A kiss


Grrrrhhh my alarm blared,I grumbled,stretching my hands to the bedside table,I searched for the alarm clock with my face buried in the table,it was still ringing.

where the hell is the damn clock,my hand finally got to the clock I quickly hit the snooze button off trying to withdrew the clock fell down.

ugghh,can this day get any worse,I dragged myself off bed and walked to my mirror and my reflection was just pathetic.

my eyes were all swollen and red with dark sleepy bags from excessive crying and red nose from too much nose blowing,I just sighed and walked into the bathroom.

take a soak or just shower,umm shiwer,yes shower would be faster,I quickly stripped and entered the tub closing the linen curtain,I turned on the shower,each drop soothing my aching body,after helping Kayla with packing and stuff I was already exhausted then in addition to bading Kayla goodbye more like a farewell cos I know I would definitely see her again.

and then Kayden,the thought of how he said goodbye made butterflies flutter in my stomach so ticklish,I walked out of the tub and picked up my towel to dry off,I walked to my mirror and my reflection looked better,but why do I feel like I'm forgetting something,I opened my inbuilt cabinet which is connected to my mirror and saw my toothbrush.

Silly me I forgot to brush my teeth,being a neat freak I never ignore such details,I applied toothpaste and brushed my teeth,after rinsing my mouth for the fifth time I took a deep breath a gush of cold air filled my lungs.

satisfied I walked out if the bathroom,my hair had almost completely dripped, I took my blow_drier and blew my hair dry, opened my closet which has four compartments,one for shoes and bags,one for my normal clothes,one for outing and ceremonial clothes,and the last for my inners.

I opened the last compartment and my neatly arranged inners came in view, arranged in according to colours,I picked a blue polkadot bra and panties.

A pink singlet and white inner shorts,extra clothing,just prefer it that way, putting on my uniform and socks which already arranged and kept properly by my Nanny Isa,combed and packed my hair in a high ponytail.

I checked out my reflection, something is missing,I picked up my lip gloss and applied it.

now I'm ready,I picked up my backpack,I hurried downstairs checking my wrist watch for the Time,it was already 7:30,oh geez I'm gonna be so late,getting to the dinning table my parents were already eating.

morning Dad morning mum,I greeted as I gave them a peck each.

morning sweetheart,how was your night,mum asked.

Horrible,I replied.

don't tell me you are still upset about Kayla moving,mum replied.

of course I am you know I've known her for such a long time,she's like a sis to me,I added as I picked up an apple.

she only moved she didn't die you know,you can visit her when you want,so what's there to be upset about,she added.

I know,I just miss her,I added mouth full.

manners Maddie,dad reprimanded.

I swallowed the contents in my mouth,yeah yeah,see ya later,I replied as I rushed out.

But you haven't had breakfast,mum yelled.

I'll get some in school,byyeee,I yelled back already outside.

I hopped into the car, alright Steve I'm set,let's hit the road,I said to my driver who's in his early twenties,he's more like a big bro to me than a mere driver.

we arrived at the school gate,bye Steve see you later,I said as I got off.

he just nodded and drove off,he seems to be in a sour mood,well that's none of my business.

I strode into the school hallway towards my locker,I got to my locker and my eyes landed on Kayla's locker,at that moment reality struck me,I felt my eyes water,I sniffed in,you can do this Maddie,you will see her very soon,I reassured myself just then my phone beeped.i picked it up from my purse it was a text from Kayla.

"morning sunshine,have a great day in school,kisses from me and Kayden!!"

i felt my heart melt just what I needed,I replied,"I'll love yah" tapped the send button and kept the phone inside my purse,I opened my locker and picked up my geography text,and hurried to class,I walked in and settled down I glanced at Kayla's empty seat,I sighed I'm already missing her badly now I'm so bored,I was still busy lamenting to my self when someone walked to where I sat,I raised my head to see it was.

Damien,ugh,I groaned within me.

what do you want,I asked not in the mood to talk.

Umm,I was wondering why Kayla is not in school,well since you are her best friend I decided to ask you,he replied.

well she moved,I said.

what do you mean moved,I don't get you,he said.

Her entire family moved yesterday.

seriously,where did they move to,he asked.

ugh,they moved to new Orleans,now I've told you just leave me alone,I added already getting pissed off.

he stared at me for a while with a strange look on his face and then he walked to his sit.

finally some me time,about going back into my thoughts again when our teacher came in.all I wanted was some me time to lament,I heaved an annoyed sigh, well here goes nothing,I breathed out picking out my note book and text book,it's not like I have a choice,I hope Kayla is having a better day than me.



