Frozen Hell


Turning slowly to look behind me as my sister stood by the opened passenger door of a suv wearing a tight short green body con dress. I looked at myself realizing how I looked and it was not the best image to give a viper who fed off of embarrassment. She grinned tilting her head letting her bleach blonde hair fall slightly to the side as I watched the driver side door open and Henry exited from the suv next.

"Ah, Freya, it looks like my sister found you." Henry's voice was smooth and sounded much like how you'd imagine the devil's voice to be when he seduces you out of your very soul. I smiled awkwardly as I bit my lip looking between the both of them, Nancy's heels were clicking louder as she got closer to me.

"We were just on our way to Mikeal's house so I can meet Henry's stepsister over drinks and desert. Are you coming to let us in? We've been waiting for a bit now." Nancy had on her most fake smile and her eyes were full of anger and a hint of happiness after looking at my dress.

"Well I.." I tried to speak before Henry walked up to me as while placing his hand under my chin smiling at me looking at the cheek that was slapped and seeming happy that it was no longer blemished.

"Yes, of course she is. Here Freya, ride with us back, no point to walk for so long back to the house." Henry spoke letting my chin go as he grinned seductively walking to the back door of his suv and opening it slowly waiting for me to come. Why? Why not just one break? I just ran away from that god forsaken place and escaped that evil man and his fiance. But I could see I have been found, and Henry must of obviously known that I was not there to let them in but trying to run away against Mikeal's wishes. Those two knew each other well. I walked quickly to the suv to if anything get away from Nancy's touch as she pretended to be the perfect sister. Henry closed the door after I sat in the seat and waited for Nancy to get in before he got in and started the engine he began to drive all the way back to Mikeal's mansion. Staring outside the window I could just barely hear Nancy speaking to Henry talking about how she thought my dress was magnificent and that his stepsister had chosen perfectly for me. Of course she wouldn't be able to resist making fun of the ugly old lady dress that did nothing for a chubby girls body. Henry seemed to hmm a bit at what Nancy was saying but I could feel his eyes looking at me through the rear view mirror in front of him, I tried to keep my eyes only outside until I could see the lights of the mansion. As we passed the front gate I could see that the front gate guard recognized me and just grinned at me nodding a little causing me to sink a more into the backseat. Looking to the front door I could make out the outline of a woman sitting on the front steps and as we got closer she stood up quickly dusting off her now pink tight long elegantly flowing dress. Why was she out here? I suppose Mikeal finished with her after I left. I could feel a new feeling inside of me start to rise as I noticed Henry's eyes flash something then he raised a brow at me in the mirror as our eyes met for a moment. I looked away and immediately jumped out of the suv as soon as he stopped. Walking to the door as the two women introduced themselves both putting on their best fake masks possible and Henry gave Brianna a hug and kiss on the cheek before he walked towards me at the front door.

"Well, are you going to enter little one?" I glared at him talking to me before I opened the door again to Mikeal's mansion. This time as I entered I could hear nothing, no clocks, no breathing, just nothing. It was very awkward. "Well, he must be in a good mood." I could hear the sarcasm flowing from Henry's words as he gave his jacket to the butler who seemed to just appear there.


Digging my fingers into the column in front of my bed I growled loudly thinking about the whole situation with Brianna that caused my little goddess to run from me. I lost control with that little demoness, though she deserved the humiliation of what I was going to do to her, I can't believe that I got caught in that action by Freya. While closing my eyes it allowed me to calm down enough to hear the voices coming from downstairs of my home. Henry was here, and he had brought Nancy with him, my mouth twitched into a frown which grew deeper as I realized he also let Brianna back in with them. Why were they here? Grabbing my suit jacket, I looked in a mirror by my bed and looked myself over, happy with the no shirt and a suit jacket buttoned with only one button, showcasing all my tattoos on my throat and chest. My pants were black and tighter but not tight enough where you got to see every outline, every inch of me. Nodding to myself while ruffling my hair with my ringed up hand before I sighed leaving my room to greet them downstairs, quickly skipping down the stairs towards the front doors. My body froze very slightly before I quickly regain my composure seeing my little lamb was with them, my emotions soared and I wanted to kiss Henry right there for bringing her back. I grinned at her before I nodded my head to Henry, Nancy standing there beside Brianna was cowering a bit, her mask faltering before she looked to Freya and I could see the smugness rise as in her mind she thought no way did Freya beat her tonight in anything. Walking up to my little lamb I took her hand even though she only reluctantly let me take it from her side and brought it to my lips before I kissed it gently.

"Thank you beautiful for bringing our guests, but next time do take the car to meet them. I can't imagine it was a very quick walk and they were probably waiting for a while." I grinned watching the defiance rise in my little lamb as I spoke the words, every inch of her wanting to rebut me but knowing she would lose all face in front of her sister and Brianna if she admitted she had run away from me.

"I guess that's what girlfriends do, sorry though, this is my first time being one for more than an hour. I'm afraid I'm not as good as a fiance." Her voice held so much contempt it was delicious as she looked over at Brianna, I smiled at her and a part of me wanted to pat myself on the back for finding such a pure quick witted woman. Brianna's aura turned icy cold only to be paired with Nancy's dagger stare as they both listened to what Freya had said out loud.

"Don't worry little lamb, you'll learn how to be a good fiance in time as well." I licked my bottom lip slightly while I stared into her eyes watching confusion and arousal fight at the surface of her mind before she looked away turning bright red in front of all of us.