Not Yours!

Mikeal's POV

Looking at the woman under me moaning as I looked over to my phone seeing my lamb's number come up, I removed myself from the woman and grabbed my phone.

"We aren't finished love." The woman whose name I don't remember spoke to me while running her hands up my back.

"We are now, get out." I spoke without caring as I could feel her embarrassment rise behind me as she got her clothes and shoes before leaving my room. I began reading the text message.

[Listen creepy break-in artist, after you sent that portrait of you that I did, my publisher basically cried blood looking at it and now wants to meet my inspiration whom you told her was my boyfriend.

We have been invited to some dinner thing, you owe this to me now, saying lies and trying to ruin my career. If you're a true man you'll take responsibility for what you did and help me not lose my job.]

I grinned at the message, this is what I was hoping for. Too late to hide my appearance from the world, even if it was just a portrait that I could of allowed her to just use without letting her know that the image she used was a real person. But either way my father would have found out that I placed my own image in her mind before she started drawing, and I can just imagine what my father will do once he finds out that little tid bit. Living in this world for centuries and never being noticed or recorded. What do I have exactly? This was my chance to get my image out there, perhaps it was the wrong way and like my brothers I should of done it more, biblical. But it's done. Re reading the text message I couldn't help the slight curling of my lips thinking of how she looked writing this to me and how many times she had to re word what she truly wanted to say to me. Take responsibility of you eh?

Freya's POV

[You're right my sweet chubby lamb, I should take responsibility of my actions and of you. I will do this for you only if you allow me to dress you for it.]

Dress me? What kind of pervert is he? And how dare he call me a chubby lamb, no matter how true it actually was didn't he know that you shouldn't tell a lady she's fat? Puffing out my cheeks I groaned feeling so defeated thinking of what this pervert would make me wear. It's just a dinner with my publisher, why do I need to be dressed up anyways? Just as I was about to reply back to him my phone began to ring, Step Clown, I admit not a very clever name for her but I truly dislike my stepmother and she dislikes me just as much if not more.

"Freya, did you seduce your sister's new boyfriend and make him leave her at the club? She refuses to go anywhere now. How could you do that to her? Your sister is so kind and caring do you not think she deserves her chance of love without some prostitute stepping in to take away her man?" My stepmothers voice was a British accented shrill that cause goosebumps down my spine and the bile to rise to the back of my throat.

"Is that all?" I was bored and didn't hide that fact in my voice as her very dramatic gasp could be heard on the other end.

"You can't even deny your evil doings. Why we kept you around I'll never know!" I could hear Nancy in the background saying something before the wicked witch started to speak again. "You need to compensate your sister for the hardship you have put her through, you need to take care of her right now you little ungrateful bitch. She is still your half sister how could you do that?" This was not new behavior , this was my life since I was young and my father remarried this woman. Though I know she was not the actual villain here, oh no, the true villains were my father and my biological mother. They split up then got remarried to other people having their own life until the kids were adults, divorcing who they were with just to get back together and leave all of the children behind with the stepparents. I truly couldn't blame my stepmother for hating me so much, I was not hers to begin with but she got stuck with me because my parents said if they took me they would take Nancy too, and she couldn't lose her only daughter.

"I didn't do anything, I'm sorry if she feels that way but she should really be taking this out with Henry, the billionaire playboy." With that I hung up the phone turning it off, forgetting that I hadn't replied back to Mikeal or even given him an address to the dinner. Sitting on the edge of my bed I began undressing myself, though I needed the warmth to sleep I truly enjoyed my soft thick blanket over my naked body as it was like floating in the ocean. So calming. Sliding into bed I tried to get all the negative thoughts out of my head, would they had been better if I ran away when I was a child? If I was prettier like my sister would my stepmom actually try to accept me? Because I"m fat I will die alone so why bother keeping everyone else unhappy? These were all silly thoughts that I had no time for and pushed them from my mind before closing my eyes.

Before I could actually get some real sleep I felt my bed dip down right beside me, a hand was sliding up the side of my body as i tried to curl up more into a fetal position. Who was here? oh please don't let it be a burglar.

"Listen, whatever you want you can take it because I don't have a lot of money, but you can't have me, so please stop touching me. You don't want such a piggy under you."