

His eyes, I will never forget his eyes the moment that Brianna slapped him in front of me. I have only felt fear that severe ever once in my whole life. Curling myself up in my large black blanket while huddling in my apartment on my bed with my back against the wall, I couldn't stop thinking about two days ago and the incident that happened after Mikeal got slapped. My mind won't let me sleep for fear of thinking about it, thinking about how Mikeal's eyes almost went black and he let out the most fierce of growls before he grabbed the door frame. Remembering the door frame, I can still see the imprints his fingers made in the wood as it splintered under his grip, the image not leaving my head. He grabbed Brianna's throat and threw her against the wall in the hallway and I swear he was trying to kill her. Henry had shown up right away and immediately grabbed Brianna out of there before he started talking to Mikeal, though I can't remember exactly what he was saying to him, but it was enough for Mikeal to look back at me and he saw me for the second time that day leave myself and let fear take over. Is that how he is when he is truly angry? I can't imagine what he would do to me if I admitted that he scared me and now that's all I can think about when I see his image. I agreed to date him, but now I'm too scared to even utter his name out loud. He hadn't called me this whole time, all I know is he brought me home and left me a note of apologies and that I was never meant to see that side of him, but what does that even mean? He wanted me as his girlfriend, then saying I'd be his wife. Wouldn't I eventually see that? What if I hadn't and I made him that upset and he reacted like that? Tears started to drip down my face as I peaked my head up from the blanket and seeing my room shinning with light I could only sigh at myself. Mikeal got slapped, and Brianna got thrown but I was just left to watch, why am I the one pouting like a baby? He got mad, so what? Yes, he is scary as hell, yes he terrifies me now, yes I don't want to be a part of this relationship. But why am I crying and pouting away here? Why am I hiding away from it? He wasn't going to hurt me, I could feel that from him especially after he calmed right down after seeing me. I also would be pretty mad and probably hit Brianna back if she had slapped me so hard my head snapped to the side. Throwing the blanket off me I sighed and got up feeling pretty stupid for acting so selfishly and making the whole situation about me and how it made me feel. Maybe I should see if Mikeal and Brianna are okay? I looked at my new phone I bought over the internet and had sent here laying on the bed, then sighed again before throwing it back down. Grabbing my thick curly hair in my fingers I screamed a little out of frustration not knowing what to actually do or feel. Sliding my feet towards my computer desk I sat down slowly releasing my hair and opening my inbox which was full of emails from Sebastian and my publisher with contracts and approval waiting for my book which they already somehow had gotten put together and ready to release this weekend. It seemed so surreal that this book would be so quickly published and brought to market, with Aubrey it took months of back and forth with contracts and approvals as well as waiting for the right time as my publisher would say. Slouching forward I started opening emails and virtually signing contracts for my author privileges and copyright of my images, looking at the way it would be bound and how I wanted the cover. It was all very standard and very easy to approve, I pretty much sent it in exactly how I wanted it to look and I drew everything myself. This weekend it would set out to the world for everyone to criticize and either love or hate it, either way I would be making money and I'd be proud of what I created. This weekend, something about this weekend made me sit up straighter. Mikeal's celebration party! Did he still plan on doing that? I bit my lip before I went to grab my phone, I should at least message him to see if that was still the plan or if I should just do what I normally do and go to a bar for a few drinks then come home and binge watch my favorite anime's. Turning on my phone it instantly started with the message alerts as I saw tons from Nancy and my step mother, of course theirs were all about the engagement with Mikeal and why was I doing that, taking away all of my sister's hard work by also having the two men fight over me, one was good enough for me blah blah. Sebastian had messaged to remind me to sign the contracts. Henry had messaged me to let me know that the disagreement between Brianna and Mikeal was a normal occurrence as they are a lot like brother and sister in that regard and that Brianna is much stronger then I realize, so I shouldn't worry about it because I guess I looked pretty terrified as Mikeal escorted me out of the mansion. Lastly was a message from Mikeal, though it seemed weird for he normally just called me. Opening his message I saw it was link to a website, clicking it open on my phone it took me to an interaction page where an invitation unraveled on the screen.

