Helping mum


The drive back home was humor filled,I teased Kayla all the way back home.

though I wonder why she was looking so awestruck in front of that dude,as far as I have known her,she has a tongue as sharp as a two edged sword.

yep I heard everything,my wolf may not be completely out but my abilities were quite concrete.

i was really enjoying the show,but I couldn't bear seeing my sister blush so much in front of some random guy,and his gaze kinda annoyed me and being a good big bro I decided to step in before Kayla turns to a full bloom tomato.

But his words were shocking, even to me,how can a guy be do shameless with words and that too about a kiss.

wait a minute,when did that happen,and I don't even know the dude he doesn't look like anyone from our former school,but he seemed familiar,where did I see him,just....

Hey watch out,do you wanna get us killed,Kayla yelled startling me from my train of thought.

I quickly diverted from the path I was taking, narrowly escaping hitting a tree.

Have you gone crazy,if you wanna die then tell me first before trying to commit suicide,she yelled in anger.

hey chill,it's not like we are dead,I replied.

well we would have been if I didn't warn you in time,she responded sharply.

i scoffed,where was your sharp mouth when you were talking with that dude,I said as I cast her a questioning look.

I...that's none of your business,she stuttered before facing her windows again.

I held in my laughter,I don't wanna tease her anymore.

no need to get mad I won't ask you about it again,I said trying to relieve her embarrassment.

Humph,I'm not talking to you,she mumbled.

"c'mon you don't have to be a baby about it ".


c'mon kayl,I said softly.


ok fine,don't talk to me then.i focused on the road and soon we arrived home,the GPS is so good.

Kayla got down and said smiling cunningly;I'm going to tell Maddie what you just did.

I felt my entire body tense up but I just shove it off.

well you are free to tell her,I boasted.

she smirked. "oh I will"

with that she walked into the house,I locked the car and entered the house following behind her.

she entered the kitchen and dropped them on the kitchen counter and turned to leave when mum stopped her.

Where do you think you are going Young lady,mum asked.

To my bedroom of course,she replied.

oh no you don't,you are staying here to help me with setting up the kitchen and making breakfast.

But mom!! Kayla groaned.

no buts just getting to work now,mum ordered.

Kayla's expression darken,her frown looked so funny.

I let out a soft laugh,which made her glare daggers at me,I just ignored her and turned to leave.

you are no exemption young man,mum added stopping me on my tracks.

oh c'mon mum,you know I'm not supposed to in the kitchen,that's a lady's job,I replied still trying to escape.

one more step and no dinner for you,mum said rather blankly.

but her words definitely made me understand what I'm to do,I ain't risking not having dinner,no way,even the mere thought of it made my stomach rumble.

nah nah I ain't that stupid,ok Mom what should I do,I asked.

now that's a good boy,mum said ruffling my hair.

Help Kayla stock the refrigerator,milk at the top,eggs in the second row,fruits in the third, juice in the fourth, Vegetables in the last and they must be arranged accordingly from the greens down to the whites,mum said as she pointed the spots out.

I nodded and started off,Kayla still looked unhappy about this whole working stuff,she has always been a lazy ass but her mood lightened a while later.

so are you going to tell me what that was about,I asked since I was already getting bored just arranging groceries.

What do you mean,she asked.

c'mon don't try to play dumb,you know exactly what I mean,I replied.

She glared at me with knitted brows but a faint blush laced her cheeks.

I don't want to talk about it, it's nothing so just forget about it,she responded.

but I don't wanna forget about it,I drawed.

what are you guys talking about,mum asked.

Nothing,we both replied in unison,I mind linked Kayla.

if you don't tell me,I'm.gonna tell mum you kissed a random guy,I threatened.

ugh,I didn't kiss him in purpose ok,she replied steaming in anger,if her wolf was fully awaken she would have definitely torn me into shreds.

so you mean he forced you,I enquired.

ummm not really .

so you are saying he kissed you but not forcefully and you enjoyed it.

Kayden!; you know what get out of my head,she yelled and broke the link.

Her face was already all shades of red,I tried my best to hold it in.

my mom noticed her face and rushed to her.

sweetheart is anything wrong with you are you allergies acting up again,mum asked worriedly,at this moment my eyes had already started watering,yeah right allergic to teasing. I'm fine,why do you ask,Kayla replied.

well it's your face,mum said.

what,my face,what happened to my face is there something on my face,is it swollen,Kayla asked as she kept checking her face with her hands.

no no not at all dear,it's just that your face is looking quite flushed.

as if realisation dawned on her,Kayla stared at me wide-eyed with invisible flaneys burning in them.

The priceless look on her face oh my God,I couldn't hold it back anymore I burst into a fit of laughter making her face look more flushed with embarrassment.

What's going on,I don't see anything funny here,mum asked looking confused.

I took a deep breath to steady my voice,its nothing I just remembered something funny that happened in school before,I replied.

But how is that related to your sister's red face,mum enquired.

umm nothing really,I just remembered and started laughing,I said as I stared at Kayla.

Hmm ok if you say so,mum said glancing at Kayla and I suspiciously.

now get back to work,once you are done you will help me chop the vegetables for dinner.

I nodded and got back to work,we finished sticking to fridge,and then went ahead to chip the veggies,I was given carrots and celery,while Kayla handled the ball pepper,peas and onions.

I finished up before Kayla,hung up my apron and turned to see Kayla right behind me,I was startled a bit.

what was that for do you plan on giving me a heart attack,I asked.

well I plan to, maybe if you did no one will tease me so heartlessly the way you did.

I smirked,if I'm not here to tease you,HE will be here to tease you since you are so speechless in front of him.

you....she yelled before she could hit me I dodged and ran upstairs,she chased after me shouting.i entered my room and locked the door.

she hit the door,Kayden Jay Hale,come out here this instant,she yelled in a commanding tone.

No go meet you boyfriend and stop bothering me,I replied.

ugh,you won't stay in there forever,she said and with that stomped off.

I enjoy teasing her,she looks cute when she's angry,so it's quite fun,hey don't judge me !!

next day


I was in the middle of the woods,I had no idea where I was, wolves were howling at all corners,I couldn't pick the direction of where they are howling from since there were resounding howls.

Then I saw glistening red eyes in the bushes.

Hello,is anyone there.

Then the figure emerged out from the dark,it was a huge wolf with grey fur,as it approached me the words "MINE" slipped from its mouth.

Grrrrhhh,my alarm blared,waking me from my sleep.

what kind of dream was that,I checked the time 6:39,we are supposed to go to our new school today to complete our admission process.

I quickly entered the bathroom and followed my usual bathroom routine,dried my hair and selected a simple outfit.

A pink top with grey designs on it,blue Jean pants,and grey sandals.

I opened the door to see Amber at the door with raided hands about to knock on the door,her eyes widened seeing me all dressed.

shocked to see me up and ready,I asked

she just nodded speechless.

I smiled and headed downstairs to meet everyone else,i helped mum in setting the table while she kept on asking how I managed to get up early,I just smiled.

we had breakfast and everyone went ahead with what they were supposed to do.

while Kayden and I went to our new school,with high hopes