

Grinning looking at my little lamb as she looked lost at me while I made myself comfortable on her couch. I knew she didn't want me there, I also knew how much she physically wanted me and I planned on using that advantage to my fullest. She was smart but not experienced and this is not something she is use to, based on what I could tell from what little she says about her past.

"Don't worry though, I'll be a very good boy for my fiance." I spoke seductively while I turned leaning on my elbow holding back my hair so both my eyes were visible to her. Being around Henry for so long, I knew a lot of tricks, and I knew with the outfit and my body language that she would not be able to hold out if I went full on flirt with her. I can't let myself get like that though, my thoughts needed to be controlled as I sighed and turned away from her again.

"Mikeal, what makes you think that it is okay for you to do that? I agreed to date not to be your fiance." Freya's voice was very shaky and she was beat red as she glared at me, I could tell she was taking mental notes of me so she could draw me later on.

"To everyone else in this city, in this world you will be. So, you might as well get use to it." I spoke very monotone and didn't bother teasing her anymore no matter how much I truly wanted to. She was so annoyingly cute when she got flustered, and it only made me want to see her below me but she was not ready for that yet. I looked to her and smiled lifting my legs up onto the couch she was confused as she looked at her phone for a moment, I could see every one of her curves through her clothes and it made me want her more. I needed to make sure she was known as mine though, I needed to make sure that someone this talented was claimed by me in front of everyone who would seek her out.

"It's 10 o'clock already! How did cleaning my house take me that long to get done!" My little lamb's voice almost shrieked as she hung her head before looking back at me. "Mikeal, do you truly need to stay here tonight? I already said that I would go with you tomorrow and that should be enough for you to know that I actually will do as I say!" She stomped her foot a bit as she was getting very frustrated with the situation, but there was a little fear still there behind her voice and eyes most definitely because of my little lapse of self control towards Brianna. My lamb did not know she was in a house of predators that day, she didn't know that Brianna was a demon and could withstand falling from a building and even getting shot, my little throw was like a love tap to her. I couldn't explain it to her and it started frustrating me that I had to hide still from her. Not that I cared if it scared her knowing what I was, knowing that I was a product of a gruesome afterlife that some call hell. If she was scared I'd keep her until she wasn't, if she wanted to run away I'd lock her up until she knew there was no chance. She is mine. But I can't do anything until my father approves of it, and since it has been over a millennium since he approved a union between a human and a demon the odds were not in my favor. Even then though, that would not stop me and I would still make her mine, even if I had to defect from my fathers rule, it's never been something I ever truly wanted to live by anyways and only did it as nothing else interested me for over a decade. I could sleep with anyone I wanted, I could kill who needed to be killed, I could do what I wanted for the most part. Love and other things never interested me after seeing my father when my mother was gone and after feeling it once before. Looking back to Freya she had some how gone to get a blanket and a pillow for me all while I was lost in my thoughts and I hadn't heard her at all. This woman was dangerous to me, especially for me to lower my guard that much when around her.

"Thank you my little chubby lamb." I grinned as she rolled her eyes at me and tossed the blanket at my feet and the pillow at my face.

"You know, you don't always have to call me chubby, I know I'm fat okay?" Her voice was annoyed but not upset, I could tell she was just being a bit rebellious yet not quite bratty. I grabbed her arm gently to stop her from walking from me before I ran my hand down her side to her thigh looking up to her eyes. Her 4'7 height really made things much more enjoyable as I was able to easily access every part of her body while just sitting on the couch.

"I know my lamb, but I love your fat. Your my chubby lamb, and it's something I wouldn't say if I didn't enjoy it." I smiled before she pulled away from me and sighed while walking to her room. She stopped in her doorway and looked back at me.

"What if I don't enjoy it?" She spoke calmly and stared at me.

"You'll learn to." I causally spoke watching as the fire lit in her eyes making my mouth dry with excitement. She bit her lip and I groaned, then she went into her room slamming her door.


Why did he have to tease me so much! Why did I let him? I kept chewing on my bottom lip as if I was starved for days as I groaned out of frustration and laid in my bed. My bladder screamed at me as I sighed and stood up going to the bathroom to pee and get ready for bed for the night, I needed to shower and brush my teeth. Soon as I got out of the shower drying my curly hair with the towel gently I noticed my bedroom door was slightly open and I rushed to it to see if Mikeal was still on the couch. Peering out into the living room I could see his brown and white hair on the edge of the arm of the couch, I let out a breath and closed the door because if he was in my room in the dark I would have tried to punch him if he scared me and that would not have been a good idea. Finding another long shirt and some loose shorts I got into bed again, my body was very ready to get to sleep after being tormented by watching that handsome deviant and the effects everything he did had on my body.

"Why are you here?" The voice in my dream spoke softly, it sounded like my grandmothers from when I was a little girl before all the drama of my parents. I could not see anything in the dark but I felt like I was walking in a room as I could hear my footsteps echoing in it.

"I don't know, am I not suppose to be here?" My voice was soft and I could hear a different elegance to it than I usually have. Suddenly the lights were turned on and as my eyes adjusted to the brightness I could hear waltzing music all around me and the voices of many people. As my vision started to come back I could see many of women dressed in beautiful corseted Victorian dresses and hair piled high with hats that were obviously made for very rich women. Immediately I felt self conscious and looked down at myself noticing I was still my own chubby self but I was wearing a corset and a gown that touching the floor it was obviously made for a taller woman. It was a beautiful blood red colour with accents of black and gold. Reaching my lace covered hands up to my head feeling my curly hair piled up a little but flowing down my back and a tiny hat on the right side of my head. I couldn't imagine what my face must look like, many people were looking to me and I wasn't sure why before I felt a hand on my back and a hand sliding into to my left hand interlocking our fingers, which I am sure was not acceptable based on the gasps from the women who were currently starring at me. I heard a glass shatter as I turned my head to my left and saw who I was sure was Brianna, standing there glaring at me with broken glass at her feet.

"My little chubby lamb, you are in the den of slaughter for someone as delectable as you." I knew that voice and the effect it had over me as goosebumps gathered all over my skin before I lifted my head up to the right and found myself staring at Mikeal with his hair shorter and no longer able to cover his eye yet without a scar on his face. His smile was a drug that in this dream I was more than willing to overdose on. Turning me to face him he lifted my chin leaning down before he pressed his lips against mine, they were warm and felt like silk against my own, I couldn't breath properly as he held me there. A tap on my shoulder caused him to stop leaving me dazed and biting my own lip as I turned to see another woman who was much taller than me, around 5'6, looking down at me with anger and death in her eyes. She was beautiful, thick raven black hair with golden sun kissed skin, making her ocean blue eyes stand out.

"Rosemary, you are here with Henry?" Mikeal's voice sounded like he was being playful with the woman before she looked up at him, I saw Brianna stand beside the girl, both glaring at me and him tears filling their eyes.

"You should not be here." Both the women screamed at us and lifted their right hands holding daggers as they attacked me stabbing at my body allowing my blood to flow easily, I could feel the warmth from the blood but my body felt so cold. Looking up I could see Mikeal screaming as he broke the black haired woman's neck and broke Brianna's arm it seemed like. When he looked down at me I had got one of the daggers, he knelt beside me and held my head up as I started to lose feeling in the lower half of my body, his hand going to my stomach as I felt another life fading away inside of me. Lifting the dagger to Mikeal's face I slid the tip down his blue eye socket, cutting the flesh as he closed his eyelid.

"Remember me." I whispered right before my body shot up from the bed in a very cold sweat trying to catch my breath and look at my surroundings trying to make myself realize that it was all a dream.