Enter the Den

Last check in the mirror before I head out. My long curly hair was tamed and left to hang down brushing against my thighs, makeup lightly done with mascara on my long lashes a little red eye shadow framing my large dark brown eyes. My face was longer than my sisters and my cheek bones were higher, but I have freckles across my cheeks and bridge of my nose. I also have scars from being clumsy and from cooking among other things. I am short, like 4 feet and 8 inches short. But the main reason I have no real interests from men, even though my skin is fair under the beauty marks and light dusting of freckles, my breast are large and they are held up nicely even without a bra, the rest of my body is chubby. I do not have a flat stomach but I am not creating multiple rolls with it, my thighs touch a lot and jiggle while I walk. Because of this men don't chose me first, ever. My round cheeks blushed red looking at my outfit knowing my sister would not approve of anything else, but also knowing that most men will be making fun of me. The dress I chose was a short almost Lolita dress with the ruffles on the bottom of the skirt and the top having a more sophisticated look with a bottom up top and suspenders connected to the skirt part. My breasts don't like button up tops though and to prevent an embarrassing button snapping off, I left the top 3 undone and allowing my large cleavage to be viewed. My short chubby legs were covered by black thigh highs and a garter to hold them up. I choose the black to match with the black in my skirt and black goes well with the pinkish beige of my shirt. Of course I'll be forced to endure my black pinup heels giving me an extra 4 inches of height. But overall I'm pretty sure Nancy will approve and we can get tonight over with.

Arriving at the more club than restaurant, I couldn't help but let out a sigh looking at how fancy it is, but it could be a once in a life time chance to see it and even to adapt it to my newest work with my new male lead. Walking up to the door there was a line up but standing at the front was of course, Nancy. Her whitish blonde hair up off her shoulders in a neat bun adorned with some jewels clasped onto strands of hair. She wore a tight sparkly silver dress that came to the barely the middle of her thighs, showing off her long, long legs, she had rose gold strappy heels on. Her makeup was flawless as usual and she even had given herself extra long eyelashes tonight. Walking up to her I could see the frown on her face as she stared at my face.

"Why are you not wearing any makeup? Just mascara and a little eye shadow? What happened to the blush or the cover up for your freckles? Why are you not wearing any lipstick?" She went on like this for five minuets moving my face side to side inspecting it all, at least she didn't say anything about my hair or outfit, so that's a good thing. She grabbed her purse and sit it down in my hands while she rummaged though it pulling out blush and lipstick and eyebrow pencils.

"Stay still and please just let me do this, I can't believe you showed up this plain!" She huffed while putting on all the makeup on me she had in her bag. "There, you can look now." Holding up a little pocket mirror I looked at my face. This didn't seem like me, but it wasn't bad, she had filled in my dark brows showing the arches in them. Light pink blush was on my round cheeks while she had put more nude colour lipstick on my lips, almost as if just to smooth it. But my freckles were still there and she didn't try to cover any of my scar on the middle of my neck, which she always hated even though you can only see it when you're close.

"Now, I wish you didn't show up looking like a school girl librarian, but it isn't awful, and your hair should be less curly and up, but we don't have time for that so just try to not embarrass me any more than you have." She pursed her red lips at me and then the mask returned and she has her famous smile on looking behind me.

"Henry! Henry! We are over here!" Jumping up and down her breasts bounced hard, which I am sure is what she was hoping they would do. A tall slender man walked up to us, with blonde hair that slicked back away from his perfectly proportioned face, his fair skin made his dark eyes even darker it seemed. He wore a very fancy silver suit, which I'm sure Nancy found out he would be wearing and tried to match him.

"Nancy, I'm so glad you were able to make it tonight. I have missed your company." He smiled as Nancy bowed her head to him slightly trying her best to show her cleavage to him. Grinning he looked towards me and looked me over, not giving any approving or disapproving looks, "and who is this you have brought with you Nancy?" Nancy's head came up and she smiled sweetly at him touching his arm with her right hand and extending her left hand to me like some sort of game show host.

"This is someone who is very dear to my heart, this is my older sister Freya. We have different mothers, but she is my only sibling and my closest family." I stepped forward as Nancy spoke to Henry, his face lit up as I got closer to him as he looked me over.

"Older sister Freya? It is a pleasure to meet you, unfortunately my friend could not make it just yet and will be here in a bit. Shall we go in and order some drinks while we wait?" He bowed his head slightly to me as he took Nancy's arm in his and started walking forward, the guy at the front door immediately opened the door for us as we walked inside. I couldn't help but looking around at all the dark but very Victorian study feeling the place had. The dance area was a huge club almost with lights and a colour changing dance floor. The area though that Henry was taking us to was part of the restaurant that had a special room for VIPs and even a door to separate us from the rest of the place. The room we entered was full of beautiful candles on a long wooden table. There was artwork on the walls of the room that showed scenes of great battles, the room must be normally used for business deals.

"Excuse my sister's absence mindedness. She's an artist and gets lost whenever she sees art that she admires." Nancy's smooth womanly voice interrupted my thoughts causing me to look at the two of them a real blush creeping up in my face and I bowed my head slightly.

"Yes, I apologize for that." I smiled slightly and Henry laughed leading us to seats. He put Nancy right beside him on the left side and he put me beside him on the right leaving one chair open opposite of him. After several minutes we each got our drinks, Henry had ordered a beer for himself, and ordered a very girly sweet drink for Nancy, that even came with a tiny umbrella. For me though he ordered a very stiff drink of spiced rum and orange juice, but more rum than orange juice it seemed. Could his friend be really that horrible looking that he was hoping to get me drunk out of pity so I didn't need to feel embarrassed.

"Well ladies my friend is here, so I will go and greet him outside, I will be right back." Henry stood up with grace that could only be taught by someone very rich and powerful.

"Oh Freya, isn't he the most handsome? Thank you so much for this." Nancy swooned as she sipped at her drink. I smiled back and took a sip of my own drink, it didn't bother me because I loved to drink, and the more liquor the better, though it would take a lot more than this to get me drunk. While sitting in my own thoughts drinking, after a few seconds I heard Nancy gasp staring at the door as Henry re entered with his friend right behind him. As I looked to the side where the door was I spilled my drink on the table as Henry's friend entered the room.