A Look


Looking at Freya's book in my emails I run my hand through my hair exposing my full face with a smirk on my face, shaking my head at myself I couldn't believe I had done almost exactly what she had written, giving up what I wanted at the last minute to console her. Laughing out loud I let my hair go and turned slowly to look at my newly opened study door to see Brianna standing there like the top model that everyone feigns after.

"Mmm yes dear?" My voice vibrated through my throat and I knew the effect it would have on her, I wanted her to tell me what she wanted quickly without games so using this technique on her helped me to cut through all the unnecessary questions and small talk. She bit her lip taking almost the whole bottom lip into her mouth obviously an attempt to copy what she had saw my little lamb doing downstairs, she didn't do it nearly as perfectly as Freya though. Noticing I didn't give her the reaction that Freya received I could see the anger flash in her eyes as she looked to the door then back to me before she began to speak.

"When is it leaving exactly? I can ask the driver or I can call a cab? Perhaps you're keeping her for a more cannibalistic desire and that's why you didn't eat much?" Brianna's voice was slowly getting more excited and I could tell she was hoping that we would be feasting on the inner flesh of a human especially one she saw as a rival. Closing my eyes I sighed as I stood up walking towards her, as I drew closer I put my hand on her arm and looked down at her not leaning to her level and speaking very clear and loud enough there was no mistaking what I had to say.

"What will you do when she becomes the lady of the house my dear Brianna? Will you still be so bold to speak to me about her like that?" I could feel her body tense completely under my hand, the anger becoming a strong heat from the rage swirling inside of this beautiful woman's mind and body. "And don't ever call her an 'it', she is my little lamb, and the vessel for my image. So you let me worry about when she is to leave." I leaned over and kissed the top of her head after speaking my warning. Though before i could exit the room I could feel Brianna's power filling the area up as I looked back at her leaning my back against the door frame folding my arms across my chest raising my brow at the little tantrum.

"I can handle you being with other women, I can handle your little escapades, I can handle you being intimate enough with another woman that others can smell her perfume on you." Brianna begun to raise her voice, a smile sliding across my lips as she mentioned the perfume incident. "But I will not tolerate you saying you'll be giving the position in your heart, home and bed, to someone else, and an ugly fat human at that!" Her volume of voice reached it's peak as she screamed at me. Her last sentence causing my anger to reach it's limit with her as I growled walking to her, I grabbed her hair and threw her to the white leather couch to my right.

"You want to be something more than my cousin's little sister to me? Fine!" I grabbed at her dress and began to rip it off of her as she gasped under me her face flushing red and turning to the door before she got a smirk on her face raising her hands to my shoulders to bring me closer to her as she started speaking louder than needed in that short distance to my ear.

"This type of behavior should be saved for our wedding night Mikeal, I know it's hard to control yourself." She pulled away and covered her bra and breasts with her arms making me angrier before I heard small footsteps almost running down the stairs as I came back to my senses jumping up from the couch and moving quickly to the stairs outside of the study. There ran my little lamb all the way to the door as I leaned against the railing watching her turn when she reached the door. The look on her face made me look aloofly at her raising my brow watching her freeze at the handle of the door.

"I'm not going to join you if that's what you're going to ask! I need to get home and check my emails, I need to get a new phone again and I do not want to be any more an intruder to you and Brianna." Her voice was full of emotion but embarrassment and sternness were the most raw, the most noticeable. Walking slowly letting my long legs loosely step down each step to the bottom before I looked back up at her, my hair sliding forward covering my scar and blue eye again.

"Lamb, are you jealous?" I almost laughed looking at her quivering body, her flesh jiggling very slightly making me have to look away and take a deep breath while closing my eyes. She scoffed at me turning to fully face me her arms going across her chest folding together.

"How could you ever think I'd be jealous? You have to want what you're looking at being taken away to be truly jealous." She turned her little nose up and humphed at me. I tilted my head forward smiling with the left side of my face and looked at her before I walked in front of her putting my hand on the door behind her much like I had earlier in the room.

"Oh my little lamb, you do want this, you dream of me, you draw me, you imagine me. What makes you think I don't know that?". I let my raspy deep voice flow with every lustful desire I had for her using a little of my power for her to think she was feeling what I felt for her. Her body quivered again in front of me, this time her breasts shook gently under the ugly dress, her face was redder than a beet and she bit her lip very gently causing another groan which I could never control when she did that.


His voice rolled over me like a dump truck of feelings that I didn't even understand, I bit down hard on my lip tasting blood as the groan that came from Mikeal vibrated through my whole body causing me to squeeze my thighs tightly. My hand reached for the door handle, quickly turning it to pull the door open after I spoke my next words. I needed to get out of here, I needed to get back to my normal life, to my messy but comfortable home.

"Mikeal sir, please go back to your fiance. I will not be someone's mistress or one night stand. Even if I do dream about you then write and draw you, that doesn't mean you're my only. Aubrey was my first and he is my only true love!" I yelled at him while pushing him away with my free hand watching him stumble backwards as I see the confusion in his face as he obviously didn't know that Aubrey was my original character's name in my previous famous books/manga. Taking the opportunity I ran out the door and found myself starring at a lot of empty space and a road. This place was way more secluded than I originally realized it was and I doubt any cabs would be coming in here. Kicking at a random rock on the ground I took in a deep breath and began walking out of the mansions compound past the gates and the man who was guarding the gates. I didn't realize he was there at first then he moved and I jumped before nodding to him, I could see the humor in his eyes as he starred at me. Seeing a fat girl jump must of been hilarious. I quickened my pace as I was almost running to get the out side of the area, at least now I know exactly how to describe a rich gated community. After a while the sun already set, the sky dark and stars barely visible and I was just coming into view of the main gates of the community. Relief washed over me as I opened them slowly and closed them behind me almost doing a little jig of happiness before a voice threw my whole body in an freezer.

"So this is where you've been hiding Freya."