

Looking over her as I went to the gown racks, I wanted her in something pure, something elegant, something that showed her as the goddess she was. At the end of the rack was a dusty rose coloured gown, the same colour as the last gown I had made for her and I smiled remembering her in that one and it was true, she could of worn that gown again, but it would not have been proper to wear the same gown so close together in occasions, and in an engagement party you wouldn't be wearing something used. Looking at a couple of gowns beside it I noticed that Freya was standing there looking at me then looking back at a certain gown. Leaning back a bit to look at the gown in front of her I noticed it was blood red, my lips frowned as unhappy memories came back and I instinctively moved the hair back over my scarred blue eye. She bit her lip and I turned away trying to hold back my groan as I noticed the inadequate employee was back waiting for me to give her work to do. Her attitude towards my lamb did not sit well with me and I wished to destroy her confidence, she was not nearly in her league and the fact she tried repulsed me. Grabbing a few coloured gowns, greens, pinks, and beige ones I began to walk up to the lady and then stopped by the red gown and grabbed it too noticing my lambs excitement. The lady took Freya to the dressing room with a cream coloured corset and a black one to match with the gowns, I sat on the couch surprised Freya stopped arguing with me after seeing the dress, biting the corner of my lip as I leaned back into the posh Victorian styled couch. Soon she came out with a beautiful beige gown on paired with the black corset, it accented all of her body's natural shapes and brought her already perky large breasts even higher, truly a goddess in disguise this woman was. Grinning at her she looked embarrassed.

"Mikeal, I feel silly wearing this, does it even look good on me? I feel like I'm going to get made fun of at my own party." Her voice was quiet and she was nervously giggling before I got up and looked her over while walking around her.

"Don't worry my little lamb, no one will make fun of you. Your future husband approves." Speaking these words especially so close to her neck made her jump a little as she humphed at me and turned to go back into the back, as I walked back to the couch waiting for the next gown. I had an idea already which one I wanted her to wear, I had thought long and hard about tomorrow and I couldn't wait for her to be in view of the whole clan, for everyone old and new, and for all the socialites in the city could see the woman I wanted. Looking up dragging myself out of my thoughts as I gazed at her in front of me, my body leaned forward my right elbow landing on my right knee while my other arm steadied me on the couch. She stood in front of me in the blood red gown with the cream corset, she had her long brown hair half up and half down with silver rings on her fingers bringing silver highlights to the dress. She was light, unlike that day they had dressed her so darkly, but this time, I am the one dressing her. This is the way she was meant to look, my light that caused my heart to beat so fast and bring me back to younger more naive days. Standing up I couldn't stop myself and pulled her closer to me by her lower back causing her to squeak slightly before i leaned my head forward almost kissing her before she turned her head quickly making my lips crash against her cheek. I growled slightly and pulled from her flustered and took a hand through my hair messing it up a little more while I turned away to calm myself down a bit. I breathed in slowly and turned back to her before nodding.

"This one." I spoke assertively, as I sat back down on the couch and nodded to the employee who witnessed it all before she nodded and took Freya back into the change room leaving me in my memories.


Looking at myself in the long wavy blood red dress with the silky cream coloured corset, I couldn't help but remember the darker version of this ensemble from my dreams. Thinking about Mikeal's reaction it gave me butterflies and made me worried again about the dream and I found myself just starring into space before the staff lady started grabbing my corset strings and wrenching it off of me harshly while I held onto a bar that was in front of the mirror in the dressing room.

"Could you please not do that as harshly as you are?" I tried to speak up to her before she pushed me into the mirror causing it to crack from the impact of my shoulder as I protected my face and head. She grabbed my hair and held me against the mirror making me face her.

"You are such an ungrateful bitch, such a beautiful man is starring at you like a meal and you just shy away from him. What makes you so much better than me? Are you made of gold?" She grabbed onto my groin through the dress, making me suck in a breath hard before memories started to get triggered and I was teleported into my past. Blacking out for moment before I came back and she was ready to slap me before I brought up my left arm elbowing her in the face, then kicking her very hard in the groin which caused her to let me go. I growled and kicked her again, this time against her chest which sent her stumbling backwards out of the change room and onto her bottom. I glared at her walking out squatting down as I lifted her chin so she was eye to eye with me, I could see the fear in her eyes and that reassured me that she wasn't fully gone and she has some sort of ability to realize the danger she could be in.

"Don't ever touch me, do you understand? If you value your life, you will learn to keep yourself in check, because one day, much like today, you'll run into someone more dangerous and they won't be as kind as I am. They will destroy you as they were once destroyed. You will be left to build yourself back up alone and afraid just like they did. You will be stronger from it but you will never forget and it will haunt you for the rest of your life and you will never forgive yourself for the pain and suffering you caused to that person to push them to the extreme." I let go of her chin and walked back into the dressing room to take off the corset and gown, I hated it when I got like that, I hated being mean to people, but I can't stop it once it begins, I can't help that darkness that erupts from me when I'm in danger now. I should apologize, perhaps violence wasn't the answer to that situation. I sighed as I dressed myself back into my jeans, shirt and hoodie, putting my hair into a thick messy bun at the top of my head. Closing my eyes before I exited the dressing room preparing to come out to anything, like threats of calling the cops or maybe she has called more people to back her up putting Mikeal also into danger. That thought stopped me in my tracks as I almost couldn't breath for some reason thinking of Mikeal in danger, why was I feeling like this?

"Well my little lamb, that was exactly how a goddess handles her business." Mikeal walked up to me grinning while he put his arm around my shoulders using his finger tips to turn my head toward him, I could see emotions swirling in both his deep eyes, it made me feel, safe.

"That is exactly how my wife should be taking care of people disrespecting her." His voice was sure, he sounded proud and it made me blush.

"I shouldn't have done that." He shushed me while her turned me in front of him as he stared in my eyes holding my face still.

"You defended yourself and established yourself to make sure it never happened again to you or anyone else ever again. No shame in that, no reason to apologize. Without doing that then the scum around us will only build and begin to spread the toxicity, creating a world of hate and negativity, a world of entitlement and no one who ever takes responsibility for their actions. You are a queen Freya, own it." As his voice rolled over my body my heart began to hurt but not out of fear or pain, his words did something else to me as I stared back into his eyes. For a brief moment I saw the Mikeal from my dream, one that had no mask on, one that showed his thoughts and emotions. He for a second showed me the truth of his mind. I nodded as I saw the cloud settle back over his eyes and facial expressions, the mask slowly being collected and sown into place. He took the gown and corset and walked up to the lady as she stood at the register shaking glaring at me while she rang in the gown and corset, Mikeal paid for it and even kept my wallet as ransom so I couldn't. I didn't even hear the price before he swiped his black card into the machine. His eyes were not kind, and the staff lady was obviously very afraid of him as she packaged the outfit, which ended up including dark red lace gloves, black bloomers and the smallest black shoes they had in size 5, which was still a little too big for me but Mikeal had bought also some toe thing to help with the size difference. I stood there not knowing how to hold myself until Mikeal started for the front doors, as he walked by me he whispered to me without moving too close.

"Do not look back." I was confused as he spoke, all wide eyed and biting gritting my teeth out of worry as I walked behind him. As we exited the store, I never looked back, and I didn't feel bad, I didn't feel anxious to know what she was going to do. Leaning on the car looking at me Mikeal smirking to the right, just as his phone began to buzz causing him to frown slightly.