

Sliding out of the bed I slowly made my way to the door, opening it slowly watching as Mikeal was sitting on the bed holding his head before he pulled out his phone answering a call.

"I'll be back tomorrow night, you don't need to worry." His voice was quiet as he spoke calmly to the person on the other end. "No, I'm not with her, I'll call you tomorrow." Biting my lip my mind started racing wondering who he had to lie to this late at night, suddenly a growl made me jump as I focused my sight again back on Mikeal who was now sitting straighter on the couch while he squeezed the phone tightly.

"If you dare, you can try at the party on Saturday!" His voice boomed and I shied away from the door for a moment. "But for now.." His voice had instantly softened as he continued on. "You need to listen unless you want your ass kicked right now. You will not come until the party, you will not call me again and you will not communicate with the Lilith child." Closing the door as he continued speaking my mind was so full of questions, but the dream was very fresh, I needed to write it down, I needed to draw it. It was gnawing at my brain needing to be let lose into my art and words. Groaning I jumped back into bed trying to lull myself back to sleep, I hope that Mikeal can get back to sleep too, that phone call didn't seem friendly and I was terrified he would lose hold of his temper again and he'd break something of mine this time. Pulling my blanket up to my face I sighed and starred at the door in the dark not sure what to do, not sure if sleep would be willing to retake me for the night. If it did, what would it hold for me? More nightmares? Maybe it would be peaceful? Closing my eyes for what seemed like only a few seconds I found myself opening them very quickly and regretting it for my room was full of sunlight and my door was open, letting in the smell of something delicious. Before I could get out of bed the silhouette of Mikeal come through my door as he stopped in front of me squatting down so he was face to face with me.

"Get up." His voice was stern and even had an edge of anger to be before he ripped the blankets off me making me cry out and roll away quickly from him falling off the other side of the bed.

"You are pitiful little lamb." He growled at me before walking out of the room leaving the door open and leaving me there laying on the ground coughing a little from the impact on the floor.

"And you're an asshole Mikeal sir." I growled back not even sure if he could hear me as I got up and went to my dresser to get dressed.


After watching her display of childishness I was beginning to lose my cool with her all because I hadn't got a lot of sleep in the night and spent most of it watching her sleep like some sort of creep. Sliding my hand through my hair I took some of the food I ordered and put it on a plate for her and some on a plate for me before setting the table she had which I'm sure was actually used as a shelf than a place to eat. I could hear her shuffling in her room undoubtedly getting dressed before she came out, part of me was almost excited to get her trying on different dresses for me. As I thought about our day ahead, my little lamb came out of her room wearing blue jeans covered in paint splatters and a long white shirt full of little holes at the bottom and stretched out. Everything fit her well enough, showing off her chubby full body but it looked so, old and cheap, I couldn't keep my mouth closed when she went to a chair to grab a very old looking grey hoodie off of it to cover herself up with.

"You don't need any more clothes than what you're wearing, it's not cold out today and you need to eat before we leave now." My voice was commanding I know, because I wanted to command her, I wanted to make her listen to me right then and be an obedient little lamb so I can get the day started. I could tell right away that she was tired and she glared at me before she disobediently put on the hoodie and came to the table looking at the food.

"Where did you get this food? You can cook?" Her voice was full of surprise as she looked at the muffins and eggs with various different types of meats and fruit crepes. I scoffed at her a bit before replying.

"Yes, I can cook. I've been living on my own for th- many years." I cleared my throat and looked into her eyes before I continued. "But I couldn't cook, I had to get my butler to bring the food while he was bringing over my clothes." She rolled her eyes at me and shook her head obviously not believing that I could actually cook anything.

"Mmm, do you know why I couldn't cook breakfast for us little lamb?" She looked up at me as my voice rolled over her body and her big brown eyes starred at me confused, I sat down and began to cut up some of the meat on my plate.

"Because you, do not have any food to cook in your house." I spoke slowly and elegantly while I took a bite of a crepe, though I didn't need to eat I did enjoy the tastes of the foods in front of me. Meat helped keep my anger under control though, any meat would work and I didn't actually require it to be cooked. Her face flushed red as she lowered her head down not making eye contact with me until she was finished.

"Lets get going, I'll have my butler come up from downstairs to clear the breakfast plates and such." I again wanted her to listen to me and to immediately be ready to go, but this lamb was not in the mood for being good today and instead of getting up to go she ran to the bathroom saying she'd meet me downstairs. Shaking my head I sighed looking at a tall mirror she had to make sure I was ready to go out for the day. Black suit pants with a black turtleneck sweater, which was as soft as it looked. I adjusted my snakebites on my bottom lip so that the ball didn't show and made a mental note to buy the rings that had no balls on them. Messing up my hair I nodded letting it fall over the scar on my blue eye before I headed out her door and went down to where my butler waited patiently.


Running to the bathroom I really had to pee, I felt embarrassed that I had forgotten to get groceries for myself and that he has seen that I was not exactly a very good adult. But maybe it would deter him from actually wanting to marry me and he would just kinda let me go after the party. Letting out a breath as I finished in the bathroom and made my way to the door, I just happened to catch Mikeal standing in front of my mirror checking himself out. I know he knows just how attractive he is, especially in that shirt today with his neck tattoos just poking out the top of it, his hand tattoos just sliding out from the sleeves of the shirt. He was amazing looking and I could tell why I would need to draw him for my book, he looked like what people would describe as a god. When he left I smiled to myself, at least if I hate shopping I can enjoy the view of him, suddenly a thought entered my head as I grinned deviously. Maybe, I can get him to try on some things.