Their Tricks

The hand stopped as I finished my sentence, I could feel breath on the top of my head causing my hair to move slightly.

"Please just leave." My voice got hoarse as fear started to crawl up from my belly. The body moved closer and the hand disappeared, I could hear a clicking behind my back. I froze not knowing if it was a gun or not as I felt the body behind me moving around.

"You're only 4 foot 7 and a half!?" Mikeal's voice rang over me as my face flushed bright red with embarrassment and anger.

"I'm 4 foot 8 and a half! Look at my license!" I growled as I grabbed my blankets and jumped out of bed keeping myself covered, I saw Mikeal looking like a god in my girly bed holding a tape measure.

"Sorry babe, but the tape never lies." His voice cool and charming as he grinned at me. Stomping forward I went to smack him but stopped half way when I smelled perfume on him. Backing up I glared a bit.

"You disgusting pig! Out of my bed now you gross man-whore!" I grabbed an old glass of water and threw it on him. He sneered and jumped off my bed, his perfectly tousled hair dripping over his pale skin both his blue and and brown eyes showing, glaring at me.

"Why did you that?" His voice was cold and void of any emotion but his eyes looked almost on fire. I glared back at him before walking up to him.

"Do not enter my bed after having relations with another person! That is disgusting and now I need to wash my whole bed. You disgusting piece of shit." Not knowing why but I wanted to slap him so bad, but my hand was caught right before it touched his face. Tears began to stream down my face.

" I was delusional to think such a beautiful person liked me. In any way. I am stupid and ugly just like they say!" Pulling my arm back I pushed him away from me and walked into my bathroom. locking the door behind me. Being quiet while starring into the mirror in front of me, trying to figure out why I was so angry. Why did I care about him being with another woman? Didn't I just see him talking to another girl in a restaurant, she was even proposing to him. Did I actually believe he was interested in me? I am not that foolish, I know better, I know no one looking like him would ever want me. Whether that means I have no confidence or whatever I don't care. I feel like it's realistic given society. How could I allow myself to get that upset over nothing? That's what guys do, they sleep with women, and especially rich gorgeous men, women would throw themselves at their feet. This isn't new, that's what Nancy does, maybe I thought it would end up like one of the stories I read. I got the evil step mother and step sister, I got the lesser looks. They have money, I don't, maybe I was just confusing fiction with reality. Taking a deep breath I turned on the water before splashing my face and releasing my breath. I could hear Mikeal's footsteps in the rest of my house before I heard the front door close. He had to have left and for that I am very thankful. I couldn't face him after acting like such a child in front of him. I'll make sure to meet up with him early tomorrow to apologize before we go to my publisher's place for dinner and questions I"m sure. Maybe knowing he isn't into me is a good thing, maybe she wants to sleep with him and maybe just maybe I could get more money for my new comic for it. Giggling to myself I shook my head before leaving the bathroom, taking one quick look around my place I couldn't see Mikeal anywhere so I guess he actually did leave and it was save to go back to bed.


Watching her body shake as she stomped off to the bathroom in the dark, I smirked at her actions. How did she know that I was with a woman before coming here? Looking down as I slid a hand threw my hair suddenly stopping I smelt something. Bringing my shirt up to my face I grinned, she smelt the perfume of the woman I was with. Maybe she actually did fall for me like all the other women do, I thought she was truly different when I first smelt her and first let her know my image. Perhaps I was actually acting to quickly. Who actually thought that of her though? who would dare make her feel that way? Grabbing my tape measure from the bed I decided that it was time to go since I couldn't hear her at all in the bathroom. Either she is very pissed off at me still or she is holding her breath thinking I'm a vampire or something. A harsh grin crawled across my face. Oh if she only knew what I actually am. I left the place and started on my way back to my father's mansion. Looking up the hill at the mansion now lit brightly, my family has money, old money because we don't die, humans don't know that though. Henry knows, he is my cousin and through him I found out this dinner that Freya's publisher was inviting her to was actually a dinner party with other publishers and editors, not even her editor was told though. Curious what this publisher truly wants with Freya, what would cause her to try to sabotage her? Perhaps I slept with her and she recognized me, I sighed coming closer to the place I call home for now at least.

"You deal with the woman who has your image yet?" Turning to my right seeing first the smoke then the cherry of the cigar before my father's image came into view. He was strongest of us all and in such was our leader.

"No, I've decided to play a little longer." Tossing the tape measure in the air before catching it I turned to him grinning.

"Remember your post, you remember your name, you remember your job. No woman would ever accept what you do Mikeal. You play though my son, you enjoy yourself. We are all young once." My father took a puff off his cigar before he starred over the city. Only when he thought of my mother did he looked over the city. He had found her here over a thousand years ago when things were different, rules were different then and he had to make a very hard choice which he never talks about. All I know is my mother only got me for the first 9 years of my life, then my father came for me and I never saw her again.

"Thank you father, don't worry, She doesn't know what I am or what the family does. I wouldn't risk us." He nodded at me still starring off as I walked into the house making a call to a dressmaker I once knew. My Freya will not be embarrassed by some lowly publisher, not my beautiful artistic chubby lamb.