'You're invited to the Combined Celebrations of the release of In the Demon's View By Freya Odam and

The Official Engagement of

Mikeal Agramonfilius


Freya Odam

My jaw dropped reading the invite which eventually turned into directions to when, which was Saturday February 13th and how to get to the party. He really was going to go to through with the whole engagement thing, right to the very end. Shaking my head while looking at my phone I felt it buzz slightly in my hand, checking the new message I saw it was again from Mikeal and the words in side it made my stomach feel hallow and full at the same time.

'Tomorrow. 1 pm. Lunch. Dress shopping for engagement and release party.'

He was so direct, I could just imagine his stern tone of voice just stating these facts for me. Friday was tomorrow, but I truly didn't want to see him just yet, I didn't want him to spend any money on me for a simple dress for a sham party. Grinding my teeth together I decided to reply to him.

'No, it's alright, I will re wear the beautiful dress you had made for me, it would be a shame to not get more use than just an hour or so out of it don't you think? The engagement isn't really real so why bother wasting your money on getting me a new dress anyways?'

I sent the message and started to clean up my very disorganized pig sty of a home. Getting into the groove of cleaning while playing some metal, rock and classical music in the background, I had forgot all about my phone and the message sent to Mikeal. I was just finishing up cleaning the toilet when I heard a loud knock at my door, standing up while taking off my rubber gloves I walked over to my music turning it down as I heard another loud knock. I walked to the door and opened it slightly, my body froze at the sight of Mikeal standing there in a white dress shirt tucked into tight black jeans with the buttons on his shirt not done up until where it was tucked in. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were more piercing than ever. If I had no sense at all I probably would have jumped his bones right there, though I am not experienced in that department, this man in front of me brought that feeling out of me every single time he was around me. Oh heaven please forgive me, or at least if I believed in that stuff I'd hope they would forgive me. The thoughts left me with a dumb smirk on my face as I stared at him. His hand pushed the door open more shifting me out of my thoughts as he moved me with the door so he could come inside my home.

"You house looks much better, I'm glad you've come back to yourself." His voice just added to his sex appeal. I nodded swallowing the saliva that had accumulated in my mouth. "Now, Freya, you must find a new dress for our engagement party, plus who said it wasn't real. It will be real regardless what you think, so we are going to treat it as it is real now." He grinned at me while looking me over raising a brow at me standing there with black knee high socks, black and yellow booty shorts and a very long stretched out black shirt made out of very thin fabric. I bit my lip and awkwardly tried to cover myself.

"Mikeal, I don't know if that's the best of ideas though, plus, I don't want to upset you. I saw what happens when someone upsets you." He flinched at my words then walked up to me lifting my chin up so I could stare into his eyes, his long torso folded over a bit to bend to my level.

"Understand this my chubby little lamb, Brianna and I grew up together, she out of anyone knows exactly what to do to push my buttons, and my anger had been from a day of dealing with her stupidity and ignorance. I was going to punish her by humiliating her leaving her nude and unsatisfied after she first angered me, but that was interrupted." I blushed thinking of the image of him over her and his words implying he had never meant to actually sleep with her but to embarrass her. "But you, you're not her. You're special to me and you are not a selfish bitch like her. You have nothing to fear from me, ever my lamb." As he spoke his voice became more and more hypnotic and my body responded to him slightly before I pulled away from him nodding gently.

"O-Okay Mikeal.." I spoke to him my voice wavering a bit as everything worked itself out in my head. "You can go now then, everything is cleared up and I know that I don't have a choice about tomorrow not." I smiled trying to put on a happy face so he would leave quickly and leave me be for now.

"Oh no my little lamb. I'm sleeping here tonight." He grinned while laying back on the couch.