
My brain could not comprehend what was going on, as the men entered through the door I saw Henry's friend. He was not old, fat or ugly. In fact I thought this was some sort of prank Nancy had decided to play on me. As the friend entered his whole image was that of the new character I created yesterday. From his hair to the boots on his feet, he was identical. Only difference was that he was wearing a black suit with the sleeves rolled up and a white shirt with the buttons undone to the middle of his torso. He wore rings on his fingers, thing silver ones with skulls and demons on them. This man was my art came to life. Had I seen him before? Maybe that's why the image is almost identical to this man. He stepped closer quickly and pulled up a cloth napkin wiping my drink up, his lips with the piercings curved into a smile as I looked at him still in shock.

"Nancy, Freya, I'd like to introduce my cousin, Mikeal. He just got back into town yesterday." Henry spoke as he sat down, I could feel Nancy glaring at me wanting me to say something to him instead of just starring at him like a deer in headlights. I snapped out of it as he took his seat throwing the napkin to the floor for the waitress to pick it up. He was not a very well mannered person, but then again I wasn't being very well mannered either and Nancy will definitely scold me later about that.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mikeal." My voice came out very soft and quietly. Nancy looked at me and smiled quickly she looked at Henry who was smiling kindly at his cousin.

"I'm so sorry Mikeal, my older sister is not use to being around people very often, she usually hides away in her home like a hermit." Nancy laughed a little, as I raised my brow looking at her, if she was only interested in Henry why would she want to bad mouth me in front of Mikeal all of a sudden? Usually when they did this she couldn't wait to get her and the other man out of the way so she could go head first into her plan to seduce the main attraction. Looking at Mikeal, piercings, tattoos, bad boy and everything I designed him to be like. He was not Nancy's normal type, but then again who isn't attracted to at least one bad boy in their life, but did she plan to take them both? Just was I was about to say something to her while picking up my new drink, which was a tequila paralyzer, I was interrupted by Mikeal as he leaned forward grinning at Nancy.

"I'm sure I could find many things to do with her while she is home alone, and many ways to get her to make sounds, though they may not be words." His grin was pure evil, and it became very obvious why he was single. His personality was not written yet, was this how I was going to write him? She starred at him lost in her thoughts, though to everyone else she must of looked very dumbfounded.

"Now Mikeal, they are our guests, you promised." Henry spoke into his glass of beer, with an amused smile. Nancy looked at him shocked.

"Henry I didn't know you had such friends, or even cousins, how refreshing." She had her best smile on leaning forward onto the table allowing both men to get full view of her chest which heaved as she giggled. I leaned into my chair drinking my drink quickly only hoping that this double date would end soon. There was just too many things going on all at once and all I wanted to do was to get out. Obviously with the actions of Nancy, she was obviously ready to take on both men so why did I need to be here any longer.

"Nancy, if you don't mind, I don't feel like this is really my ideal scene, I think I'm going to call it a night and head home now." I spoke while standing up my thigh highs rolling down a little even though the garter tried it's best for them to stay up unfortunately my thighs ended up to be too much and I snapped one of the garter clips. Looking at it as I stood in front of the three of them I blushed turning to walk out.

"Oh yes yes, you're right Freya, perhaps I was wrong with thinking you'd enjoy it here, I apologize my dear older sister." She grinned bowing her head letting me know that she didn't need me there any longer. Turning the handle to the door I felt something on my leg as I looked down I noticed long slender pale fingers adorned with all sorts of demons, sliding across my stocking, quickly reconnecting the garter to the thigh high. My face flushed with heat, I could only imagine how many more shades of red my face was compared to my blush.

"Please, little goddess. Don't leave us just yet, not when the party is just going to get started. Look at you, without you how could we have anything worth looking at ?" Mikeal lifted his lips on the right side of his face on one knee in front of me as he ran his hand down to my size 4(us) feet in my black pinup heels. I could feel Nancy starring a hole through me as I stood there unsure what was actually going on.

"I"m sorry, but my younger sister is much more beautiful and elegant. She will be much more amusing for Sir Henry and yourself than I could ever be." Backing away from him speaking in a mockingly weird English accent, I breathed in deeply, a little too deeply for one of my buttons popped off, revealing my lace ruffle pink bra with little bows on the sides.