The Spy

My body was not made for spying. Who was I joking? My thighs made sounds as they caused friction as I walked fast trying to keep up with Mikeal. His steps were huge compared to my little mouse steps. I could feel myself sweating as the nervousness rose to my face making it beet red. Suddenly Mikeal turned quickly into a restaurant and I jumped behind a tiny tree out front. Who exactly was I trying to fool here? I am way to curvy to be doing this stupid hide and seek game. The girl at the front saw me and asked me if I would like a table, and to save myself a huge embarrassment I decided to get the table and asked for it near Mikeal, she sat me down two tables behind him and even let me set up my menu so my face was hidden unless I peaked it out to the side. A stunning tall slender blonde woman came up to Mikeal's table sitting down with him. I could see she had deep green eyes and a smile that always reached her eyes. How dare he flirt with me while he has a woman! I could feel my anger rising as I tried to slink more into my chair.

"He is refusing her something and she is trying to convince him to marry her. I don't think your husband is going to leave you, but most assured he is definitely cheating on you." The girl from the desk whispered into my ear making my whole face lose colour as I turned to her and offered a smile.

"Th-thank you" I whispered to her before deciding to get up, pretending to wipe tears away as I exited the restaurant. Getting so caught up with my acting my tears actually began to flow, suppose I actually thought someone as sexy as him could ever be interested in someone as unusual as me. Why would I of even entertain that idea even if it was subconsciously or not! My thoughts were taking over me as I turned to walk back to my apartment my hands baked into fists. Suddenly a hand quickly grabbed me pulling me into an alley, my back pushed up against the brick walls causing me to gasp from the pain of the hit.

"Stupid lamb." Mikeal's voice growled at me as he pulled his hand down my face. My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to burst out of my chest and run far away. "You are the worst spy ever you know." He grinned and looked into my eyes, his light blue eye was scaring my soul away while his dark brown eye was sucking it straight from my body as I stared back at him. His hand traced down my neck holding onto my shoulder and collarbone as I tried to move my body away from him. "But I guess I couldn't expect any more, you just couldn't wait to see the sexiest man in the world." He growled slightly and held me still, my heart could probably be seen through my skin at this point as he lowered his hand more down towards my large chest. All of a sudden all my self loathing turned straight to anger when he tried to grab my breast, my hand swung faster than my brain could think slapping him hard enough to cause him to stumble backwards and to the left. Watching him back off and the red hand print begin to burn brightly on his pale skin, I turned and stomped off like an angry bull out of the alley. Turning before going to my apartment I looked at him with his head down, his white hair covering his face just standing there not making any movement. Hmph, serves him right!

Mikeal's POV

Her hand was so soft, so chubby, so strong! A smile crossed my face as I leaned back against the dirty alley wall, pulling my hair out of my face while pulling out my phone to make a call. Her face was so red, so pissed off when I grabbed her breast, I had to hold back my laughter at her little face. Those large brown doe eyes just begged me in though.

"Hey stupid head, first you didn't take my gift of putting up barriers in the city so you could rescue the damsel from the rain and walking, now you're calling me and I still feel like you have yet to complete the task your father gave you." Henry's voice came from the phone, though it was calm I could hear the hint of annoyance at me.

"Well, I'm not the holier than art thou Demon of love and other things, I'm the Demon of illusion and stuff. That's why you drag me out to test your play things cousin." I grinned thinking about chubby lamb's sister, it took barely any of my power to make her lose face completely and almost attack my lamb.

"Mikeal, you know your father will lose patients, you need to decide if you want your image found out after all this time of never being caught." My head began to hurt from his voice so I hung up the phone. Though he was right, my father had told me to get rid of the girl I sensed who knew my image. But it has been so long since I've enjoyed playing so much, even though I have thousands of women and men waiting and begging for me to enter their beds again, she was different. Every time I tried to get her to lose face, or show her true self to me it never worked. So either she was insanely truthful or she had a power of her own, which I truly doubted. Then again though I have never met someone who never hid something about their personality though. This was truly something to think about, but for now I'll keep teasing my chubby little lamb. As for my father not wanting my image to get out, well he'll just have to suck it up, because I'd already sent her editor my image for her next book. Grinning I began to walk out of the alley, what to do, what to do I thought.

Freya's POV

Getting home I quickly threw off the big hoodie and the sunglasses that were in the pocket of it. Why would he touch me? How dare he touch me? A leech, a horrible man. Who does that? Who just grabs a woman like that? A horrible man does that's who!

I kept cursing him as I walked around my studio apartment. My phone went off with a text from my publisher with a date and time for me and my 'boyfriend' to attend a dinner and go over the details.

"Shit shit shit shit shit!!" I yelled as I kicked the side of my drawing table. Now what am I suppose to do? I've never had a real boyfriend in my life, what do I say to her about that? Staring at my phone I tried to go through my brain to figure out different lies to use as to why it was just me showing up for dinner. But then she'll think I'm a liar that I used my boyfriend's image. Sinking to the floor in just a bra and jeans I could just imagine what my fat self looked like in fetal position on the floor, just a lump of flesh. A huge lump of flesh. Hitting my head on my aged wooden floor trying to get my brain to work and come up with a solution. "I'm doomed, my whole career gone! All because of my stupid imagination coming up with a stupidly rude thief!" I yelled again, my throat getting hoarse I couldn't do anything more and I was starting to get cold. Looking at my phone again through bloodshot eyes I saw a text from the worst thing to happen to me since my sister. Well, I guess I could just ask him to come with me, he owed me for touching my perfectly cultivated breasts. I humphed nodding my head and balled my hand into a fist to shake it in the air. Rolling over onto my back I began to text him, hopefully he'll agree, or maybe that would make it worse. Oh sweet baby gorillas, I messed up again didn't I?