I'm so tired,I was still on my bed,I wasn't ready to get up just yet,I just want to stretch out on my bed,I had been stretching for almost fifteen minutes when I heard a knock on my door.

Kayla are you up, Amber's little voice rang outside the door.

I just kept quiet hoping she would go away.

Kayla, Kayla mum says you should freshen up and down stairs,she said again.

and once again I kept quiet, please don't come in,please don't come in,I prayed within me.

still in the midst of my silent prayer the door creaked opened to my utter dismay.

she walked inside slowly,I shut my eyes pretending to be asleep,she stopped close to my bed and just stood there quietly I felt her hands hovering above my head and then I recalled what happened the last time,recalling the chills I snapped my eyes open to see her smiling victoriously at me and at that moment I realised what just happened,she just tricked me.

you little brat,I half yelled trying to grab her.

she dodged and ran out of the room giggling,she stood at the room sticking out her tongue before running off.

ugh that cunning little girl. I groaned before trying to get off the bed.

I got off my bed and the moment my legs touched the ground I felt numb,as I was exhausted from yesterday.

walking sluggishly into the bathroom I followed my morning retinue and strode down stairs, everyone were at the living room,sitting on the different couches.

Good morning everyone,I said as I slumped on one of the couches.

morning,they all replied.

so you've finally decided to get off that bed of yours,mum said.

yeah I thought you were gonna spend the whole day sleeping,Kayden added.

I rolled my eyes at him he just ignored me, hmph.

Alright alright no fighting this early,dad said sending warning gazes at us.

Well he started it,I grumbled.

Kayla no fighting,mum reprimanded.

I frowned and I saw an annoying smirk was on Kayden's face.

I picked up my phone and sent a text to Maddie I'm certain she would already be in school. after getting her reply I clicked my Instagram account and began browsing through.

The door bell rang,I'll go get it,I said as I walked to the door.

It was sushi delivery,I paid and took the bags from the delivery lady.

I dropped the bags and picked my own plate so did everyone else,we he ad breakfast in the living room.....

What do you think our school will be like, I asked Kayden was still focused on the road,we were currently on the way to the supermarket,we are going grocery shopping.

I don't know,after all it's not like I've been there,he said with sacarsm.

can't you just answer like a normal person always looking for a way to pick a fight,i mumbled.

What,I just gave you an answer to my best knowledge,he said.

Then your knowledge needs an upgrade,it's depleted,I added.

" what did you say"


we finally arrived. I quickly got down from the car,I would have given Kayden a hit knock on his head if the drive lasted longer.

He got off the car as well he chuckled as he stared at me.

what's so funny,I asked.

it's nothing,he replied. I glare at him.

I swear it's nothing,he said as he raised his hands in surrender.


we walked in and started shopping we finished buying and paid for the grocery.

Kayden walked ahead of me.

hey wait up you left most of the bags to me,I said as I felt like crying,this brother of mine can be cruel at times.i was struggling to hold the bags together when I bumped into someone.

one of the bags fell,I bent to pick it up.

can't you f***king see are you blind,I groaned in anger still bending down,I raised my head as the person didn't even bother to apologise so I wanted to give him or her a piece of my mind.

But the eyes my gaze met, Gave me tingles,those eyes,I was frozen to the spot.

hello beautiful,he said.

I couldn't say anything,my eyes were just glued on him,I averted my gaze to his lips.

he followed my line of sight smiled mischeviously

it seems you want more,there's more from where it came from and I'm more than willing to give it to you,he said in a serious tone staring me in the eye.

His words shocked me to the core,I felt my face heating up,is this guy seriously this shameless he just said it like that.

I was beyond speechless.

who told you that I wanted to kiss you,I replied.

who said anything about kissing you,he replied.

I blinked my eyes,you..I can't believe this dude is trying to toy with me,I couldn't find any words to reply him.

what's going on here Kayla, Kayden's voice gave me a start.

Kayla so that's your name,the dude said.

my name sounding so nice coming from him.

kayden walked to where we stood,and dragged me along.

when we got outside he burst out laughing,I frowned in embarrassment knowing fully well why.

He finally stopped laughing and then asked;so what's with you and that dude and why do you look so hilarious.

I rather not talk about it,I replied.

c'mon just fill me in,he said pouting.

I said I'd rather not talk about it,I entered the car and sat down boiling,that conniving goofball I'm so gonna deal with you,Kayden just kept on laughing as he entered the car.

hmph,I scoffed as I faced outside my window and I saw him again.

oh c'mon give me a break I turned to face Kayden and saw Kayden's laughing face,I just shrunk on my seat.