty one,how sure are you,he asked as he arched his brow.

very sure of it,she replied sounding as firmly as possible though she wished she could just have a taste if it,I wonder how those lips will taste like,strawberry,peach,she thought to herself when a warm moist feeling landed on her lips,only then did she snap out from her crazy thoughts,she tried resisting but couldn't and so ended up using her last resort.

she bit his lips and he quickly unlocked the kiss,he licked his lips and the taste of blood filled his tongue.

Kayla pushed him off and ran off,not knowing weither to laugh or cry.

He stood there and watched her run off and smiled,the smile had a lot of hidden meanings,but it held mostly curiosity.he Licked his lips and the sore gradually disappeared like it was never bitten.

He already knew who she was,her scent gave her off,though it seemed faint which meant she was yet to shift fully, also pointing out the fact that she wasn't up to 18 which was the official age for a werewolf like him and herself were to shift to their full form,he had not yet fully shifted he would when he turns 18,but his senses are quite sharp so he already knew what she was and since his scent was masked she wouldn't be able to sense him.

but one thing he knew for sure was that he would be there when she shifts for the first time,he had his ways.

he took another look at the direction she walked and strolled to the washroom to clean his clothes.



Maddie was staring at Kayla who walked into the basketball court empty handed sulking and muttering to herself.

Hey Kayla, Maddie waved her hands in front of Kayla's face.but she was unmoved.[how could he just kiss me like that,who the hell does he think he is,he has no right,I don't even know him,this is so annoying he just stole my first kiss,my first kiss,I'm gonna get you for this...wait I don't even know his name],she thought to herself still feeling pissed off.

Maddie who had been watching her lost in her thoughts and expression changing rapidly had finally had it,she raised her hand and gave Kayla a hard knock.

The innocent Kayla snapped out of her thoughts due to the throbbing pain,she stared at Maddie as tears formed in her eyes,the pain was out of the world.

what was that for, Kayla half yelled as she rubbed the spot.

oh sorry I thought you were dead, Maddie replied with a sarcastic voice and a frown.

if someone is dead is that how to wake him/her up,Kayla asked.

Maddie turned her face to the other side with a frown that made her look cute instead of annoyed.

Kayla realising that she might have done something wrong decided to use her lethal weapon.

Maddie, sweetie,bestie, honeybun,gummy bear, sweetheart,Kayla cooed tugging at Maddie,who in turn was trying to SHOVE her off and trying to hold a firm face which looked so cute and funny, she finally faced Kayla.

sweetie,I'm sorry okay,I won't scold you anymore,I promise,Kayla said holding her own ears.

The little trick worked as a smile was plastered across Maddie's face with shining eyes.

promise?she asked.

Kayla nodded,promise.kayla said with a smile,as she saw Maddie's bright face,she might seem childish and overly cute at times but she's one of the most serious persons,like the combination of Cat and Jade from the Nickelodeon series 'victorious'

so why were you sulking when you came in and where's the drinks, Maddie's asked.

Kayla smiled but in the inside she felt like crying [way to go Maddie, lighten my mood then dampen it just perfect] it's a long story let's forget about that ,I prefer not to talk about it,let's focus on the game,Kayla replied as they faced the game which had began for almost fifteen minutes with the home team one score behind.

they both cheered from where they sat along with the other students, Kayla's eyes scanned through the players and her eyes landed on him which lead to a friend crawling up her face. she watched his every move eager to see him make a mistake but there was none,her eyes glued on him,he was fast,agile and smart.

he dribbled and moved like the wind,if she wasn't very sure she would have said his moves were "SUPERNATURAL" if you know what I mean,since she had only seen her brother practice and move this fast.

the time was already halfway done with the scores rating 18:22.

The game was getting tougher and tougher, Kayden was all over the court as well trying his best to score more goals for his team.

Kayla hoped in her heart that her school's team win not just the for winning sake but to rub it on that crazy dude's face,but sadly he was on Kayden's neck blocking all his attempts and Kayden did same not letting him off, everyone's heart were beating in anticipation of how the game would end,because it seemed like an unpredictable game.

this lasted for another few minutes and the game ended in a tie,with both teams have 53 points each everyone both students teachers and parents were in awe,the players from both teams congratulated themselves with fist bumbs and bro hugs

Kayla, Maddie, Kayden and some of his friends who were part of the team,decided to eat out when the game finished,after all it was a true test of potential for both schools and 'The big game' ended on a grand note.