
My hands flew up to my chest covering me. Nancy stood up quickly seething, I could tell how upset she was just by listening to her breathing.

"You dare be that seductive you little slut!" She screamed at me, she must of thought I had done that on purpose to show my breasts were in fact bigger. Henry gasped looked at Nancy then at me as Mikeal turn his head slightly towards Nancy.

"I'm not sure why you'd be calling my woman, a slut. She's purer than you, with even purer intentions." Mikeal turned his gaze to Henry shaking his head. "This one, is the fakest of them all. She is extremely good at lying and deceiving." Henry grinned finishing his drink. Nancy stared at Freya, her eyes burning with hatred a look that Freya was very accustomed to.

"Nancy, can I please just leave? I really don't want to be here, and you seem to like both of them. Please let me. I don't even remember their names and tomorrow I'll forget their faces. I promise Nancy. You can turn any guy onto you no matter what." I pleaded with Nancy watching my words work their way into her head and I knew she would fully believe no matter how bad of an impression she would of left she could turn it around in her favor. Her slender perfectly manicured fingers slid across my cheek attracting the attention of both men. Henry was now sitting on the edge of the table as he stopped to watch the show Nancy was about to put on. Mikeal was leaning on the wall right of the us looking at them grinning. Nancy gave me a look of evil and it said you better follow along. I held in a groan of disgust as I knew what was coming next. Nancy leaned down so they were almost face to face, she was much taller than I am so she had to lean a bit, obviously letting her ass stick out as gracefully as she could do it. Her lips grazed mine as she pretended to kiss me and she was very good at making it convincing as long as I closed my eyes and moved with her. I could hear Mikeal walking towards us and pushed her back a bit to let her know to stop or he will know it's not true. Nancy saw Mikeal and understood what I was doing and she didn't miss a beat to turn to Henry and pull his face to hers as she then placed her lips on his. I could see that he didn't mind that at all as he grabbed her waist and held her in place Nancy let out a little moan into the kiss. Mikeal was watching them so I decided now was my chance to escape, grabbing the door I slid it open slowly to get out of the room. As the darkness of the actual club surrounded me my eyes adjusted as I started walking very quickly to the exit. I couldn't breathe anymore and I just wanted to get home. Why did Mikeal look just like my new male lead, did I see him somewhere before? Why did Nancy lose her cool that fast in front of the men? Why didn't Henry bring an ugly friend to test Nancy.

'I bet right now she's got herself undressed and sandwiched between the men and hoping that one of them will gladly pick her to be their main wife.' Thinking to myself as the fresh air smacked me in the face cooling myself down completely. I looked at the street to see that there were no cabs near by which meant I had to walk, in these heels.

Almost an hour later my feet were bleeding as I laid them into cool water to soak as I threw the heels at the floor. Why did I agree to such stupid shit? Why did I even care about Nancy, she never once gave me a real reason to care about her. Now I have to redo my character, with such little time I could only hope. Looking at the picture I drew of my main character, and for sure it was 100% Mikeal.

"No way in this life or the next in heaven or in hell will I ever fantasize about a man who Nancy has slept with not a chance." I slammed my fist on my drawing table grabbing a pencil to change the features of her male character.

"Do you truly think I'm that ugly my little goddess?" Mikeal's voice rang through my room making me jump throwing the pencil in the air, it landing on the floor behind me. I looked around the room when finally my eyes jumped to the corner where a shadow moved. Out from it came Mikeal, looking the same as when I left him minus his shirt being completely undone and his hair seemed even more messed up. I could feel the bile rise in my throat as I could only imagine what he had done with Nancy, he was a man after all. Looking away from him, I felt anger rise in me.

"Only when I look at you. You could of at lease dressed yourself better before breaking into my home!" I spat the words at him while keeping my voice quiet, the thought of him breaking in here making me terrified at the same time as angry.

"I was waiting for you goddess." His voice rolled over me as I took my feet out of the water quickly splashing it all over the floor trying to stand up quickly. Waiting for me? What did that mean exactly?

"How long?" Was all I could get out of my mouth as I stared at him making sure he didn't come any closer.

"Honestly I thought you'd call a cab, so I left right after you did out the back way. I came here and have been waiting this whole time. I have no interest in your so called sister. Henry likes to play and toy with the girls who crave the power he has. I feel bad for when he lets her go though, she'll be pretty much useless to any other man after he is done with her." By the time he got to the end of his sentence he was right beside me holding a piece of my curly hair in between his fingers, I could hear him sniffing it and my body tensed right up. Was he serious? This was just like something I would write in my books. There was no way this was real. Pulling away I tried to stand up fully on my feet before the pain seared through my body so badly I tried to fall back onto my chair before my body was lifted into the air and Mikeal's face was in front of me staring into my eyes, I could swear I could see a faint hint of fear for a moment.

"If you hurt yourself who else will I have to torment?" A grin appeared on his face and it spoke of all sorts of danger and that's when I realized he was heading to my bed.

"Put me down! I am not my sister! Let me go." My fist swung in the air and I felt it connect with flesh as I watched pure anger flash through his eyes causing them to look more red than anything. He dropped me down right onto the floor beside my bed. As I let out a little squeak as I hit the ground I didn't want him to know how much it actually hurt me and I glared right back at him. Pulling myself up using the bed I felt his body lean over me from behind, his right hand sliding around my rounder stomach and squeezing it. I could feel his breath on my cheek as he pushed me into the bed I could feel him pushing his lower body against my big girl sized behind. His breathing got faster the more he pressed into me.

"Stop please.. Please stop Mikeal." I breathed out just enough words as my body started shaking in fear. He let go of me and threw my lower body into the bed with the top half of me just like a doll. Though I was not a skinny girl he still managed to just throw me like if I was just a little doll. My mind was shocked and it took Mikeal putting a blanket on me for me to understand that he did actually move from me and was now tucking me in. Why did he come to my house? Why was he still here? My body couldn't take anymore so I allowed myself to finally fall into a sleep hoping I'd wake myself if he decided to do anything weird during the night.